Let’s Check Out the AlphaNu Developer Portal!

Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2019

(If you haven’t heard about AlphaNu, click here to read more!)

Photo by NESA by Makers on Unsplash

We’ve been busy at AlphaNu over the past few months — not only have we built out the framework for how AlphaNu will operate, but we’re about to launch our SaaS-enabled developer portal that enables Wall Street professional developers to begin creating their algorithm products for eventual listing on our marketplace.

Our platform development is split into two phases: developer platform (Phase I) and customer platform (Phase II). The developer platform is the online ecosystem that allows quant developers to code, backtest, and analyze their trading algorithms, all in a secure and closed-off environment where their code is never shown to the public.

Access to Rare Trading Data

On the developer platform, we have added huge datasets of historical trading data to help developers create algorithms without having to spend on expensive access to the rare data of the target markets we are operating in. Developers will be able to directly write their code in our coding environment and then access the data to perform their backtests. Our valuable data is encrypted and will be accessible to developers only within this platform, and will not be downloadable.


We have designed our interface and functions with the needs of Wall Street professionals in mind. As quant traders and developers ourselves, we know precisely what functionalities are needed in order to make our jobs easier as algorithm developers, and are delighted to have received positive feedback from our testers as to the developer Alpha.

Early Alpha Interface

  1. Backtesting Functionality

Developers will be able to backtest algorithms, retrieve calculations and results, graph the results against benchmarks and more. Our system can calculate Total Return, Annualized Return, Annualized Volatility, Volatility, Sharpe Ratio, Average Trading Frequency/Month and more. All of these and all standard practice checks for coding trading algorithms will be fully functional and available on the AlphaNu developer portal.

  1. Live Listing Inventory

Once developers are ready to publish their algorithm, they will be able to lock in the ANU listing deposit and push the listing for traders to view.

The developers will key in and describe:

  • bloThesis/Intro regarding the Algorithm’s strategy and theory
  • Performance Indicators
  • Live Trading Performance
  • Risk Profile
  • Methodology and Operational Use

Listings can be searched with various filters, including risk tolerance, price, trading category/usage, review ratings and more. There will also be functionality for Live-Paper Trading Account to do simulated trading with paper money.

Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash

AlphaNu’s goal is to bring algorithmic trading to the masses and help quant developers get fairly compensated for their work. Our Developer Dashboard isn’t simply a browser based IDE. It will provide tools and data to help developers manage and expand their own business, just like a seller on Amazon would. Developers will have access to data like views, time on page, conversion rates, competitor pricing, user ratings, and user feedback. Developers on the AlphaNu marketplace are in charge of their own business and we provide the tools for them to efficiently manage it.

We believe in having our coding environment and ecosystem designed with no restrictions so as to allow developers the greatest flexibility to design their trading algos. Our quant development experience also tells us that platforms with the least restrictions help produce the best results; we are confident that our robust developer portal will be able to attract the best and most talented developers to build on our platform.

Be a part of our equation today — check out AlphaNu and join our Community!

