CBD Capsules — A Traditional Carrier of Alternative Medicine

CBD capsules have been adopted by consumers as a safe, reliable and consistent way of taking CBD. To understand their benefits, this requires a deeper understanding on what CBD is, and why capsules are revolutionary in enabling day-to-day wellness among consumers.

The truth and tales of CBD

CBD has had its limelight moment in the medical and pharmaceutical space, but its spotlight moment has not entirely been fair. Specifically, CBD’s relationship to cannabis has rendered its wellness properties being severely undermined. This meant the versatile applications of CBD in both health and wellness settings has been largely overlooked.

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CBD is simply the short form name for cannabidiol, a compound found alongside tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and 111 others in the cannabis plant. It is the effects of CBD which makes it a desirable supplement and primary product in reducing stress, relieving aches and pains, improving sleep, memory and immune responses. These effects are produced when CBD meets with the receptors of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). As the ECS regulates physiological functions that are responsible for maintaining a balance within our body, CBD can stimulate the ECS to promote the optimal functioning of our body.

CBD can be consumed in several ways. This includes taking a capsule, consuming oil drops underneath your tongue sublingually, vaped or by applying CBD creams or balms topically.

A list of conditions that can be managed using CBD include addiction and substance abuse, diabetes prevention, skin conditions, anxiety, depression, insomnia and other sleep disorders.

The infamous cannabinoid, THC, has overshadowed the real facts of CBD in terms of how CBD works, what CBD does to you and thus its safety profile.

As a matter of fact, CBD has been declared to be safe for human consumption, for it is classified as a non-toxic product in The World Health Organization (WHO)’s 2017 report. Navigating legitimate information and research about CBD is shrouded by falsified claims, which is due to the unregulated nature of this rapidly expanding industry.

To dispel the myths about CBD, here are some of the key facts about CBD that everyone should take note of:

  • CBD is legal to be sold, personally consumed or produced under the European Union regulations, in the United Kingdom, and in most areas of the United States
  • CBD does not create “hallucinogenic” responses, nor does it have any “high” or psychedelic qualities
  • CBD will not give a positive result on a drug test
  • CBD does not have addictive qualities
  • You can buy CBD products without a prescription
  • CBD is different from THC

With all these myths having been addressed, navigating CBD products online becomes more directed, and therefore more reliable.

Relax body and mind without sedation and relieve pain without intoxication with Kanaco Soft Gel Capsules. Organic CBD soft gels is an effective way to enjoy all the benefits of CBD while enhancing productivity and reducing symptoms from different ailments.

Harvard Health Publishing reiterates the importance of CBD education proving that CBD and its effects are being taken seriously in the world of health and wellbeing.

Much research interest has been placed on CBD. With 24 studies (at the point of writing) either recruiting or currently active in the US, the CBD industry can expect an increase in published scientific research.

Personal research into CBD and the varying products is also an important part of the process. Alongside understanding CBD as a product, it is necessary to understand and choose the appropriate mode for taking CBD.

This section will focus on consuming CBD via CBD capsules, which are taken orally. In addition to discussing the scientific research, the top online content, companies and products will be explored to educate the CBD community.

What are Capsules?

The myths surrounding CBD are gradually being dispelled, and there is a gradual normalisation of CBD consumption amongst the general public due to the increasing development of CBD products. This explains why the development of CBD capsules are so interesting, and why it deserves attention.

Firstly, the popular usage of CBD capsules has enabled CBD to be considered as an alternative medicine as opposed to conventional therapies. This basically involves CBD being encapsulated in a small translucent shell, which looks just like any other form of oral medications. With its discrete and efficient design, CBD capsules are now something that can be commonly found in handbags and locker rooms across the world.

These capsules are made of either gelling agents, gelatine from animal fat (forming the majority of capsules), or vegan-friendly shells from starch or cellulose (found in some brands). Besides that, CBD can be placed into a capsule with another “filler” such as olive oil, water or other nutrients like curcumin. Capsules are used, instead of making solid pills, as these “fillers” cannot be converted into a solid substance.

Before encapsulation, the CBD is extracted as one of three forms, namely full-spectrum, broad-spectrum and CBD isolate. This extraction process determines the outcome of the CBD capsule and what effects it will have on an individual. Thus, the CBD user can decide on the capsule to be purchased based on their needs and preferences.

Full-spectrum CBD are extracted with other cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids including THC (maximum 0.2% in concentration), whereas broad-spectrum CBD is extracted along with other cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids, but THC is excluded. Finally, CBD isolate is solely CBD, as extracted without any other cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. Under EU regulations, the traces of THC found in full-spectrum CBD capsules cannot exceed 0.2%.

The nuances between the CBD capsule products online are seldom defined, thus making the choice for the right dosage very difficult. To provide some context, CBD capsule dosage ranges from a concentration of 10mg per capsule to 250mg per capsule in the US market. Due to the nuances in dosages and the deregulated nature of CBD production, the CBD oil varies in components and its strength between strains. Therefore, finding CBD capsules online that allow access to third-party lab tests as well as open information about the product will create a safer way to purchase and consume CBD capsules.

CBD capsules are to be taken orally with water or any other drink. For additional information, please refer to our Medium blog where we highlight that new consumers of CBD should “take CBD capsules of moderate concentration, 10–15mg CBD, two times a day.” This provides an accessible information source for easing any public confusion surrounding CBD capsules.

The Oil vs. Capsule Debate

CBD oil is taken by placing droplets under the tongue, which dissolves sublingually and goes directly into our bloodstream. The dosage is determined and created by the consumer. On the other hand, CBD capsules are taken orally by swallowing the encapsulated oil in a shell with water or another liquid to be digested. The dosages are pre-packed into each capsule, and this depends on the CBD product specification.

The consumption of CBD via taking a capsule or consuming CBD oil is highly dependent on the personal preference and specific needs of a consumer. Having said that, there is a dichotomy between the use of CBD capsules and oils. Both sides debated on the positive and negative elements of CBD capsules and CBD oils.

The Case for CBD Capsules

The largest case for CBD capsules is that being in an encapsulated form, CBD can be freely and discretely taken wherever and whenever without having to suffer from stigma, embarrassment, or unwanted questions. This can explain why it is one of the most popular ways for CBD to be consumed as it aligns CBD with the normality of other medicines, making people feel more comfortable.

Another point in favour of CBD capsules is that the clear shelling of the CBD takes away the unwanted taste of the oil. Drawing parallels to the marmite debate, preference is a dominating factor here. As for some, the taste is what keeps the authenticity of CBD oil, whereas for others it is an unwelcome appendage that is easily resolved by taking CBD capsules. In addition, the near-tasteless capsules can be easily stored in non-refrigerated places. Meanwhile, CBD capsules have been commonly used instead of CBD oil, as it was argued that this offers a faster, cleaner and easier way of swallowing CBD.

Other than that, predetermined dosage is a key factor explaining why some people opted for CBD capsules. When buying capsules, it is important to ensure the CBD product has been subjected to lab testing, whereby the test will check that the product adheres fully to regulation laws, and for the cases of full-spectrum CBD, contains less than 0.2% of THC. This allows a stress-free consumption of CBD.

The Case for CBD Oils

On the other hand, the case for CBD oil highlights the assumption that CBD capsules can be swallowed safely by individuals, despite its user-friendly point-of-view. Conditions such as tremors can obstruct the safe consumption of CBD via capsules and hence the CBD oils consequently offer a safer alternative.

Explore the best CBD brands in the world

The bioavailability of CBD oil is also another strong selling point. Bioavailability, in the context of CBD, is the extent of CBD’s ability to be metabolised and absorbed by our body. In this scenario, taking CBD oil allows faster absorption than the CBD capsules, whereby CBD oil gets absorbed directly into the bloodstream while CBD capsules need to undergo digestion. However, this direct application of oil is not favoured in a 2019 research, as researchers claimed that CBD capsules permit a more precise measure of pharmacokinetics parameters.

Final comments

In general, users should be clear on their intentions of taking CBD before determining whether CBD oil or capsules is a more suitable choice. Many people still prefer taking CBD capsules for it allows a more consistent boost to our ECS system and general wellbeing.

The nuances between CBD softgels and CBD capsules

Whilst there are plenty of similarities between CBD softgels and CBD capsules, there are also small differences which may confuse consumers.

Softgels are fully enclosed one-piece encapsulations of CBD oil, whereas CBD capsules can be made up of two-piece encapsulations of CBD oil. These different types of encapsulation affect things such as the shelf life of a product. In particular, softgels have longer shelf lives due to their sealed nature. In contrast, CBD capsules are cheaper than softgels due to their less expensive manufacturing process. Each capsule and softgels product is different and depending on the seal of a capsule, a slight taste can exist when taken orally.

Making CBD Capsules

The control, empowerment, and benefits of homemade CBD capsules have been gaining popularity on online blogs, with instructions on how to make them. The capsule is separated at two ends, with the larger end filled with the CBD oil chosen by the individual. In addition, popular “fillers” for the capsule include turmeric popular for its anti-inflammatory qualities, olive oil and even caffeine. These fillers hence also make CBD capsules widely popular for easing menstrual cramps.

Practising Vegetarianism and Veganism with the Help of CBD Capsules

The CBD market growth has been complemented by the exploding popularity of veganism.

Veganism, as taken from a statement from The Vegan Society, is a way of living which seeks “to exclude all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose as far as is possible and practical.”

Some of the main concerns regarding vegan-friendly CBD capsules include its cost and availability. CBD is classified as vegan due to its plant origin, therefore accessing ethically grown organic cannabis hemp (and thus CBD) is something the vegan community looks for. In recent years, new CBD capsules have been developed to make their coatings suitable for vegans, whereby some companies have successfully created capsules using vegetable gelatine and medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil.

The topic of developing vegetarian and non-vegetarian capsules has received attention from the pharmaceutical field with research supporting the conclusions that there is “little difference” between hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) capsules and conventional gelatine shells, whereby these two capsules dissolves similarly in water.

This is a positive assurance to the continuous development and commitment of CBD capsule companies to cater for vegan and vegetarian societies, as part of making sure CBD is delivered effectively and at the highest quality.

Nonetheless, there are a few key concerns surrounding CBD capsules within the vegan community, namely its cost and availability.


The cost of CBD capsules, whether is gelatine-coated or have an alternative shelling, depends heavily on the amount and quantity of CBD capsules purchased.

Having said that, gelatine has been regarded to be safe and non-toxic due to its wide application over the past century. This means raw materials of gelatine are more readily available (and therefore cheaper) than the synthetically manufactured hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) shells. This has, unfortunately, left vegetable capsules more costly than its gelatine counterparts. Due to the young age of non-animal based CBD capsule development, technologies are still emerging from their patent stage, thus elevating their cost even more.

The future of CBD capsules

The future of CBD capsules is bright, with studies into the effect of CBD on varying conditions happening each year, and CBD capsules being popularly used in clinical trials due to their accuracy in dosage.

The relaxation in laws regarding the cultivation of hemp and further legalisation of cannabis contribute to the normalisation of CBD to treat diseases and disorders. It has been asserted that due to the relaxing and calming effects of CBD, this cannabinoid can increase dopamine levels in our brain. This has highlighted CBD use in increasing focus.

CBD in the News

The conversation surrounding CBD capsules and the CBD industry continues to interest people and this is reflected in the consistent coverage CBD receives. A Forbes article pointed out a Newfrontier data survey in the U.S., which reaffirms the growth in consumers amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. This report supports the future development of vegan-friendly CBD tablets and a range of new designs and additional ingredients, as more start-up brands can now take advantage of the young and booming market. Although only 38% of the consumers are currently taking CBD oils leading the way at 38%, whilst 8% of them take capsules, the willingness of people who are open to learning more (55%) implies that the popularity of capsules will rise as they gain familiarity.

Taking the Step Forward

Explore CBD Newbie collection

The journey of taking any new medication requires trust, and can be met with trepidation. This is no different for CBD capsules and other products.

Nonetheless, with extensive online research and empowering blogs, buying CBD capsules does not have to be stressful. The most important consideration when buying CBD capsules is understanding what its primary use is, as this will determine whether capsules are more appropriate than other modes of consumption.

CBD capsules are neither addictive nor will they create a “high” intoxicated sensation. The full legal profile of CBD capsules will enable the ease and comfort of purchasing the compound from pharmacies or from the solace of our homes.

Verified by a Healthcare Professional

Anastasiia Myronenko

Anastasiia Myronenko is a Medical Physicist actively practicing in one of the leading cancer centers in Kyiv, Ukraine. She received her master’s degree in Medical Physics at Karazin Kharkiv National University and completed Biological Physics internship at GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, Germany. Anastasiia Myronenko specializes in radiation therapy and is a fellow of Ukrainian Association of Medical Physicists.

This article includes the promotion of products and services sold on Alphagreen and affiliate links to other businesses.

Alphagreen and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. The information and products presented on this site are not intended for medical use nor do they make any medical claims. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a pre-existing medical condition, are pregnant and/or are breastfeeding, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or another health-related program.


































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