
Sam Tee Bowler — Pain & inflammation due to knee reconstruction surgery

Sam Tee Bowler is a 25-year-old electrician from Cambridgeshire. He recently went through major knee reconstruction surgery due to an injury he sustained playing football. A few weeks after his surgery, he found CBD when looking for natural alternatives for recovery and pain, and he ‘hasn’t looked back since’. Now, Sam and his mum regularly purchase CBD kits from Alphagreen due to the positive results they have experienced with their health and well-being.

How long have you been suffering from pain/inflammation?

I’ve had a reasonably big reconstruction operation on my knee around 3 years ago and ever since then I’ve always had aches and pains associated with the injury. It took me a long time to recover from the operation and I still have many troubles with my movement until today and I have had to quit playing football as a result.

Can you describe what suffering from your condition feels like and how does it affect your life?

When I just had my operation I couldn’t walk for a long time and had to do extensive physio to get my movement back to where it was. It was essentially like learning to use your leg again for the first time, so it was pretty tough for some time. Now, I have little to no pain and that’s partially down to using CBD.

How have the CBD products from Alphagreen helped your condition?

Alphagreen’s selection is second to none. The CBD oils and creams I’ve been using have made my day to day pain much easier to handle. It was a big part of my recovery and has helped me overcome the pain and inflammation I experienced from the operation. What I also noticed was that it was helping me to get to sleep quicker, which I think is an indirect effect from the CBD I have been using.

While I wouldn’t say it’s a miracle cure-all supplement, it has assisted me in many areas of my life and I will be taking it for the foreseeable future.

Were you sceptical about CBD to start with and what would you say to others who are worried about taking it for the first time?

I’ve always had doubts if it would work or not. My mum started taking it first and said it worked for her, so I tried hers for a week or so, which gave me the confidence in CBD and I brought my own very soon after. I found a very cheap, good quality starter kit on Alphagreen and didn’t really look back. This is one of the reasons I will recommend Alphagreen to anyone, as it gives you an extensive selection to choose from — whether you want a cheap product or you want to spend more on a higher strength product, it seems to have everything in all the different formats.

For people unsure about starting CBD, I would recommend buying a cheap starter kit like I have and see if it works for you. It might not work for everyone, but it is definitely worth a try if you haven’t already.

Would you recommend Alphagreen marketplace and its service, and if so, why?

I heard about the site through a friend who had bought products from there before, so I thought I’d check it out as I knew nothing about it. The website was very easy to navigate and had some very in-depth information for every product I had a look at. It also had loads of helpful information on CBD in general so you can really start to understand what it is and the science behind it. The postage has always been the next day for me even though I have never actually paid for the next day delivery service which is great!

Overall, I would highly recommend Alphagreen to any newbies or experienced users — it has everything you need in one place!



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