Wayne Hu
Alphaslot Lab
Published in
5 min readFeb 18, 2019


Alphaslot — The Missing Link for Mass Blockchain Adoption

Alphaslot is trying to address one of the main challenges facing the blockchain industry which is mass adoption of blockchain wallets. This is one of the primary hurdles that is preventing the mass public from accessing virtual assets whether to use it for commerce, trading or investments. In order for these transactions to materialize, it must be useful and accessible for the Average Joe on a daily basis in everyday situations.

Alphaslot is taking a step-by-step and practical approach to addressing the above by first going where many Average Joes go for leisure — land-based casinos. In 2018, 42 million people visited Las Vegas[1] and 35 million visited Macau[2], totaling over 100 million people globally. These people go to casino resorts with one primary purpose in mind — fun and entertainment. Whether eating, shopping, partying, staying in fancy hotels or of course trying their luck at the tables or slot machines, the name of the game is consumption — to the tune of US$130 billion annually in consumer spending and forecast to exceed $200 billion by 2022[3].

Alphaslot creates mass adoption of wallet users by capturing casino visitors as they play games. As players play slot machines on the floor (across 7 million slot machines[4] and 4,000 casinos worldwide[5]), they download the Alphaslot App and earn its native SLOT tokens along the way. These tokens provide players the unique ability to purchase in-game features and access special bonus modes that create new gaming experiences not currently found in casino games. The tokens are stored in the Alphaslot Wallet and introduce users to the virtual assets that are usable in the everyday world. Through this distribution and acquisition model, Alphaslot will gain users organically with no acquisition cost. This sets the stage for SLOT to be the everyday token of choice for the masses.

Thus, the SLOT token should organically rise in value over time through use and adoption. SLOT should also rise due to the following:

1. The SLOT token gives Alphaslot users the exclusive right to use the services in the Alphaslot Ecosystem. The services include the aforementioned in-game purchases of bonuses and special features, purchases of other virtual assets such as NFT, popular alt-currencies and games, for use in casinos, online/mobile/social games, eSports and other offline and online entertainment environments.

2. Natural mechanisms exist to prevent the token price from dropping on exchanges. As SLOT is the exclusive native token that facilitates any sort of transaction in the Alphaslot ecosystem, users must possess SLOT to maintain and grow their activities in the ecosystem. As more games, virtual assets, commerce and investment partners are brought on, the more SLOT tokens will de demanded by users. Alphaslot is actively onboarding partnerships to achieve this vision.

3. The SLOT token is an easy-to-understand and attainable token with a real use case. The token enhances gaming experiences in casinos, online/mobile/social games, eSports and other offline and online entertainment environments. Players are rewarded SLOT tokens by playing games they already play.

4. The SLOT token provides rewards for its users. Alphaslot will give users unique Alphabot NFTs and virtual assets depending on the quantity of SLOT tokens a user possesses. The more SLOT is held by a user, the more Alphaslot will give unique and limited-edition NFTs to the user. This means that there is a strong incentive for users to HODL SLOT by adding the collectible element into the equation. Whether the user holds or uses SLOT, the user extracts benefit from using the Alphaslot ecosystem.

5. Alphaslot is building a strong community that encompasses blockchain and crypto enthusiasts, gamers and investors. The project has a solid reputation with tier 1 investors (Sora Ventures, Primitive Ventures and Credito Capital to name a few) along with respected advisors from industry (Ron Goudsmit is the Honorary President of the European Casino Association and Paul Veradittakit from Pantera Capital).

6. While there are several gaming-related blockchain projects and tokens already out there, I believe Alphaslot is the first to incorporate offline gaming environments (land-based casinos, esports, pachinko, arcades, etc.) with that of the online world. This O2O feature provides Alphaslot with a first-mover advantage on this sector.

7. The SLOT token has a fixed supply of one billion tokens. As demand increases for SLOT, market forces establish an increasingly higher floor for the SLOT price.

8. Lastly, SLOT can potentially be accepted in all ecosystems as SLOT is an ERC20, still the most common protocol used by tokens. Also, Alphaslot is building a bridge between other major public blockchains so that SLOT may potentially be used widely across various platforms.

About Alphaslot

Alphaslot is the blockchain ecosystem with a core focus on casino entertainment and new player acquisition, connecting gaming machines with gamers via the SLOT token on casino floors synergistically. The tokenized network provides gamers with incentives to stay engaged with the casino experience, acting as a catalyst to bring growth for the steady-state gaming industry.

Headquarters: Hong Kong / Macau / Singapore

CEO: Raymond Chan, B.A.Sc. (Waterloo, Canada)

Advisory board: Dr. Cong Wang (Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong), Ron Goudsmit (Hon. President, European Casino Association), Paul Veradittaki (Pantera Capital, Palo Alto CA), Jason Fang (Sora Ventures)

Find out more on our website at www.alphaslot.io.

[1] https://www.statista.com/statistics/221042/visitors-to-las-vegas/

[2] https://dataplus.macaotourism.gov.mo/Publication/Report?lang=E

[3] https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170925006037/en/Global-Casino-Gaming-Market---Expected-Reach

[4] http://gamingta.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/World_Count_2016.pdf

[5] http://www.casinocitypress.com/common/gga_worldoverview.pdf

