Expansion of cannabinoids army with THCV. Tetrahydrocannabivarin, what can you brag about?

Despite the global cannabis hype that swept across the whole planet, how much do we know about this plant? Of course, the more results are provided by various studies and research, the deeper is our knowledge about cannabis properties. Both recreational and medicinal benefits of this versatile plant continue to impress us, and it seems like the list of them is far from complete. The future perspectives and the vector of cannabis direction are more or less clear, but what about its past? How many of us knew about cannabis existence before the world hype, and which benefits did we know besides the unique marijuana “high” feeling?

The history of cannabis is rooted in antiquity. Archaeological findings during excavations of ancient civilisations confirm that people knew about the beneficial properties of hemp more than six thousand years ago. The history of marijuana has preserved many interesting facts that tell us about the origin of hemp. For example, evidence of cannabis fame was found in the crypts of the noble people of Ancient Egypt dating back to the 3rd millennium BC. It is also believed that cannabis comes from Central Asia, from where it penetrated China and India. After that, hemp came from India to Africa and Europe. Subsequently, from Europe, cannabis was introduced to the American mainland by Spanish mariners. However, some of the ancient findings say that hemp was also known in other regions of the world — for example, in Siberia, wherein the most ancient mummified burials of the nobility, snuff-boxes with a symbolic image of cannabis leaves were found.

Regarding the health benefits of cannabis, a lot of historical documents about the use of hemp in medicine were left to us by the civilization of Ancient China. In the textbook of Emperor Shen-Nun (2737 BC), it is said to be a good remedy for pain, cough, and diarrhoea. The 15th century BC includes evidence of Chinese doctors about the use of hemp as an analgetic for gout and other diseases. Later sources in China also mention that cannabis has been used to treat different neurotic disorders.

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The history of hemp in India is also interesting. In this country, the plant was endowed with sacred properties from ancient times. In the Rig Veda (1500 BC), the first written monument of Indian culture, a lot of hymns are dedicated to the hemp drink that was popular at that time. It was called Indracarana which meant “food of the gods”, and was widely used in various religious rituals as a way of communicating with higher powers.

Ancient physicians also knew about the healing effects of cannabis. For example, the surgeon Dioscorides used hemp to anaesthetise patients during operations. For obtaining a strong anaesthetic effect, large doses of the plant were used. The famous historian Herodotus described how the Scythians used hemp. According to his notes, they threw hemp seeds into the fire, which burned in the centre of the tent, and then inhaled the vapours that “caused joy”. Mention of the psychoactive effects of hemp has reached the 21st century in the writings of Galen and Democritus.

The second half of the 20th century was crucial for cannabis history. In 1963, US physicians started to actively develop research on the effects of cannabis on humans. In those days, marijuana was very popular among young people. According to statistics, about 50% of young people in the United States at least once tried to smoke it, while 30% of them did it regularly. Confronting this phenomenon on a global scale became increasingly difficult, and parents were worried. They wanted to know what their children were using and what consequences this could lead to.

It turned out that the worries were mostly in vain, and marijuana actually has great medical potential. In 1964, Israeli physician R. Meshulam discovered “Delta-9” — the active component of hemp. He stated that if cannabis-based drugs were legal, then this component would make up one-fifth of all medical prescriptions. Many well-known scientists, such as L. Greenspoon, F. Blanton, G. Nahas, R. Ledger, and others also wrote about the positive properties of cannabis in therapy. In the mid-70s, scientific articles about the positive effect of hemp on the body appeared almost every week. However, there were opponents of cannabis, and the 70–80s became a time of fierce debate about the benefits or harms of marijuana and THC. The debate was complicated by the fact that the experimental study of cannabis was very limited.

Nowadays, cannabis use also remains quite a debatable issue all over the globe, although studies and trials are gaining momentum. Results demonstrated during research continue to impress world science and trigger a new wave of studies, as well as animals and human trials. Cannabis continues to open up to us from new perspectives, giving more and more potential health and recreational benefits.

THCV — meet the newcomer!

For today, it was discovered that the marijuana plant contains almost five hundred different organic compounds, each of that may have potential benefits to our health and wellbeing.

The more medicinal values of cannabis are understood by the worldwide medical community — the higher is scientific interest in its compounds known as phytocannabinoids. Due to the interaction of these compounds with our internal endocannabinoid system, we may feel such beneficial physiological changes as inflammation decrease, pain management, mood enhancement, control of nausea, muscle relaxation, and even slowing of cellular damage and tumour growth.

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Our endocannabinoid system consists of two types of different receptors — CB1 and CB2. CB1 type of receptors is located in the tissues of our brain and central nervous system, while CB2 receptors are mostly found in our immune system, peripheral nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, and retina. Endocannabinoids bind with both CB1 and CB2 receptors in order to regulate such essential body functions as:

  • metabolism;
  • sleep;
  • appetite;
  • mood;
  • pain;
  • muscle movement;
  • immune function.

In case of any irregularities of the endocannabinoid system, we may feel pain, seizures, digestive issues, problems with mobility, and mental health problems. Imbalances that occur with the endocannabinoid system, as a rule, are associated with different diseases. Such a connection explains the fact why medical cannabis has such a beneficial impact on a wide range of various medical conditions.

For today, there are two the most well-known and best-understood cannabinoids:

  • THC. THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is primarily known for its psychoactive properties as it binds with the CB1 type of receptors that are located in our brain. Due to such a connection, it is able to produce a “high” or euphoric feelings. Nevertheless, today it is also increasingly recognised for its therapeutic capabilities. The list of therapeutic benefits of the THC includes its use for such conditions as:
  • pain;
  • glaucoma;
  • low appetite;
  • anxiety;
  • muscle spasticity;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea;
  • depression.
  • CBD. Unlike THC, CBD (or cannabidiol) either binds with CB1 receptors very weakly or doesn’t bind at all. Thus, in contrast to THC, cannabidiol doesn’t have any psychoactive properties and may even dampen the psychoactive effects caused by THC. Some of the medical benefits of THC and CBD are the same. Both these cannabinoids can provide relief from certain conditions. However, as CBD doesn’t cause the euphoric effect as THC provides, some people may prefer to use CBD for their conditions. Among the medicinal benefits of CBD is its use for such conditions as:
  • pain;
  • inflammation;
  • migraines;
  • nausea;
  • seizures;
  • psychosis and other mental disorders;
  • inflammatory bowel disease;
  • depression;
  • anxiety.

These are only two representatives of more than a hundred different cannabinoids found in the marijuana plant. As research is continuing, the number of potentially beneficial cannabinoids for our health continues its growth as well. Not so long ago, the list of discovered cannabinoids that may become widely used for medical purposes was replenished with the new one — THCV.

THCV or tetrahydrocannabivarin is present only in some strains of the marijuana plant. The difference between THCV and its sibling THC is only on the chemical level. You don’t have to be a master of science in chemistry to understand it. The one and the only thing that differs THCV from THC is the presence of a 3-carbon group instead of a 5-carbon group in their molecular structure. However, such a small molecular point leads to significant differences these cannabinoids cause to our health. In case of using in low to moderate doses, THCV doesn’t have any psychological effects. Moreover, similarly to CBD, it can also mitigate some of the high effects delivered by the THC. Nevertheless, the situation significantly changes when THCV is used in higher doses. In such a case, this cannabinoid can manifest its own unique psychoactive effects, for example, such as producing a clear-headed and euphoric state of mind.

THCV is a cannabis compound that can boast of a unique array of medical benefits and effects on human health. Recently, a higher interest in THCV occurred as more scientific trials and research are undertaken. Let’s dive deeper into the therapeutic benefits of this compound and find out how it can be beneficial for our health.

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  • Regulation of the blood sugar levels. This is, probably, the most important THCV benefit as none of the existing cannabinoids can boast of such effects. According to the results of the studies, this cannabinoid can be useful in stabilisation of the blood sugar levels due to its ability to improve glucose tolerance and help in insulin levels regulation. In case if the study results will be officially confirmed, THCV may become good news for people with Type 2 diabetes diagnosis. This cannabinoid could represent a new therapeutic agent in glycemic control for these people, thereby substituting the existing medications. According to the results of the study held by Harvard Medical School, patients who reported using marijuana in the past month had higher levels of HDL-C (high-density lipoprotein or ‘good’ cholesterol), lower levels of fasting insulin and HOMA-IR (insulin resistance), as well as smaller waist circumference.
  • Weight loss and appetite suppression. We will take a closer look at this THCV benefit below as it also differs this cannabinoid from all others being one of the unique effects. Unlike THC, which is responsible for hunger and due to this is widely used among cancer patients to stimulate appetite, THCV is able to dull pains of hunger and noticeably help with weight loss. The primary action of THCV is aimed at blocking the receptor, which is responsible for triggering the “hunger hormone.” We all know that the simplest way to lose weight is simply put down the fork and try to suppress the appetite. However, in real life, it is much harder than it sounds. THCV effects go beyond the standard appetite suppression. Studies demonstrated that this cannabinoid may increase energy expenditure that means your organism will burn more calories. There is also a suggestion that such an effect may be a reason why regular cannabis users are less likely to obese in comparison with the general population. Thus, THCV may be a good choice for consumers focused on weight loss. At the same time, people treating appetite loss or anorexia should avoid cannabinoid use.
  • Control of panic attacks. THCV has been shown to be able to reduce anxiety. More recent studies have also shown that this cannabinoid can reduce or even block panic attacks, thereby being highly effective in the management of not only PTSD but also other mental anxiety-reduced diseases. Studies have also demonstrated that THCV doesn’t suppress emotions, only the ability to panic.
  • Bone growth and protection. Due to its ability to bind with receptors located in the skeletal endocannabinoid system, THCV showed the ability to slow or even prevent particular forms of bone degradation. It was also shown that this cannabinoid may promote the growth of new bone cells. The current research of this THCV ability is aimed at studying its potential use for osteoporosis and other degenerative bone-related conditions treatment.
  • Alzheimer’s disease treatment. This THCV benefit should rather be called muscle control and neuroprotection, as due to its ability to bind with both CB1 and CB2 receptors of ECS, THCV can reduce muscular tremors. It means that this compound may be highly beneficial in treating such diseases as Alzheimer’s disease, ALS, and Parkinson disease. Moreover, it has also been shown to reduce the brain lesions that occur in the later stages of Alzheimer’s disease. There is also a suggestion that THCV may be used to reduce the frequency of seizures as well as their severity. Researchers claim that cannabinoid can be taken either as a preventive measure or directly during the seizure. Current studies are focused on the creation of marijuana strains and cannabis derivatives that would have minimal THC and medium THCV content. Such a balance of cannabinoids would be helpful in developing a non-intoxicating product that can be used for epilepsy treatment in patients of all ages.

These are only several of THCV benefits that are studied most nowadays. In addition to this, scientists suggest that similarly to CBD and THC, THCV may also provide such benefits as certain antioxidant protections that may help with cognitive disorders, as well as pain relief from inflammation. The more this unique marijuana component is studied, the more benefits it shows to humanity. More studies, research, animals and human trials are needed to confirm the existing benefits and to discover the new ones.

What about the psychoactive properties of THCV?

The primary question that disturbs everyone when it comes to the therapeutic and recreational use of cannabinoids is whether the compound is psychoactive? Such a feature like a snow avalanche entails a list of serious consequences including cannabinoid legality, its availability, and impact on mental health. Regarding THCV, one of the testing labs in California called it “the sports car of all cannabinoids.” What does it mean? Some sources state that this cannabinoid can provide users with a powerful high without a hunger feeling. However, from the scientific point of view, the situation with the psychoactivity of THCV is much more complicated.

Considering the THCV siblings, THC and CBD, their impact on our physical and psychological conditions differ significantly. The psychoactive properties of THC are well known, while CBD is famous for its “psycho-purity” not only leaving our mental state unchanged but also reducing the high feeling provided by THC. Thus, making a conclusion based on the properties of CBD and THC is senseless. Anyway, what does the science state about THCV psychoactive abilities? The answer is probably. It doesn’t sound like a scientific conclusion, although it is all that we have for the moment. Studies are continuing, and THCV properties are confirming or refuting, making it quite complicated to give a final answer to this question.

Starting from the 1960s, scientists were isolating and identifying new cannabinoids. Such compounds as CBD, CBC, CBG, CBDV, and THCV were discovered after the research of those times. From the 60s, the major part of all studies was focused on the most intriguing molecule with unique psychoactive properties — THC. As it seems quite obvious from the name, THCV is not such a distant relative of THC. Comparing the chemical structure of both of these molecules, we can see that THCV is almost identical to the THC molecule but with the end snipped off. Such a small difference of only a few carbon atoms results in completely different cannabinoid properties and effects on the human organism. Scientists call such a difference analogue, explaining that these molecules are similar but different in an important way.

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Considering the effect of the cannabinoids on our organism from the side of the endocannabinoid system, THC refers to the group of CB1 receptor agonists. This cannabinoid activates CB1 receptors in our brain, allowing the appearance of so well known psychoactive effects. The first studies researching THCV properties claimed that this compound showed its psychoactive abilities and was about a quarter as powerful as THC in this regard. Nevertheless, later research questioned the evidence of this issue as scientists found something interesting and completely unique. It was found that the behaviour of the THCV molecule changes depending on the dose. Such a discovery means that the same cannabinoid may be psychoactive and not at the same time, depending on the dose you take it. While taken at lower doses, THCV acts as an antagonist of CB1 receptors without providing any high feeling. However, the situation completely changes at higher doses of this chemical — THCV “switches” and starts behaving as a CB1 agonist similarly to THC.

For the moment, not so many studies of the THCV psychological effects were made. Research is continuing, and many additional trials are needed. To date, the high caused by the high doses of THCV appears to be stimulating and clear-headed. It’s also claimed that the psychological effect of THCV may intensify the euphoria of THC, although it doesn’t last as long. The high caused by THCV seems to set in quickly although fade faster, demonstrating about half the duration of THC psychoactive effects. There are also other good reasons besides THCV high to study this cannabinoid. For example, one of its main “trump cards” discovered for today is the ability to suppress food consumption, thereby encouraging weight loss. Studies on mice demonstrated that the THCV ingestion has led to decreases both in body weight and food consumption. Researchers state that decreased food consumption is a general effect of all compounds that are aimed at blocking CB1 receptors.

THCV is a minor cannabinoid, and it’s found at trace levels in most strains. At higher concentrations, this cannabis has been found in particular strains of African descent. For the moment, that’s all we know about THCV psychoactive effects and its impact on our mental health. Nevertheless, studies are actively continuing, and maybe in the near future, this cannabinoid will open to us from a completely different perspective.

Where to find THCV? TOP 10 cannabis strains with higher-than-average THCV content.

Undoubtedly, THCV can boast of a range of health benefits, some of which make it stand out from the crowd of other cannabinoids. However, besides the medical and therapeutic potential of this compound, consumers are more and more often turning to the cannabis strains with high THCV content due to the stimulating, energising, and uplifting effects they provide. This feature can be explained by the fact that cultivars containing high THCV levels tend to share their genetic origin with landrace sativas that are well known for their invigorating highs.

The question about the THCV’s psychoactivity was already discussed above. This unique cannabinoid can be psychoactive and not at the same time, depending on the dose you take. For the moment, THCV-rich strains are an attractive choice for people looking for a high-functioning experience. To date, not so many strains with the high THCV content are available. THCV is a quite rare cannabinoid, and such a rarity makes it not only hard to find but also costly and difficult to extract. There are several cannabis cultivars that are naturally rich in THCV. Almost all of these cultivars stem from landrace sativas that have an African origin. We collected ten strains with high THCV content available nowadays.

  • Doug’s Varin. The first place in our list is occupied by Doug’s Varin, which is the highest THCV strain among available nowadays options. One of the founders of Doug’s Varin said the original cultivar stemmed from a Harlequin parent. From the moment when the company identified the high THCV content of the cultivar, it began using it to develop a family of THCV-rich strains with the THCV amount ranging from 3% to 6%. Nowadays, Doug’s Varin is owned by Oakland, California-based California Cannabinoids and is the main component for many concentrates and extract manufacturers producing products such as vape pens and tinctures with very high THCV levels. This strain is a perfect choice for consumers seeking short-term effects. Doug’s Varin delivers a clear-headed burst of mental stimulation and has an aroma of sweet citrus and earthy pine.
  • Durban Poison. This THCV-rich strain got its name due to its origin from the port city of Durban in South Africa. It was imported to the United States in the 70s’ by Ed Rosenthal who was one of the first international strain hunters. The concentration of THCV in Durban Poison is lower than in Doug’s Varin (nearly 1%), although it is one of the most popular high-THCV strains available to date. The strain suppresses appetite and induces energizing and focusing effects of a pure Sativa. Durban Poison has a fruity taste and sweet smell. It is a good choice for consumers searching for a high productivity and creativity.
  • Pineapple Purps. This strain from the list of high-THCV options is known as “super Sativa” due to euphoric, energetic, and low-anxiety effects it provides. Pineapple Purps can boast of a high THCV profile. According to the results of laboratory studies, the part of THCV in the flower’s dry weight can reach 4%. Pineapple Purps is a unique strain that can express a THC:THCV ratio of 3:1. Pineapple Purps is confirmed to be highly psychoactive and energetic. However, its effects generally won’t last as long as low-THCV varieties.
  • Power Plant. The next strain in our list is derived from powerful Sativa strains in South Africa. Thanks to such an affinity, Power Plant is a fast-growing plant in comparison with the majority of other sativas. The strain produces either many medium-sized flowers or a few very large buds with smaller buds between 7 and 9 weeks. Power Plant is a strong fighter among other strains and can grow well in almost any new environment. However, there is also one drawback regarding this strain. Its earthy, woody scent is quite pungent, so the strain can cause certain inconveniences for the indoor growers. With a sharp peppery taste, Power Plant can make consumers creative and happy. However, due to the high THC content, the effects of this strain may verge on too intoxicating for some consumers.
  • Jack the Ripper. Jack the Ripper is one love both for consumers and growers today, and there is a range of reasons for this. Initially, when Subcool The Dank decided to try crossing a Jack Cleaner female with a Space Queen male, producing a strain rich in THCV wasn’t the goal. Jack the Ripper’s creators were focused on breeding a fast-acting Haze strain with extremely high THC content. Nevertheless, the results of such a crossing speak for themselves — Jack the Ripper can boast of 5% THCV content or even higher, while THC content in this strain ranges from 15 to impressive 25%. Despite such wide variations in its psychoactive potency, Jack the Ripper refers to the list of the strains with highest THCV profiles to date. It has become so cherished among both growers and recreational consumers that it is one of the easiest high-THCV strains to find nowadays. This strain has a spicy, lemon-pine aroma and has a relatively short intensive and visually stimulating effect.
  • Willie Nelson. This strain is a mostly Sativa cannabis strain that is well known for its creative, euphoric effects. Consumers quite often stop their choice on this strain and state that it leaves them clear-headed, thereby allowing them to perform artistic or social activities without any problems. Willie Nelson provides people with uplifted, happy, euphoric, and creative effects. It can also help with stress, depression, and anxiety. The possible negative effects of this strain include dry mouth and eyes according to the reviews from users.
  • Durban Cheese. Being a potent hybrid of Durban Poison and Cheese, this strain provides the balanced effects of its indica and Sativa parentage. Its euphoric and uplifted effects together with unusual aroma that is described as a blend of lemon and cheese, Durban Poison can be a good all-around choice. Consumers claim that it is also the best strain for stress and mild pain relief. In addition to this, it can help with depression and anxiety.
  • Red Congolese. The origin of this strain remains controversial. Some argue that Red Congolese is an African Sativa landrace, while others state that it has Mexican and Afghani roots that give it a more indica-like appearance. Anyway, today, the strain is one of the most popular among other high-THCV options. People choose it for weightless euphoria that promotes focus and mental clarity. Also, with its energizing properties, Red Congolese is a perfect choice for morning treatment of nausea, tension, cachexia, or Alzheimer’s disease. As well as other options in this list, Red Congolese can help with depression, stress, and fatigue. In some cases, it can also be used for pain relief.
  • Skunk #1. The next strain in our list is a hybrid option that has influenced cannabis on a global scale. Since it first bloomed in the late 1970s, Sacred Seed Co. bred Skunk #1 using diverse genetics from around the world. Acapulco Gold, Colombian Gold, and Afghani varieties converged through an intricate selective breeding process that spanned several generations, and give a birth to the genetic cornerstone of countless cannabis hybrids. Its name Skunk #1 got due to aromatic blend of sour skunkiness and subtle earthy notes radiated from its buds. This hybrid strain offers elevated creativity through its high-energy buzz. It can also help with stress, depression, and appetite loss, providing consumers with euphoric and relaxed feelings.
  • Pink Boost Goddess. The last option presented in our list of strain with high THCV content is the newest one. Pink Boost Goddess is one of the specialized strains to emerge from the recent hype surrounding THCV. To date, it is developed by California based cannabis farm, Emerald Spirit Botanicals, and distributed by Flow Kana. In contrast to other THCV-rich strains, which tend to be pure sativas, Pink Boost Goddess is an indica-dominant hybrid with a vanilla flavour and an intense floral terpene aroma. The strain contains 4.24% THCV and 18.7% THC that makes it ideal for suppressing appetite and reducing anxiety.

Mood management as a future of cannabis products. Tune your atmosphere!

Not so long ago, a new term began to appear more often within the boardrooms of big alcohol and cannabis conglomerates — mood management.

Today, alcohol as a social stimulant in the form of beer, wine, or spirits is losing ground. Its place is gradually occupied by natural cannabinoids extracted from marijuana that are able to formulate a wide portfolio of mood states in vape, liquid, or even cosmetic form. According to cannabis analytics platform BDS Analytics, 286 unique moods are already used in various cannabis-based products from legal dispensaries, and it’s only the beginning. Some of these states can help cure hangovers, suppress appetite, or create alternative sources of energy beyond caffeine without any psychoactive side-effects of traditional THC.

Recently, HEXO, a publicly-traded Canadian cannabis producer, has highlighted six key mood states it plans to serve across multiple form factors in the nearest future:

  • Sport — to be energetic and active, reduce inflammation and recover quicker;
  • Diet — to help restrain the desire for food;
  • Sleep — to maximally relax and quiet the mind;
  • Sex — to bring arousal and intimacy;
  • Focus — to be concentrated, alert, and more productive;
  • Fun — to maximally enjoy social gatherings.

Specialists claim that cannabis-based beverages can be adapted to meet specific outcomes depending on consumption. Moreover, they state that such products can help to avoid such side effects as hangover, weight gain, and interaction with other pharmaceutical medications. Thus, taking this into account, cannabis-based beverages could serve as a worthy alternative to traditional alcohol beverages providing consumers with similar results but without any side effects.

Various mood outcomes can be achieved through proper cannabinoid doses and formulations. For example, some popular vape products use a ratio of THC: CBD equal to 10:1, in order to create a state of arousal and an inverted 1:10 THC: CBD ratio to create a state of calm. Beyond these two most popular cannabinoids are 68 other unique options that have yet to be fully explored as potential base ingredients in the recreational market. The most exciting and, at the same time, the challenging thing is that there are so many cannabinoids that can be used with so many different ratios and formulations that it is possible to find something for everyone.

Weight loss with cannabinoids. How do you kill the hungry monster inside you?

Before summing up everything we currently know about THCV, we would like to look deeper on its unique ability — suppressing hunger. Sooner or later, we all face this raging craving for salty, savoury, and sweet snacks that are well known as the munchies. Need to eat, laid down by nature is one of the most pleasant and smokers are most susceptible to ingenious snacking tricks. The only problem here is those extra pounds that squish above your jeans belt don’t go away when the high does. However, it’s not a sentence, there are certain strains of cannabis can actually suppress the appetite and help with weight loss, and THCV is one of them.

There is a scientifically proven explanation on why marijuana’s active ingredient, THC, stimulates appetite. When people smoke or ingest weed, the THC interacts with the endocannabinoid system and binds to its CB1 and CB2 receptors located in the part of the brain responsible for regulating emotions, pain, and the senses of smell and taste. What do we have after? Smoking weed enhances our sensitivity to smell, making pizza or burgers that “somehow” end up next to you on the table a lot more potent and appealing. In addition to this, THC releases a flood of dopamine, which makes eating even more enjoyable. Not so easy to resist, isn’t it?

Taking into account that the active ingredient in marijuana is responsible for causing food cravings, it seems quite strange that smoking a particular strain could help to curb them. What is the secret? THCV is a cannabinoid that has a mellower psychoactive effect in comparison with its cousin, THC. It’s an antagonist of the body’s CB1 and CB2 receptors, which means it blocks THC and the subsequent munchies. THCV also shows promising therapeutic potential for weight loss by limiting the feel-good sensation we all experience when eating tasty food. To achieve maximum results, cannabis specialists recommend to stop your search towards African Sativas, which have the highest potency of THCV. In particular, such options as Doug’s Varin, Pineapple Purps, and Durban Poison with a higher concentration of THCV can provide noticeable effects.

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Bottom line

There is a huge amount of facts that we still don’t know about cannabinoids. Especially about cannabinoids that have been discovered not so long ago. Nevertheless, speaking about THCV, those properties that have already been discovered are enough to continue research and study its therapeutic potential. Beneficial cannabinoids found in marijuana aren’t limited to CBD and THC, and we understand it with every new compound found in this unique plant. THCV shows great potential for its medical use, although, as with all other cannabinoids, a lot of further studies is needed. Its ability to regulate blood sugar, suppress appetite, and slow or prevent some forms of bone degradation stand it out from the crowd and trigger further research and trials. In addition to this, THCV is the only cannabinoid among other options known for today that can be both psychoactive and not depending on the dosage you take.

Cannabis continues to be revealed to us from different angles contributing to further research. With the appearance of cannabinoid-based products, modern medicine will never be the same as before. How much will it change and what part of it will be occupied by preparations of natural origin? We will see soon as we are on the right path of changes.

Verified by a Healthcare Professional

Anastasiia Myronenko

Anastasiia Myronenko is a Medical Physicist actively practicing in one of the leading cancer centers in Kyiv, Ukraine. She received her master’s degree in Medical Physics at Karazin Kharkiv National University and completed Biological Physics internship at GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, Germany. Anastasiia Myronenko specializes in radiation therapy and is a fellow of Ukrainian Association of Medical Physicists.

This article includes the promotion of products and services sold on Alphagreen and affiliate links to other businesses.

Alphagreen and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. The information and products presented on this site are not intended for medical use nor do they make any medical claims. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a pre-existing medical condition, are pregnant and/or are breastfeeding, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or another health-related program.























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