CBD as Depression Treatment

Despite widespread myths that depression is merely a state of irritating moodiness, it lists among the most severe diseases acknowledged by WHO. In fact, there is no immunity against depression — it might attack any person, especially after stressful life events or hormonal change. In order to treat a depressive disorder, one should apply the combination of traditional and non-traditional treatments, such as therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes.

Recently, CBD (cannabidiol) has received positive reviews as a potential treatment against depression. CBD holds positive relations with the brain’s serotonin receptors and possibly provides a notable antidepressant effect, already successfully tested on animals. Unlike other cannabis compounds such as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), cannabidiol doesn’t make people “high”. So far, consumers have praised CBD as a potent anti-stress remedy, though additional clinical research is still needed.

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Depression — what is it about?

Though almost everyone feels sadness and helplessness at times, such sentiments typically disappear in a couple of days. However, when life continually seems like a “black hole” without a way out, one should think of having developed a depression. Unlike the seasonal change of moods, depressive disorder disappears nowhere and continues to deteriorate unless preventive measures are taken.

Let’s look into the question first: what is actually depression? Unfortunately, there are still numerous misconceptions about it. Some people assume that depression is a “disease of the rich and lazy,’’ the condition when even champagne and caviar ten times a day don’t bring any joy. Others maintain that only “weak” women get affected by depression, while men don’t suffer from “stupid stuff like that”. Another popular myth is that depressive disorders don’t make a big deal and remain just “a feeling of sadness”.

However, this is all wrong. In reality, depression is a severe mental health disorder with dramatic consequences, recognised by the World Health Organization. According to WHO, depression impairs an individual’s ability to take care of himself/herself and continue with his/her daily activities. Also called Major Depressive Disorder, depression negatively influences physical and mental activities, such as work, study, sports, and maintaining personal relations. At worst, depression leads to substance abuse and suicide.

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Based on the estimations of WHO, more than 300 million people worldwide suffer from different types of depressive disorders. Furthermore, about 1 million lives end up in suicide each year, which means 3000 lives lost every day. Hence, WHO lists depression as the single most significant contributor to the global disability with 7.5 % of all years lived in this disease (according to the statistics recorded in 2015).

How does a depressed person feel? Though depression symptoms may vary from person to person, there are several common signs of being affected by this disorder. A depressed individual typically feels disinterested in the previously enjoyed activities and behaves less engaging in the existing social bonds. Apart from that, he/she might experience some if not all of the following symptoms:

  • Helplessness and loss of hope: the feeling of being unable to do anything to improve the existing situation.
  • Loss of pleasure in life: hobbies, friends, romance, and other joyful activities do not matter anymore.
  • Changes in sleep: chances for insomnia rapidly increase, so do chances of being constantly overslept.
  • Weight loss or gain: in a state of depression, appetite might change as well. Hence, an individual either loses or gains weight, up to 5 % monthly.
  • Loss of energy: increase in fatigue and body exhaustion, the slower performance of daily tasks. Even small things might seem to be too challenging to complete, and motivation is lost.
  • Increased irritability: loss of tolerance, increased restlessness, and even violent behaviour. A depressed person feels like everything and everyone is getting on nerves.
  • Problems with concentration: possible troubles with staying focused, remembering things, or making even simple decisions.
  • Increased feeling of worthlessness and guilt: a depressed person most often feels worthless and mercilessly criticises himself/herself for past choices. Also, he/she may experience intense guilt, sometimes merely for the fact of self-existence.
  • Escapist behaviour: a desire for isolation, substance abuse, gaming dependency. Alternatively, escapism might play down as a penchant for dangerous sports or driving.
  • Unexplained pain: rapidly appearing headaches, stomach pain, back pain, or muscle tension.

The more of the listed symptoms a person has, the longer they last, and the stronger they are — the higher is the possibility of dealing with genuine depression. At the same time, men, women, and children tend to possess slightly different combinations of symptoms.

While men are less likely to profess personal helplessness, they often experience unexplained aggression, sleep deprivation, loss of energy, and disinterest in previously enjoyed hobbies. There is also a higher probability of reckless actions and substance abuse. On the contrary, women are more prone to feeling hopeless and guilty. Among other possible symptoms — weight fluctuations and excessive sleeping. Teens might become increasingly irritating and complain of physical pains.

How does depression appear?

There are several possible depression causes. Among them — genetic predisposition, faulty mood regulation by the brain, stresses and tragic life events, medical problems, and overuse of medications. In general, depression factors can be divided into three categories: biological (for example, genetic faults, long-term physical pain, deteriorating disease), psychological (all kinds of traumas and stresses), and social (such as lasting unemployment, sexual abuse, worsening relationship). Sometimes, depression might be caused by a single factor, in other cases — by the combination of multiple factors.

Depression occurs in different shapes and forms, from somewhat mild to the most severe. Though defining the severity of depression is rather complicated, there are three primary classifications to describe it — mild, moderate, and major.

Mild and moderate depressive disorders remain the most widespread types. Mild depression is characterised by continually feeling down as well as the loss of motivation and joy in life. If not duly treated, mild depression transitions into moderate. With moderate depression, a person loses confidence and self-esteem. His/her energy levels drop, and irritability increases.

At the same time, one should distinguish between moderate depression and recurrent mild depression, also called “dysthymia”. In the case of recurrent mild depression, the symptoms are less obvious, yet they last for years. A person might even feel that a constant low mood is “his/her true self”.

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When the symptoms of moderate depression are left untreated, it later transforms into major depression. Though less common, major depression is characterised by such severe symptoms as sleep and weight change, escapism, reckless behaviour, panic attacks, substance abuse, suicidal thoughts, and unexplained pain. Major depression can also be recurrent.

Sometimes major depression is mistaken with bipolar disorder, also called “manic depression”. This type of depression is described by rather specific symptoms, such as excessive euphoria, impulsive behaviour, and decreased need for sleep. Correct diagnosis is the key to dealing with bipolar disorder. In case misdiagnosed and treated with antidepressants alone, the condition of a patient affected by bipolar disorder might substantially deteriorate.

Finally, one should mention seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It results from the reduced daylight hours during winter. During the cold season, some people might experience intense sadness, hopelessness, and stress. However, as soon as brighter days of spring begin, these symptoms regularly disappear.

Despite being a widespread and dangerous disease, depression remains poorly treated worldwide. According to WHO, fewer than 50 % of those affected by different types of depressive disorders consult doctors and receive appropriate treatment. Even today, many people possess a social stigma against mental disorders; hence, they fail to seek professional help. The deficit of health-care specialists dealing with depression makes another severe problem for several countries.

At the same time, correct diagnosis remains the key factor to successful depression treatment. Misdiagnosed people are frequently advised to take antidepressants that reduce the symptoms rather than eliminate the disease’s roots. To get rid of depression, one should use a sophisticated individual approach.

Traditional methods of depression treatment

Since every depression patient has a specific bunch of symptoms, it is impossible to find a single recipe against all cases. In fact, every individual requires a personal approach based on the combination of various anti-depression remedies. At present, psychological and medical treatments remain the key “traditional” methods to deal with depression.

· Psychological treatments

They are also known as talking therapies, which usually occur as face-to-face sessions with mental health professionals. The primary purpose of therapy is to help a depressed person in changing specific negative thinking patterns and enhancing coping skills to facilitate recovery. During the session, a therapist attempts to find out about the depression’s roots and triggers.

There are several types of therapy against depression. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) mainly works with negative thinking patterns that stand behind depression. Interpersonal therapy (IPT) helps to improve how depressed patients relate to others and heal their personal relationships. Psychodynamic therapy is focused on resolving negative feelings rooted in past experiences that produce negative behaviour.

In the end, each therapy attempts to help a depression patient to regain a sense of control over one’s life and develop positive attitudes. Therapy sessions might take from a couple of weeks to a couple of months.

· Medical treatments

To treat various forms of depression, a doctor might prescribe antidepressants that usually help to reduce the disease’s symptoms. As a rule, antidepressants stimulate the brain by increasing the level of chemicals known as “neurotransmitters”. Some of the neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, noradrenaline, dopamine, norepinephrine, and others, positively affect emotions and mood. Apart from that, neurotransmitters facilitate the growth of new brain cells and connections and thus restore the brain’s neuroplasticity.

Antidepressants are usually taken for approximately 2–4 weeks, while their effect lasts up to 3 months. The most common antidepressants include SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) that boost serotonin levels; SNRIs (serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors) that respectively increase serotonin and NDRIs (norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitors) that inflate dopamine and norepinephrine.

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Though antidepressants eventually reduce depression symptoms, they also possess various unwanted side effects. Among them — mood swings, nausea, dizziness, sexual dysfunction, and many others. Therefore, a patient cannot solely rely on drugs in the long-term. It is essential to realise that antidepressants never treat genuine depression roots, and they should be combined with therapy and alternative methods of treatment.

While therapy and antidepressants continue to dominate for depression treatment, there is no universal solution for each case. Sometimes, it takes a long time to find the most suitable mental health professional. Also, one might try several antidepressants before sticking to non-traditional methods of treatment. Hence, being flexible remains the key to a successful recovery.

Non-traditional methods of depression treatment

For those reluctant to proceed with antidepressants, especially during mild or moderate depression, alternative methods of treatment also exist. Among them — physical exercise, yoga, meditation, healthy diet, improving sleep, and getting social support.

· Physical exercise

The main idea behind physical activity for depression treatment is to reduce stress and to boost energy levels. In general, exercising is harmless for depression patients; however, it is still advised to check with the doctor.

Physical exercises, such as walking, jogging, or aerobic movements, naturally boost the levels of serotonin and endorphins, also known as “feel good” brain chemicals. Furthermore, physical activities naturally stimulate the growth of new brain cells and connections, unlike antidepressants. It should be mentioned though that one should abstain from a rapid increase in physical activities. In a state of depression, even a half-hour daily walk or a simple set of exercises might bring sufficient changes.

· Yoga

In the list of recommended physical activities, yoga stands out as it combines exercises with a philosophical approach. Breathing techniques occupy a significant part of a standard yoga class. The breath is considered to be the critical link between mind and body. Yoga breathing techniques help to energise and to calm down in case of anxiety, while yoga postures make it easier to develop the feeling of body strength.

· Healthy diet

Though there is no specific diet to treat depression so far, individual nutritional recommendations can still be met. First, excluding junk and sugary foods helps to boost energy and reduce mood swings. Second, foods like tuna, salmon, and chicken possess “tryptophan” amino acid, which is thought to produce serotonin. Apart from that, foods containing proteins, such as beans, fish, cheese, and milk, are good sources of energy. Third, fruit- and vegetables-rich Mediterranean diet increases selenium levels, a microelement linked with mood fluctuations.

· Improving sleep

There is a complicated link between sleep and depressive disorders. While depression might cause the deprivation of sleep, the weak sleeping mode could also contribute to the development of the depressive disorder. Some people first develop depression symptoms and later suffer from insomnia; for others, sleep problems come first.

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Since sleep has a strong influence on mood, depression symptoms such as irritability and sadness tend to increase with sleep deprivation. Therefore, a depressed person has to allow at least 7–8 hours of regular sleep. At the same time, battling insomnia might be quite tricky. To do so, one should use various breathing and relaxation techniques. It is essential to focus on breath and body rather than on negative thoughts.

· Mediation

Meditation is a unique form of relaxation when mind attempts to focus on just one idea, word, or phrase. Unlike sleep, mediation is entered into purposefully. According to Dr John W. Denninger from Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital, “Meditation trains the brain to achieve sustained focus, and to return to that focus when negative thinking, emotions, and physical sensations intrude — which happens a lot when you feel stressed and anxious”. Meditating for at least 10 minutes a day should help a depressed person to clear mind and possibly find solutions to the existing problems.

· Getting social support

The desire to belong to a group is essential for every human. Sometimes the desire to belong to a particular company is that strong that people will do anything to get there. Hence, emotional isolation is very dangerous to a person’s mental health. In case a depressed individual fails to address his/her emotional problems and pain, the disease will inevitably deteriorate into more severe phases.

Therefore, a person affected by depression should put some effort into forming a safety net of positive relationships. Sometimes it is impossible to seek support among family members, friends, and colleagues. In such instances, one should think of joining volunteering organisations or anonymous support groups. The most important thing here is not to consider asking for help as a weakness.

In fact, non-traditional methods of depression treatment combined with lifestyle changes might work better compared to antidepressants, especially at moderate stages of the disease. When a depressed individual stays focused on regular exercises, meditations, a healthy diet, and obtains social support, things will inevitably get better. Should a depressed person simultaneously reduce stress or end traumatic relationships, his/her chances to recover significantly improve.

How does CBD help against depression?

In recent years, cannabidiol (CBD) — a natural compound derived from the cannabis hemp plant has also been used for depression treatment. Though the research about how CBD helps against depressive disorders remains limited, several experts believe that it positively affects the brain’s serotonin receptors.

At the same time, one should avoid confusing CBD with other cannabis components that indeed make people “high”, in particular with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). First, THC is mostly found in marijuana, while CBD usually comes from hemp. Second, despite similar atomic compounds, CBD and THC follow different paths in a human body, and therefore produce different reactions. While THC causes “highs” and euphoria, experienced by marijuana consumers, CBD fails to generate any psychoactive effects.

The research from 2014 reported that CBD held positive contact with serotonin receptors in the brain. Since serotonin is a neurotransmitter that affects the feeling of happiness, keeping its levels balanced might be the key to successful depression therapy. There is no evidence so far that CBD increases serotonin levels directly. However, the 2014 study on animals has already confirmed that CBD’s interaction with the serotonin receptors in the brain resulted in an antidepressant effect. Therefore, it is possible to assume that CBD might improve the way the brain’s chemical receptors respond to the already existing serotonin in the body.

In 2016, Neuropsychobiology published the research on genetic depression models of animals. Among other conclusions, the study recommended CBD as a possible treatment against clinical depressive disorders. The Behavioral Brain study published in 2018 later confirmed this research by reporting CBD as a potential antidepressant. Numerous consumers have already replaced antidepressants with CBD. According to Consumer Reports, 22 % of the surveyed people used CBD instead of prescribed opioids and anti-depression drugs, with 74 % of them reporting no side effects.

Nevertheless, if you already consider using CBD to treat depression, you should take into account that there is still little clinical research on its effect on humans. So far, CBD’s possible perks against depressive disorders mostly remain unproven, though new studies appear day by day. At the same time, CBD has a well-known effect in dealing with anxiety, chronic pain, and cognitive impairment.

CBD oil against depression

In case you want to proceed with CBD treatment against depression, a good idea might be to try CBD oil to reduce the symptoms, obviously after consulting with a qualified physician. Right now CBD oil is available in many forms, including capsules and tinctures. Individuals suffering from depression are recommended to begin with smaller doses of 5 to 10 mg. The effects of CBD oil start within several hours since the ingestion and last up to 24 hours. People generally report pain relief, mood’s improvement, and the increase of the sense of well- being.

In terms of adverse effects, CBD oil is neither addictive nor causes dependence, according to a recent report published by WHO. However, negative consequences might appear in case of overdosing. Another primary concern remains the interaction of CBD oil with other prescribed anti-depression drugs. Therefore, prior consultation with a physician is strongly recommended. Overall, though CBD oil cannot eliminate the root cause of the depression, it might reduce the disease’s symptoms and notably improve the individual’s quality of life.

Final Words

In summary, depression is a severe worldwide acknowledged disease capable of destroying the mind and body. The most common depression symptoms include loss of hope and pleasure in life, loss of energy, problems with sleep, weight change, increased feelings of guilt, escapism, and suicidal thoughts. In terms of the severeness, depression can be mild, moderate, and major.

Traditional methods of depression treatment revolve around therapy and antidepressants. However, in many cases, conventional treatment merely reduces depression symptoms rather than cures its genuine roots. Hence, many experts advise combining traditional treatment with alternative methods, including physical exercise, yoga, meditation, and a healthy diet.

Recently CBD products have also received an acknowledgement as an alternative method of depression treatment. Despite popular misconceptions, CBD products don’t make people “high” as they are derived from hemp, not marijuana. Several researches have shown that CBD positively affects the brain’s serotonin receptors, which results in the antidepressant effect. At present, CBD oil lists among the most popular depression treatment products, used after consultation with a physician. Neither addictive nor dependency causing, CBD oil improves mood and increases the general sense of well-being.

Verified by a Healthcare Professional

Anastasiia Myronenko

Anastasiia Myronenko is a Medical Physicist actively practicing in one of the leading cancer centers in Kyiv, Ukraine. She received her master’s degree in Medical Physics at Karazin Kharkiv National University and completed Biological Physics internship at GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, Germany. Anastasiia Myronenko specializes in radiation therapy and is a fellow of Ukrainian Association of Medical Physicists.

This article includes the promotion of products and services sold on Alphagreen and affiliate links to other businesses.

Alphagreen and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. The information and products presented on this site are not intended for medical use nor do they make any medical claims. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a pre-existing medical condition, are pregnant and/or are breastfeeding, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or another health-related program.



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