Using Arithmetic Operators on Python Strings

Python lets developers use high-level syntax to perform robust string operations via arithmetic operators. There are some restrictions as well as some common pitfalls. Uncovering some of each will help avoid application errors and in some cases even lower memory use!

Zack West


python arithmetic string operations by Alpharithms
Image: alpharithms

Python allows developers to use common arithmetic operators on strings. This high-level manipulation of textual data is one of the many reasons Python has surged in popularity. One example of this is the ability to use arithmetic operators to manipulate strings in Python.

While convenient, there are some limitations to using arithmetic operators such as the plus, minus, plus-equal, and even multiplication operators on strings. For example, multiplying a string by a float will result in TypeError: can’t multiply sequence by non-int of type ‘float’ exception.


In this article, we look at some use cases for applying arithmetic operators to Python strings. The discussion will include some common cases, advanced cases, and also common issues. By the end, we will cover the following:

  1. Basic string concatenation with…



Zack West

Entrepreneur, programmer, designer, and lifelong learner. Can be found taking notes from Mother Nature when not hammering away at the keyboard.