Alphaslot Quarterly Update Q2 2019 (第二季度報告)

Raymond Chan
Alphaslot Lab
Published in
4 min readApr 10, 2019

It’s been a challenging 2nd quarter to start. Nevertheless, by almost any measure, Alphaslot Lab is in a stronger position now than at any time in its past.

• We reached a token-integration agreement with an MOU signed with S4/Otium Gaming, the casino product development team of Novomatic for the Spain and South American market. Novomatic is the world’s largest casino gaming company in the world founded in 1980 by the billionaire Johann Graf with annual revenue over Euro 3.2 billions.

• Our blockchain technologies are endorsed by the City University of Hong Kong, the world top 50 university in QS World University Rankings, with a co-development agreement approved on data security and blockchain technology with their Computer Science Department.

• We helped our technology partner GPT, a Taiwan pioneer in slot machines design and development, to finish our token API design in their machines, and ready for pilot deployment in upcoming quarter for the Asian market.

• We ended 1st quarter with an official recognition from Macau Gaming Equipment Manufacturers Association by granting Alphaslot the member status in Macau, the largest casino entertainment city in the world.

• Alphaslot wallet APP for token management launched in both iOS and Android platform in the global market.

• And, most importantly, our heads-down focus on the casino business was reflected in the recognition of being invited to curate the largest Asia Gaming FinTech forum “G2E Asia” which annually attract 16,000 gaming professional and 95% of the casino operators in the region. We are told this is the first ever Gaming forum curated by a blockchain company in the industry, showing the importance of the blockchain technology to casino gaming and the leadership of Alphaslot in this advance area.

So, if the company is better positioned today than it was at the beginning of the year, why is the token value so much lower than it was when it first listed? Borrowing the word from the famed investor Benjamin Graham ‘‘In the short run, the market is a voting machine; in the long term, it’s a weighing machine.’’ Alphaslot is a company that wants to be weighed. We have our heads down working to build a heavier and heavier company, regardless of the various independent market forces which may be affecting the token price.

We had decided to start the process of listing our token on various exchange platforms, including CBX, Hotbit, and LBank because we believed passionately, and we still do, in the ‘‘blockchain economy’’. Indeed, that was extraordinarily useful for blockchain projects since 2016. In retrospect, a modification of our token distribution is needed to make a difference after getting the market feedback since listing, as well as take precautions against malicious parties which are attempting to negatively affect the project, hence we need a revised plan and additional time to better prepare. That’s the reason we chose to temporarily suspend our listing effort, to give us additional time on the development of the technology and execution with the casinos according to our original plan before we resume our work with the token exchange platforms again. We remain fully committed to a transparent governance process in accordance with the rule of law.

Why we are still optimistic about the future of blockchain technology in casino gaming and the future of Alphaslot? Industry growth and new customer adoption will be driven over the coming years by relentless improvements in the customer experience of blockchain gaming in casino. These improvements in customer experience will be driven by innovations made possible by dramatic increases in available avatars and our token usages, all of which are getting ready as we speak in the signed official partnership with major casino operators and gaming manufacturers globally.

While there are no foregone conclusions, and we still have much to prove, Alphaslot today is a unique asset. We have the brand in the casino gaming market, the solid relationships with the casinos, the blockchain technology developing with the world class university, the people, and the determination to extend our leadership in this casino industry and to build an important and lasting company. Also, we are in a highly-regulated casino gaming business where standards and expectations are more stringent than other industries. One incident in the past where we caught a suspicious investor and we reported immediately to the authorities reminds us the importance of our investment on our security standards, and we will continue our investment to upgrade in that area to protect our company, our partners, and our customers.

The year 2019 will be an important one in our development. Like 2018, this year will be a year of focus and execution. As a first step, we’ve set the goal of achieving an operating product in the fourth quarter, in line with our original plan since day one. While we have a tremendous amount of work to do and there can be no guarantees, we have a plan to get there, it’s our top priority, and every person in this company is committed to helping with that goal.

We at Alphaslot remain grateful to our business partners for their trust, to each other for our hard work, and to our token holders for their support. I look forward to reporting to you our progress in the coming quarter and the token deployment status with the casinos and gaming manufacturers as well as the new exchange listing arrangements in the future.

Many thanks.

Raymond Chan

CEO of Alphaslot Lab

這是一個充滿挑戰第二季度的開始。然而,從幾乎所有的角度來看,Alphaslot Lab 現在比過去任何時候都要穩固:

• Alphaslot與Novomatic 西班牙和南美市場Casino產品開發團隊S4/Otium Gaming簽署了一份備忘錄,達成了代幣綜合協定。Novomatic是由億萬富翁Johann Graf於1980年創立的世界上最大Casino遊戲公司,年收入超過32億歐元。

• 我們的區塊鏈科技得到了香港城市大學(QS世界大學排名前50的世界大學)的認可,並與他們的計算機科學部門就資料安全和區塊鏈科技達成了合作開發協定。

• 我們幫助科技合作夥伴GPT (一個在老虎機設計和開發方面的臺灣先驅) 在他們的老虎機開發上完成我們的API設計,並準備在下一季度為亞洲市場進行試點部署。

• 我們在第一季度結束時獲得了澳門博彩設備製造商協會的正式認可,並授予Alphaslot澳門的會員資格。

• 用於代幣管理的Alphaslot錢包應用程序在iOS和Android平臺上在全球市場。

• 最重要的是,我們被邀請策劃有16000名博彩專業人士和95%地區的Casino運營商的最大亞洲博彩金融科技論壇“G2E亞洲”。我們聽說這是有史以來第一個由區塊鏈公司在 Casino業內策劃的論壇,展示了區塊鏈科技對Casino的重要性,以及Alphaslot在這一領域的領導地位。

如果 Alphaslot今天比年初更好,為什麼代幣價值比它年初上市時低得多?借用著名投資者 Benjamin Graham的話,“從短期來看,市場是一個投票機;從長期來看,它是一個稱重機。”Alphaslot正努力打造一家更重、更重的公司。


為什麼我們仍然對區塊鏈科技在Casino遊戲中的未來和Alphaslot的未來持樂觀態度?未來幾年,我們與全球主要Casino運營商和遊戲製造商將準備就緒,Casino區塊鏈遊戲的客戶體驗將不斷改善,從而推動行業新客戶增長。Alphaslot今天是一個獨特的 Casino資產。我們擁有Casino市場的品牌、與Casino的穩固關係、與世界一流大學共同發展的區塊鏈科技,以及擴大我們在Casino行業的領導地位的决心。Casino業務受到高度管制,其標準和期望比其他行業更為嚴格。在過去我們抓到了一個可疑的投資者,並立即向當局報告,事件提醒我們安全標準的重要性,我們將繼續在該領域陞級,以保護我們的公司、合作夥伴和客戶。



Raymond Chan

CEO of Alphaslot Foundation



Raymond Chan
Alphaslot Lab

Raymond graduated from U.Waterloo in Canada. He founded Alphaslot in 2018 with a team of authoritative experts to become the world's gaming technology leaders.