CBD as a Big Step in the History

CBD as a Big Step in the History

With the development of technology in the world, we have a lot of discoveries and ideas. The components of marijuana became uncovered many years ago. Today they are the star of discussions on the Internet, the main product for research by many scientists and consequently driving up the sales.

What is CBD

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is the most known compound found in the cannabis plant. THC is the second well-researched compound that has psychoactive properties and is responsible for the narcotic effect. The history of Central Asia suggests that the plant was used for medical purposes and rituals around 750 BC, although there are other estimations available.

Cannabidiol and THC are just two of more than 100 cannabinoids found in this plant. CBD is studied daily 50% less worldwide as a treatment for a wide range of diseases. Even though both CBD and THC have therapeutic properties, CBD does not make a person feel intoxicated because it is not psychoactive, unlike THC. It is because CBD and THC have different impacts on different receptors in the brain and the human body.

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The cannabis plant has two species called hemp and marijuana. The main difference is that hemp is rich in CBD and low in THC, whereas marijuana has predominantly more THC than CBD. Therefore, hemp is the type of cannabis that is used for manufacturing CBD infused products.

The Composition of Hemp Oil

  • About 400 organic compounds, making it the absolute leader among oils;
  • Essential fatty acids. Hemp oil content is comparable only with pine nut oil: 50–60% omega-6 class, alpha-linoleic: 16–20% omega-3 class. The ratio of these essential acids is on the list of recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Institute of Health. These acids are especially valuable for people with poor health, as well as for the senior. Gamma-linolenic acid, which is rare in foods, is found in hemp oil in considerable amounts. This acid prevents the development of many diseases;
  • Monounsaturated oleic acid: 11–14%. A significant number of this acid is also comparable only with pine nut oil.

It contains many other valuable active substances: micro and macro elements, fat-soluble vitamins, phospholipids, bactericidal substances, etc.

Take into account that scientists also found other substances that weren’t identified in hemp oil. However, studies have shown that they only enhance the healing effect.

Due to its unique composition, hemp oil obtained by cold pressing is the most effective among a large number of other oils that people can buy in stores and pharmacies.

In addition to essential fatty acids, hemp oil also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C and E, antioxidants chlorophyll and lecithin. In modern times, people consume a large number of fats, that can cause the development of cardiovascular diseases, as well as cancer. Hemp, on the other hand, possesses irreplaceable acids, which are much more beneficial for the human body.

Let’s consider and compare the different oils obtained by cold pressing.

Hemp Oil

It contains the most optimal proportion of Omega 3 to 6 for the human body. It has the lowest amount of saturated fat and the highest content of polyunsaturated fat (essential fatty acids) among all other edible oils. It also contains Omega 6 Gamma-Linolenic Acid.

Sunflower Oil

Omega 3 is almost absent in sunflower oil. However, it contains:

  • arachidonic acid: 0.7–0.9%;
  • palmitic acid;
  • myristic acid;
  • stearic acid.

In the course of extensive research, it was found that excess of palmitic acid in the body can become a powerful factor in the emergence of various negative processes in the body. Also, its ability to not be excreted from the body means that it will accumulate, causing the replacement of normal cells.

If you want to discover core CBD oil benefits, 500mg CALM CBD oil by Grass & Co. is the right product to start with. Unlike pure oils, this one is flavoured with mint

Linseed Oil

Linseed oil is considered to be one of the most useful in the world because it contains a large amount of Omega 3. the proportion of Omega is 2:6, which is even more than in hemp oil; however, it is a wrong ratio for the human body. Nevertheless, it contains many useful substances, such as

  • phosphorus, iodine, selenium, zinc;
  • phytosterols (the predominant part is beta-sitosterol);
  • retinol;
  • fatty acids (polyunsaturated and saturated);
  • antioxidants — lignans;
  • vitamins of groups E, K, C.

Olive Oil

The composition of extra virgin olive oil contains several substances that are useful for most organs and functions of the human body, namely: fatty acids: oleic, linolenic acid, linoleic, stearic, palmitic. It also contains vitamins: E and K. Hemp oil contains 40% fewer fat saturations than olive oil.

Pumpkin Seed Oil

It contains a minimal amount of Omega 3. It is obtained from pumpkin seeds by cold pressing. Chemical composition of the product includes triglycerides, essential oils, phospholipids, tocopherols, carotenoids, pectins, sterols, vitamins A, E and F and selenium. Pumpkin seed oil is rich in protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and zinc. However, it can be a lot more expensive than its opponents.

Rapeseed Oil

Rapeseed oil contains 50% less omega 3 acids than hemp oil. In science, rapeseed oil has already been christened “Russian olive” due to the similarities in the composition of these products. Rapeseed oil also contains other fatty acids in the same amounts as the famous olive oil. Also, it is rich in the following useful components:

  • Vitamin A, which improves vision and immunity;
  • Vitamin D, which protects children from rickets, and adults — from skin diseases;
  • Vitamin E, or tocopherols, are the primary antioxidants that protect our body from the threat of cancer.

Many people are looking for better alternatives to pharmaceuticals with substantial side effects. Knowing how human body works biologically, it has been proven scientifically that CBD oil can relieve chronic pain, anxiety, inflammation, depression, and many other conditions. Scientific studies have proven that CBD can be a therapeutic agent for many disorders and diseases.

What are the Benefits of CBD Oil?

1. Treatment of Anorexia

Anorexia refers to starvation due to a constant desire to lose weight. This disease is characterized by extreme weight loss and can be caused by minimal food intake or overeating (eating disorders). Anorexia affects less than 2% of the population and is much more prevalent among women than men. Where traditional medicine and standard therapy for the treatment of anorexia are unsuccessful, it is believed that CBD oil can stabilise appetite and improve nutrition in patients.

The stimulating effect on the endocannabinoid system of cannabis molecules, such as THC and CBD, is the key to increasing the desire to eat in people who are always suffering from hunger. According to some studies, the imbalance in our endocannabinoid system is directly related to the development of eating disorders. It means that CBD oil treatment can be an active therapeutic agent because of its inner ability to stimulate the ECS and provide the balance which is necessary to restore the body’s health.

The High Strength 20% (2000mg) CBD oil from Arima is a natural, potent product that will not only make you feel good; but convince you to believe in the true, healing powers of nature, and help you live a healthier life.

There are also numerous other benefits that cannabinoids can give to people who suffer from poor appetite. First of all, the most common form of anorexia is nervosa, and the introduction of CBD into the body is an effective treatment for many types of anxiety.

2. Management of Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are very common mental health disorders that can have devastating effects on health and well-being. Anxiety is characterized by unreasonable nervousness, fear, apprehension, and anxiety, which don’t correspond to real danger. Panic disorder and phobias are also considered anxiety disorders. Symptoms include constant tension, panic, a sense of doom, beatings, sweating, tiredness, and problems with a concentration that may also occur. Almost one in three adults in the United States experiences anxiety at least once in their life.

It has been reported that using cannabis not only reduces anxiety but also improves mood. Indeed, preclinical animal studies have shown that THC consumed in low doses and CBD have an antidepressant effect. These studies prove that cannabis can be an effective treatment to reduce depression.

Several other studies have also indicated that CBD therapy can improve the quality of life and sleep in people with Parkinson’s disease. Animal and test-tube studies have shown that CBD can also reduce inflammation and help prevent neurodegeneration.

Unfortunately, some people in these studies experienced side effects associated with treatment using CBD, such as fever, cramps, and fatigue. However, they appeared to be mild and lasted no more than 2–4 hours.

3. Treatment of Arthritis

Arthritis is an inflammation of joints. There are many different types, such as osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Symptoms often include joint pain, inability to bend affected parts of the body, or swelling. About one in five people in the world have arthritis. This illness is more prevalent in women and people with heart disease, as well as diabetes.

Greg Gerdeman, a former assistant professor of biology at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida, spoke about it at the annual meeting of the Congress on Clinical Rheumatology. His comments and notes on the cannabinoid treatment of rheumatic diseases:

“The use of cannabis or other sources of cannabinoids as a treatment of rheumatic diseases shows many preclinical possibilities because of the importance of the endocannabinoid system in regulating inflammation and adaptive immune response.”

He also noted: “Many processes are involved in rheumatic diseases, such as macrophage, infiltration, etc. All these factors can lead to chronic inflammatory pain associated with rheumatic diseases. This inflammation can be prevented by cannabinoid receptors. In general, many preclinical studies confirm that cannabinoids tend to attenuate inflammation, for example, in cases of brain injury or stroke, and in case of rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. There are many legal, scientific studies on the use of cannabinoids as a treatment of rheumatic diseases. Doctors should be aware that this won’t stop and should support and continue research for the best evidence that CBD is a good solution for rheumatic diseases.”

4. Improvement of Heart Health

Heart disease is also a big problem in the world. It is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Of course, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle guarantee improvements for people with these diseases; however, CBD oil can also help relieve symptoms or be an addition to the primary treatment.

Cannacares CBD transdermal patches (£9.99) are great at treating localised pain. Or if you experience pain if you’re sitting for long periods of time. Equally, people can experience muscle tension pain daily from long-distance driving. Or even in jobs where you’re required to sit or stand — for long periods of time. Tension can occur if you don’t regularly stretch or exercise. Also, bad posture plays a contributing factor. So simply apply a patch to clean the area of your skin to experience the benefits from this powerful plant!

In a small study that was published in JCI Insight in 2017, scientists discovered the ability of CBD oil to prevent and reduce blood pressure spikes caused by stress. In this study, nine male volunteers were given a single dose of either CBD or placebo. Participants treated with CBD had lower blood pressure than those who took a placebo. Results were evaluated both before and after experiencing stressful situations.

According to researchers, cannabidiol helps to:

  • Reduce clogged arteries;
  • Reduce Stress-Induced Cardiovascular Response;
  • Lower blood pressure;
  • Lower blood cholesterol;
  • Prevent inflammation and oxidative stress, which are often precursors to heart disease.

5. Treatment of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a complicated mental illness that is usually treated with various therapies and pharmaceuticals that often have terrible side effects.

Based on some research, scientists found that CBD is an excellent tool in the treatment of Schizophrenia, due to its unique therapeutic properties, as well as a considerably lower risk of side effects.

According to the 2015 study review, CBD is a safe, effective, and well-tolerated treatment for various forms of psychosis. However, it is important to know that scientists need to conduct more research in order to add CBD to permanent clinical practice.

You must remember that THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis, can increase the psychosis of the patients. At the same time, CBD only helps to reduce it and can even reduce the psychosis that is caused by the abuse of marijuana.

Another study was published in the Current Pharmaceutical Design, the pharmacology and medicine medical journal. This study revealed that CBD causes effects similar to some antipsychotic drugs. They concluded that this compound is a much more comfortable and practical choice for treating people with Schizophrenia.

6. Reduction of Acne

Acne is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that causes spots of different sizes and colours, especially on the face, shoulders, back, chest, neck, and shoulders.

Acne can happen in people of all ages, and new treatments for skin diseases are always helpful. Some people apply CBD topically to target a particular area of ​​the skin, and others take it internally for long-term prevention.

Sebum helps protect our skin from external aggressors. However, it can mix with dead skin cells and dirt, causing clogging of the pores. This process also causes acne. Other factors that cause acne are hormonal imbalance and genetics, unhealthy diet, stress levels, and using certain medications.

Several studies have shown that CBD oil has excellent healing properties for treating skin diseases such as eczema by stimulating abnormal cell death.

The study, published in 2014 in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, showed that CBD affects one’s sebocytes — cells that create sebum and help reduce its excessive production, partly due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

It’s important to note that cannabidiol also contains many nutrients, such as vitamin E, which help nourish and protect the skin.

CBD in Europe: Is it Legal Everywhere?

CBD is legal in most countries of the world. However, as CBD is an extract of the cannabis plant, its legitimacy is based on a large number of regulations and various laws that state that not everyone can grow, produce or buy this product. The proportion of compounds in CBD products is also vitally important. It can play a significant role in deciding whether it can be used in a certain country. Also, we need to add the fact that each state has its own laws that are always changing regarding cannabis and CBD.

CBD is legal everywhere in Europe except for Slovakia. In Italy, attitudes and laws about the CBD are continually fluctuating and changing. However, many CBD infused products are still being sold in Italy, as companies and enterprises have not been ordered to close down. Relations with hemp and the CBD in Italy nowadays are turbulent.

EU rules govern the sale of CBD in most European countries. However, these countries have the right to interpret the laws in a slightly different way, based on their regulations.

Is CBD Legal in the UK?

CBD is legal in the UK if the THC is below the 0.2% limit. THC is a controlled substance under the Drug Abuse Act of 1971.

CBD UK Regulations

Cannabis is listed as a Class B drug under the Drug Abuse Act, but CBD is not on the list of controlled substances. This law has led some people to think that they have the right to grow their own hemp or marijuana, which is incorrect: individual cultivation of hemp and marijuana is illegal. To do this legally, CBD manufacturers in the UK are required to obtain a license and permission from the UK Department of the Interior.

Similarly, to sell CBD oil, you must be a licensed medical distributor or sell the product as a nutritional supplement. Additionally, the CBD product must be appropriately labelled following the 2003 Food Additives Rules (England).

What are the different ways to consume CBD?

CBD oil very popular because of its versatility. It fits almost all people because it has a lot of methods of consumption. It can be consumed in a variety of ways, such as oils, foods, capsules, and creams. It means that people who want to use the CBD can find a method that will suit their needs, wishes and lifestyle.


People prefer to use pills and tablets because it makes the dosage more straightforward in comparison to measuring oil drops or cream amounts. As a rule, it is almost impossible to make a mistake here. They are also suitable for those who do not like the original taste of CBD oil.

Nevertheless, when consuming capsules, it is necessary to take into account the fact that CBD absorption into the blood is slower than oil, for instance, so the effect will not be noticed momentarily.


If you currently smoke electronic cigarettes, this will be the best option for you. CBD e-liquids are easily refilled into the cartridge. They will quickly fit into your current lifestyle. However, it may be challenging to measure out the right dosage. Equipment for electronic cigarettes and vaping devices can also be quite expensive.


When CBD is extracted from a plant, the primary form is too concentrated. Therefore it needs to be diluted with a carrier oil (hemp, coconut, etc.) and packaged in small glass bottles with a pipette. Using this method, CBD quickly enters your bloodstream, as drops of oil are immediately absorbed under the tongue.


CBD foods are snacks, chewing candies, and candy bars that have been infused with CBD. You can buy ready-made foods such as candy, cookies, and cakes. CBD can also be added to salad dressings, smoothies or sauces.


People who suffer from muscle pain or arthritis prefer to use local topical methods. These balms and CBD oils can be explicitly applied to the affected area. This allows you to get rid of pain quickly, thanks to the anaesthetic and anti-inflammatory effects of CBD oil.


Using CBD orally means getting it directly into the digestive tract. CBD comes in the form of oil, tinctures, foods, chewing gums, capsules, and powder. CBD oil is cannabidiol mixed with a carrier oil. CBD tinctures are cannabidiol suspended in alcohol. Gummies and food products are different types of edibles produced using CBD as an additive. CBD powder is a concentrated crystalline form of CBD that can also be used to enhance food and beverages or added to carrier oils.

CBD enters directly into the digestive tract, but with this method of receiving CBD oil, most of it will be destroyed before it enters the bloodstream.

CBD, ingested orally, also has many chances to enter the process of filtering certain pharmaceuticals, since they compete with them in metabolism in the liver. Also, CBD oil taken in this way has the slowest absorption rate, but it can be increased by consuming healthy fats after eating.

UK Cannabis Timeline

Cannabis laws were first introduced in the UK in 1928 by the Dangerous Drugs Act. When the Drug Act, the prevention of abuse, came to an end in 1967, it was recommended to reduce fines for possession of cannabis. The cultivation of marijuana, regardless of its type, continued to be limited to the 1971 Drug Abuse Act.

2001 introduced new rules on drug abuse. This allowed people to grow hemp if they had a license from the Ministry of the Interior, and it was used only for research purposes.

The first cannabis-based medicine became available in the UK in 2015, and could only be bought with a prescription. It has become possible because of cannabis research and its therapeutic properties, as well as the adoption of new laws. It has led us to where we are today when CBD products are legal, but under the same code, they must have a THC level of no more than 0.2%.

Is it Safe to Use CBD?

In the WHO report on the CBD, no damaging effects or addiction caused by abuse were found on one’s health. However, since marijuana has been historically an illegal plant in the United States, the researchers faced challenges in studying its properties. Thus, there are still many questions about the correct dosage, as well as interactions with other substances and drugs.

Also, nowadays, it is a huge industry, where new research, companies, and stores are continually appearing, and some manufacturers deserve more trust than others. For example, some manufacturers use chemicals such as butane and hexane to extract CBD from the plant. These substances can leave a mark on the product. Others, on the other hand, use green methods that extract CBD using CO2 extraction, which is considered safer.

Another serious problem is that labels on some CBD products may include false information. The results of the 2017 study showed important information — the researchers tested 84 CBD products and determined that 70% were mislabeled. It means that you cannot be sure what dosage you will receive and whether it is dangerous for health. For example, if the label says that this product contains 100 milligrams of CBD, in reality, it may include five or, in worse cases, more than 200 mg.

What Does the FDA Think of the CBD?

The FDA is in the early stages of supporting the production and sale of CBD products. In 2018, the FDA approved the first CBD drug that was developed by a British pharmaceutical company designed to treat critical forms of epilepsy in children. It is expected that we will see more pharmaceutical companies that produce CBD products in the future.

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It is important to understand that the FDA does not regulate the output of CBD products. However, even despite this, they are trying to make sure that the companies don’t make “unreasonable advertising statements” that promise to cure all diseases in the absence of any side effects.

The Complete Guide to CBD Oil Dosage

You need to know that different dosages are needed for various forms of products. Some information that you may not have considered, but must take into account is the number of cannabinoids in your CBD products. For example, CBD tinctures from two different CBD brands may be the same in price, although they can contain varying amounts of CBD in the composition.

The correct dosage directly depends on the person, his age, weight, diseases, as well as information about already used drugs. Therefore there is no universal dosage guide for all people and conditions. However, there are ready-made recommendations and serving sizes that you can follow.

To help reduce anxiety, CBD products are recommended with a ratio of 20:1 or higher, which will be administered in the form of drops or food products. Top CBD cannabinoids can a strong positive impact on chronic anxiety, treating stress, and protecting the body from the effects of both distresses.

The basic rule of consuming CBD oil is to start with a minimum dose, to check the sensitivity to the product. Then, based on your feelings, gradually increase the dosage until you feel the desired effect and the symptoms disappear. A minimum unit dose is recommended to alleviate symptoms and treat stress and excessive anxiety with CBD. To alleviate immediate symptoms that require urgent solutions, CBD is recommended to be inhaled. Sublingual sprays, as well as various tinctures that can be taken in the form of drops, as well as under the tongue, act slowly but have a more prolonged effect.

The main task is to make cannabidiol as useful as possible. For example, if you want to get rid of anxiety or depression, a lower dose of CBD will work better than a large dose, since CBD can act as a weak stimulant in smaller doses, but as a sedative in higher doses.

Also, clinical studies of the amount of CBD for specific purposes have shown that there are particular threshold doses to alleviate specific symptoms. Some of these studies have proven that if you exceed the threshold dose, the effectiveness of CBD may be reduced. Thus, even though the CBD does not have an overdose limit, you should be careful when choosing a dosage.

The method you choose to use CBD is also necessary depending on the disease you want to treat. Since CBD can be applied directly to the skin, people can use it to target specific skin symptoms and inflammations, such as psoriasis or acne. However, most medical conditions require CBD to enter the bloodstream, which requires taking it by inhalation or swallowing in any way convenient for you.

It is essential to consider that if CBD has ceased to be as effective as before, it is worth taking a week-long break so that all the therapeutic properties are back in effect.

Side Effects

Although CBD is generally well-tolerated and considered safe, it can cause adverse reactions in some people.

Side effects noted in the studies include:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Changes in appetite and weight
  • Fatigue

CBD is also known to interact with several drugs. Before you start using CBD oil, discuss this with your doctor to ensure safety and avoid an adverse reaction due to mixing potentially dangerous compounds.

Although CBD can be an addition to many standard treatments, you need to make sure that this doesn’t make your pharmaceutical treatment less effective or cause dangerous interactions.

CBD for Dogs

Scientists have found that cannabinoids interact with endocannabinoid receptors located in the central and peripheral nervous system of animals, which are responsible for conserving stability in the body and maintaining it in a healthy state. Although there is no exact scientific evidence on the use of CBD for treating dogs, there is the information of dog owners who say that it can help in pain relief, especially neuropathic pain.

Side Effects of Using CBD for Dogs

  • Dry mouth: studies have shown that CBD can reduce saliva production.
  • Low blood pressure. High doses of CBD are known to cause a temporary drop in blood pressure. Even if CBD was given in small dosage, it might cause mild dizziness.
  • Drowsiness: many dog owners have used CBD to treat excessive anxiety; however, the calming effect of CBD on the nervous system can also cause slight drowsiness.

The Risks of Using CBD for Dogs

The safety and risks of using CBD to alleviate symptoms and treat dogs have not yet been explored. Therefore, it is impossible to precisely state which dosage will be suitable and which is toxic. Any medications or supplements can have risks and side effects, so whenever you give your dog something new, it is advisable to start with small doses and then carefully monitor the consequences. Always consult your veterinarian first and analyze all the details.

Legality for Athletes

In 2018, the World Anti-Doping Agency excluded the CBD from the list of substances prohibited for competition. However, many major sports leagues and organizations, with the exception of the new exclusion from the Major League Baseball, still restrict the use of THC, even to the extent permitted by law.

CBD won’t be detected in doping tests, primarily if you use CBD oil in its purest form. However, there have been cases of positive results after taking CBD due to the type of test used. The risk also increases if you buy CBD products from unreliable sellers that can be contaminated with other unknown components.

If you are an athlete who is required to take a drug test, it will be better not to take the CBD. If you decided to go with it, carefully read the product label and conduct a study to make sure that you are getting a high-quality, and most importantly, compliant product.

The Bottom Line

There are many therapeutic benefits of using CBD to help patients relieve any distress from headaches and sleeplessness to reducing the symptoms of seizures. Currently, a large number of studies continue to be conducted in the world that helps to determine the benefits and harms of CBD, to further introduce it into the permanent treatment of a wide range of diseases. It is especially important, given its mild side effects, as well as many advantages, because after some time in the world, perhaps, there will be a remedy for people with different symptoms and diseases. It is a big step in the history of medicine and research.

Verified by a Healthcare Professional

Anastasiia Myronenko

Anastasiia Myronenko is a Medical Physicist actively practicing in one of the leading cancer centers in Kyiv, Ukraine. She received her master’s degree in Medical Physics at Karazin Kharkiv National University and completed Biological Physics internship at GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, Germany. Anastasiia Myronenko specializes in radiation therapy and is a fellow of Ukrainian Association of Medical Physicists.

This article includes the promotion of products and services sold on Alphagreen and affiliate links to other businesses.

Alphagreen and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. The information and products presented on this site are not intended for medical use nor do they make any medical claims. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a pre-existing medical condition, are pregnant and/or are breastfeeding, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or another health-related program.



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