CBD for Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a psychological process of instantaneous acknowledgement of our feelings, thoughts, physical sensations, and the surrounding environment.

What is Mindfulness?

In other words, mindfulness is the ability to be present in the moment. This process can bring you a large spectrum of emotions from happiness to sadness. Mindfulness is the state when we are especially aware of what we are doing and feeling “present in the moment.” We can train it through meditation, yoga, mindful walking, thinking, and listening. Each time the effect of mindfulness practices helps us accumulate more experience. It allows us to develop mindfulness skills and calm down our thoughts and feelings.

Mindfulness and meditation are not the same things. Unlike meditation, mindfulness is not a temporary and concentrated focus on the present. It is a way of living whereby we’re able to be aware of the present most if not all of the time.

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Mindfulness doesn’t spare us a possibility to fall under stress or other problems. However, we are aware of more ways how to deal with them during the mindfulness practice. Of course, mindfulness doesn’t mean that we never get angry, but it allows us to be more conscious of what is going on and how to react to a situation.

Meditation is the basis for learning mindfulness. Over time, consistent meditation allows mindfulness to come naturally to us throughout the day without even trying.

Initially, meditation shifts our brain waves from high-frequency to a lower frequency, which activates and deactivates certain brain areas. For example, it can reduce neurological connections to the medial prefrontal cortex, or the “self-center,” diminishing stress, fear, and anxiety. Meditation also builds new brain connections that are responsible for skills like decision-making and ability to focus.

Furthermore, mindfulness meditation changes brain shape as well. This condition is known as neuroplasticity. Research shows that grey matter is brain area, responsible for problem-solving, emotional regulation, and planning — as well as the cortical thickness which is responsible for memory and learning. Both can increase activity with constant meditation. Studies claim that eight weeks of practising mindfulness meditation can change our brain system and lead to having a more positive mindset.

Whichever technique you choose, you can be sure that mindfulness practice paired with meditation is a significant first step. The more mindful you are, the more you catch yourself being distracted from the present, which in turn helps you “come back” to a given moment. Try to analyse and recognise how you feel during a practice, take note of any sensations you may experience. Some people go an extra mile and take this awareness and concentration to do ordinary activities such as taking a shower or having a coffee.

Why is Mindfulness practice So Popular?

Mindfulness, as a field of study, is growing every day. It is a very useful skill to be able to control our thoughts, emotions, body, and relationships.

Here are some reasons why you should try mindfulness practice:

  • Mindfulness helps us battle stress and deal with stressful situations better. It can prevent both chronic and acute stress and calm our brain.
  • Mindfulness practice improves mental focus. When we “multitask,” our concentration levels run low. Watching your breathing makes you focus. Even ten minutes of everyday meditation will make your concentration better.
  • It improves mental health. When mixed with therapy, cognitive treatment helps people overcome depression and anxiety.
  • The practice reduces bias. The mindfulness meditation helps us to shift gears from being driven by and stuck in our emotions to seeing a bigger picture.
  • Mindfulness improves our compassion. For example, “loving kindness” meditation shifts our perception of suffering and puts you in a more altruistic mindset.
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Ways of Practicing Mindfulness

Mindfulness at work

The practice aims to ground you as soon as you sit down at your desk. Concentrate on your breathing and body. It’s best to try this practice before turning on your computer. You can use an app to help you if you like, or you can do a self-conscious mindful minute.

Mindful breathing

Breathing is an essential part of mindfulness practice. Conscious breathing motivates us to take deeper, slower breaths and hold them for longer. You can do this at work, with your eyes open or closed. Practice it for two or three minutes.

Mindful listening

Mindful listening is a technique that allows us to be present and aware in the moment when we receive new information. Listening to our colleagues, and trying to take a look at the situations from various points of view makes us more mindful.

Mindful walking

Mindful walking differs from normal walking and requires effort. It allows yourself to immerse in your surroundings, pay attention to things you would typically have missed, and bе more present in the moment. So, take time from work or home duties, and do conscious walking.

There are some other things you can try in order to cut your stress level. First, when you wake up, take a few minutes to visualize your upcoming day. You can add a CBD product of your choice — be it CBD capsules of a bar of chocolate to your daily practice for a better result . It helps us clear our minds and relax. Tell yourself that today is going to be a good and productive day. By repeating this morning routine every day, you put yourself up for a positive mindfulness experience.

Reason to use CBD for mindfulness

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive compound of the cannabis plant. CBD is becoming popular for its numerous medicinal properties. If you are not familiar with the concept of CBD, please refer to our ultimate CBD guide.

One of the most challenging things in meditation for a lot of people is an ability to really focus. This is a problem that can be easily fixed by CBD consumption. It increases alertness and stops our brain from overactivity. It allows us to have more control over those thoughts that creep in, and as a result, helps to get rid of unwanted ones. This effect leads to another aspect, which is dealing with anxiety. Obviously, when we are capable of controlling stream of thoughts that goes through our mind, coping with anxiety becomes easier. Difficulty to stay focused or anxiety issues are real enemies of mindfulness practices. If you are someone who struggles with either problem, taking CBD can really benefit you in achieving that inner peace of mind.

If you prefer to pair your mindfulness practices with yoga, sometimes you may experience pain when stretching, especially if you are a beginner. Cannabidiol-infused creams, gels or even simple teas can be useful in relieving the feeling of pain due to its inflammatory properties. CBD, extracted from organic hemp, is natural. It is not an intoxicant, but a natural plant-based supplement, which is about as intoxicating as a cup of herbal tea. If you think of taking CBD for mindfulness for a better experience practising meditation or yoga, make sure to start with a quality product.

How CBD works for Mindfulness?

As we know, our bodies have an endocannabinoid system, or ECS. Research shows that CBD impacts our body’s own chemicals that are cannabis-like, called endocannabinoid anandamide. When they are paired with CBD, it creates a mood-enhancing effect because cannabidiol triggers the 5-HT1A serotonin receptors which are responsible for anti-anxiety effect. Consequently, when we experience negativity, CBD stabilises our emotional state. Thus it can help us prepare a great base for a successful meditation process.

Sometimes we get too busy and tend to fall under stress. When you consume CBD alongside with mindfulness practices such as yoga or meditation, it ensures you a clear mind. So, you may find out that you have more free time on activities that you couldn’t make time for before.

Furthermore, it may help you overcome stress caused by fast-paced life because your mind would not feel as chaotic. Adding CBD to your daily life can help you slow down and be more attentive.

Downsides of Mindfulness Practice

Futurists see “mindful living” as a top positive trend. But according to recent studies, scientists indicate that generally in the long term we are behaving more mindlessly than we used to. There are discussions about the negative sides of mindfulness. So let’s try to analyse some of them

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When practitioners of mindfulness have a higher level of self-awareness, their perception of reality might potentially become impaired. It can lead to a tendency to form false memories of a given moment. The studies only focused on simple tasks, so we can only imagine the potential of the results if we paired these findings with a bigger scale picture. The danger that researchers see with meditation is that it can possibly lead to people forming and carrying an untrue perception of reality into the future.

According to the studies, mindfulness has a lot more side effects. Here is a list of some of them:

  • depersonalization
  • psychosis
  • hallucinations
  • disorganized speech
  • risk of seizures
  • insomnia
  • loss of appetite
  • feelings of anxiety

But we will come back to them in a bit.

Can CBD strengthen the effectiveness of Mindfulness Meditation?

As we’ve discussed earlier, CBD can be useful for mindfulness practices mainly due to the properties that allow you to feel more relaxed and to help you focus. People find the advantages so effective, that even some yoga studios suggest taking a little bit of CBD before prior to class. However if you wish to try taking CBD before your practice, beware that it takes about 15 minutes to feel the effect, so plan consumption time accordingly.

CBD relieves anxiety and pain. It is a barrier for some people on the way to meditation practices. Adding cannabidiol to yoga or meditation helps us to reduce the stress that people could be suffering from for years. Cannabidiol and mediation can work together. According to some recent studies, while some Buddhists encouraged the behaviour within a safe environment, others affirmed that drug usage violates the fifth precept against intoxicants or condemns it as a shortcut to individual experience, related to the Buddhist path.

As CBD is not psychoactive, it’s more like caffeine or medicine. Some people even say that compounds of chamomile tea are more intense than CBD. It only depends on you what dose to take during meditation and whether it is worth it to contain CBD in your daily sessions.

5 Myths about Mindfulness Meditation

  1. Mindfulness is intended to calm down and reduce stress.
    Entry to mindfulness world in the West is a practice called Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). This program is terrific, but the name is only for marketing. The ultimate purpose isn’t “to cut stress”. The goal of mindfulness is to wake up our physical, emotional, and mental instincts, recognize the similarities among people, and to behave with greater compassion towards others.
    However, the initial practices give people a sense of relief from a busy mind, and as a result some of them may get a mental break.
  2. Mindfulness is about concentration and focus.
    Mindfulness is about cultivating awareness. Concentration can be a useful skill for the improvement of our well-being, but it isn’t what mindfulness is truly about.
  3. You need to have a lot of time to practice mindfulness.
    You can practice different mindfulness methods. Some people include it in their daily life. They practice a lot even when it is not the most enjoyable activity. Others intentionally carve out time to practice mindfulness meditation.
  4. Mindfulness is for relaxed people.
    First, many people practicing mindfulness are far from relaxed. But within time, they become less troubled. It doesn’t mean that mindfulness makes us calm, but it gives us greater flexibility of mind.
  5. Mindfulness instructors are always mindful.
    The only reason why mindfulness guru pays attention to mindfulness is to help facilitate a restless mind.

CBD and well-known disorders

Anxiety and depression are mental health conditions that influence a person’s health, personal life, and work. Pharmaceutical drugs sometimes have unpleasant side effects for the human body. Therefore, CBD has shown positive results in initial studies and may cause fewer side effects than other drugs. CBD compounds become a replacement for people who don’t want to take health risks.

The reports from 2014 may help explain why CBD could be valuable in treating depression. Cannabidiol appears to have a positive interaction with serotonin receptors in the brain. Serotonin affects a range of body functions, involving a person’s emotional states like happiness and well-being. The significant therapy function for people with depression is maintaining serotonin levels.

CBD acts as an antidepressant and anti-anxiety compound in animal models of depression. The compound exhibits an apparent anti-stress effect after short or long usage. Researchers also found that the substance worked without activating the brain’s endocannabinoid receptors directly. It signifies that there is less risk of becoming addictive when taking CBD.

In a study from 2018, scientists indicated that CBD might be a fast-acting antidepressant. However, to support this theory, it requires further research on humans.

Cannabidiol is also useful for other disorders like anxiety or panic. According to researches, about 5 per cent of the population suffers from panic attacks. A single CBD dose (300 mg) causes a decrease in anxiety levels after a simulated public speaking. Another research found that 600 mg of CBD evoke a significant reduction of anxiety measures in people with a social anxiety disorder.

How to take CBD? What’s the best dosage?

Many people choose to take CBD orally, using various capsules, tinctures, and oils. Cannabidiol may be most effective when a person uses it regularly. CBD has a variety of therapeutic properties. You need to concentrate on one or two, and it will help you find the best dosage and product that you need. Dosing is an individual process. We recommend to start with a low dose, to make sure that you don’t have any side effects. Try one or two drops of an oral composition, or a tiny layer off a vape. Then, wait until the CBD has reached and is leaving your body. Wait at least 6+ hours for an oral formula and an hour for vaporizers. Then, take the next dose.

But some tricks can help to increase the CBD amount in your body.

  • When taking an oral formulation, try to hold it under your tongue or swish it around your mouth before swallowing.
  • Experiment with diverse inhalation methods before increasing the vape dose.

If you worry about having too much CBD, you should know that clinical trials have prescribed doses up to 1,200 mg daily for months without observing any severe side effects.

CBD and its side effects

Cannabidiol, like any substance, has side effects. CBD causes diverse reactions in people. Let’s highlight the most significant ones:

  • Dry mouth
  • Lightheadedness
  • Drowsiness
  • Diarrhoea
  • Change in mood
  • Loss of appetite
  • Drop-in blood pressure
  • Tremor

Dry mouth is common among people who take CBD — in both cases of consuming or smoking. The reason for this is that when a person uses CBD or its compounds, the endocannabinoid system, which has receptors in the salivary glands, inhibits glands secretion.

Lightheadedness. You can control lightheadedness effect by drinking a caffeinated beverage that restores body balance.

The Drowsiness effect differs from person to person. If you experience it after taking CBD, it is advised not to drive a vehicle or operate any heavy machinery for your safety.

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In the 2017 study, scientists discovered that patients experienced some common side effects like diarrhoea, tiredness, and changes in both weight and/or appetite after taking CBD.

CBD compounds can cause a small drop-in blood pressure when entering your body. This effect is often associated with a feeling of lightheadedness.

So, mindfulness is the state of awareness when our body, senses, and mind are in harmony with each other and feel present in the moment. We train it in different ways. Mixing CBD with mindfulness gives you a higher effect of awareness during and after practice. You can achieve a more relaxed condition and a clear mind with the help of mixing CBD and mindfulness meditation. Together they relieve pain, anxiety, and other conditions. So, try CBD for mindfulness, and see the effects for yourself.

Verified by a Healthcare Professional

Anastasiia Myronenko

Anastasiia Myronenko is a Medical Physicist actively practicing in one of the leading cancer centers in Kyiv, Ukraine. She received her master’s degree in Medical Physics at Karazin Kharkiv National University and completed Biological Physics internship at GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, Germany. Anastasiia Myronenko specializes in radiation therapy and is a fellow of Ukrainian Association of Medical Physicists.

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Alphagreen and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. The information and products presented on this site are not intended for medical use nor do they make any medical claims. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a pre-existing medical condition, are pregnant and/or are breastfeeding, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or another health-related program.




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