Why the Casinos Need Alphaslot

and SLOT token role in gaming entertainment

Alphaslot Lab
6 min readFeb 8, 2019


Casino gaming floors don’t meet the expectation of the 21st century consumers. As the modes of entertainment grow more inventive and more convenient (mobile games, eSports, social gaming), the actual offerings on the casino floors is mired in decades old technology.

Casino entertainments are no longer the favour for next generations. Think about the last time you visit a casino in Las Vegas, Singapore or Macau, in particular. Was it look pretty much the same as the first time you went in to celebrate your 18th birthday (or 21st in some countries)? Did you have the same excitement as the first time you took a photo with your Kodak camera when you won the first 100 dollars from a slot machine? The reason they’re so out-dated and unattractive is they’re beholden to antiquated and inefficient business model, before the dawn of the internet gaming era.

Consumer spending on casino floors continue to decline when comparing with other entertainments offering in Las Vegas.

The numbers are telling. Thanks for the expensive investment on marketing and the building of new attractions by the casinos, 42.9 millions customers visit Las Vegas and 32 millions more coming to Macau creating 129 billions revenue for over 2000 casinos worldwide, but the spending on the casino floors has dropped from 70% in 1990 to less than 35% in recent years.

When the next generations are demanding for interactive gaming experience, the casinos and their game manufacturers are slow in responding. When the gamers are enjoying the new values in eSports and social games, casinos are only able to purchase the same slot machines from a limited number of suppliers…and upgraded only with the bigger screens.

How Alphaslot spark the Values of Casino Entertainment

We believe casino gaming, and more broadly the casino entertainment value, should be appreciated like all other entertainment modes on the internet age today — interactively, securely, globally, and responsibly. By design, this entertainment value will be built on an interactive blockchain ecosystem and involve the participation of existing service providers (e.g. game designers, casino operators, regulators) and new types of providers (e.g. distributed gaming technology companies).

Digital Assets (in-app purchase) is now the leading revenue from gamers. Alphaslot is in position to bring the same success for casino gaming.

Alphaslot is uniquely positioned to achieve that stage as a distributed gaming ecosystem with a native digital asset, SLOT, that directly bridges casinos and customers for increasing incentive to play on the casino floors. SLOT are minted by betting with fiat currency on the casino floors based on the amount of time spent, speed of play, and other gaming-related circumstances. By using SLOT, casino customers will be able to unlock digital accessories that aren’t available for direct sales, creating compulsion and additional in-game boosts to enhance the gaming experience. By accumulating SLOT, players will be better equipped with more control while playing, allowing in-game strategy and potentially position themselves with higher chances of winning (in selected jurisdictions). These features will engage players for longer time-on-device and drive up revenue from the casino floors.

Alphaslot is the blockchain gateway to bring next generation gamers onto the casino floors.

The blockchain infrastructure will also create access for the regulators to promo responsible gambling and AML, for game designer to tap into new sources of information of their players, for casino operators to expand reach on their customers via CRM, for technology companies to innovate in presently unimaginable ways, and for gaming values to grow exponentially.

How does Alphaslot build network effects?

Every new ecosystem starts with a chicken-and-the-egg problem: the supply won’t join the system unless there’s a demand. And, demand is challenging to prove without real supply. As these ecosystem flourished, efficiencies increased and greater returns achieved and experiences improved exponentially.

Alphaslot Ecosystem is the ultimate “farms” for the chickens-and-eggs to meet.

To map how Alphaslot can get there, let’s start by identifying the actors. When we evaluate how casino entertainment work, casino operators invested in expensive buildings to attract customers and created loyalty program with costly expense to maintain, but ultimately customers require good games to play, to stay, and to return again. As discuss earlier, there is a disconnection between the game makers and the casino operators. Casinos are not having the ability to make games on their own desire. Game makers are not able to interact with players directly on the casino floor to provide what they like. Then, in Alphaslot’s ecosystem, casino operators and game manufacturers for the first time having a compatible channels (Alphaslot API) with encrypted data working together to provide a competitive environment for visitors and gamers, who now have more incentive to spend for casino gaming.

Alphaslot’s API (Application Programming Interface) is designed as a public protocol for the integration of players’ digital wallets with the gaming products on the casino floors.

What’s in it for Casino Operators?

Alphaslot offers an entirely new, rich customer segmentation of next generations. Alphaslot increase customer retention rate which casinos spend millions to acquire them. The “Alphaslot-ready” gaming machines (operating by casinos) can add new features to interact with the gamers via the SLOT tokens and related digital assets, offering competitive products to attract new customers and prolong their gaming activities on the casino floors. The encrypted customer data on the blockchain network also ensure their investments are preserved.

What’s in it for Game Makers?

Alphaslot offers, for the first time in history, the directly access for game makers to interact with casino gamers thru the Alphaslot ecosystem, making modern gaming elements available from within the games themselves. As the gamers data are encrypted and anonymous on the blockchain, casinos are more willing to open the customer gateway with game makers for product improvement. Game makers will be able to offer digital assets for gamers to acquire, making them to stay longer on their games and increase revenue for both game makers and casino operators. These unique characteristics present new business opportunities for the industry to compete with upstarts.

From a Spark to a Wildfire

As the entertainment value on Alphaslot grows, so do the number of casinos and counter parties joining the ecosystem. In this state, there will be many options to increase the use cases of SLOT tokens in the gaming ecosystem while increasing the gaming revenue on the casino floor at the same time.

The use case of Alphaslot and the SLOT tokens will be unlimited in the diverse gaming ecosystem.

The new distributed gaming technologies will connect the world’s casino gaming ecosystem — acting as a bridge between gamers, designers, operators, and regulators — so data will move across systems and parties with the most transparence and the least friction possible, and so all participants and the industry can benefit from the economies of creativity at scale.

Alphaslot is a proud member of Gaming Standards Association to promo technology innovation for the Gaming industry worldwide.

In summary, the tokenized model of the Alphaslot ecosystem is the missing catalyst that will generate a new market growth in the established steady-state industry. Alphaslot is a team of casino authoritative experts and scholars and we are in position to revolutionize the gaming industry by bringing new gamers and generating revenue growth for casino entertainments worldwide.

About Alphaslot

Alphaslot is the blockchain ecosystem with a core focus on casino entertainment and new player acquisition, connecting gaming machines with gamers via the SLOT token on casino floors synergistically. The tokenized network provides gamers with incentives to stay engaged with the casino experience, acting as a catalyst to bring growth for the steady-state gaming industry.

Find out more on our website at www.alphaslot.io



Alphaslot Lab

Alphaslot achieves the application of the token economy with blockchain, and will gradually expand to the management and regulation of the digital asset market.