(November to December) DOTSAMA Network Recent Parachain Winners and Updates

4 min readDec 5, 2021


Here are the updates on the recent winners of both the Polkadot and Kusama Network parachain auctions over the past weeks.

Polkadot Network

Polkadot Auction Slot 1–3 Winners

Slot 1: Acala Network

Slot 2: Moonbeam Network

Slot 3: Astar Network

Recent Updates

Acala Network

The first Polkadot parachain slot was won by Acala Network. It is a decentralized finance and stablecoin hub of the Polkadot network that will power cross-chain financial applications and optimize liquidity. It has recently announced a partnership with both SubQuery Network and OriginTail.

SubQuery chose to build on Acala because of its community, technical expertise, and its upcoming EVM+ launch which allows users to link their Ethereum addresses with their Polkadot addresses.

OriginTrail announced the launch of its Knowledge Graph (DKG) technology on Acala. This will enable large amounts of use cases that will combine Acala’s economy of assets with OriginTrail’s queryable and indexable network of assets. To summarize in simple terms, this would allow use cases such as collateralizing real world assets like stock portfolios or IRAs for minting a stablecoin loan and using prediction markets and verified proofs for different types of inquiries.

Moonbeam Network

Moonbeam Network is the winner of the second Polkadot parachain slot. It has the largest total amount of contribution from the most number of participants in the crowdloan as of the moment.

With overwhelming community support, the Moonbeam Foundation has increased the GLMR token reward pool to 150 million GLMR tokens. Moonbeam will follow the same launch process as Moonriver Network to ensure the stability of the network while it is deployed.

Astar Network

Astar Network recently won the third Polkadot parachain slot. It is a decentralized application hub that was built on Polkadot Substrate, which supports both EVM and WASM with the addition of Layer2 solutions.

Kusama Network

Kusama Auction Slot 12-16 Winners

Slot 12: Picasso

Slot 13: Bit.Country Pioneer

Slot 14: Quartz

Slot 15: Genshiro

Slot 16: Subsocial

Recent Updates


Composable Finance introduces Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol to Picasso through Centauri bridge. This will link the Kusama network to the Cosmos Network IBC protocol which allows multiple cross-chain and cross-layer transfers, and opens new possibilities to the future of DeFi.

A new protocol built atop Picasso, Whirlpool Cash is a privacy-preserving protocol that will allow idle assets to be utilized for activities such as yield farming with the additional benefit of providing users with on-chain privacy


Bit.Country Metaverse Network is a platform for user-created metaverses and games with opportunities to earn. It recently launched several options for partnership & integration namely Land Block Grant, Private Land Purchase, Metaverse.Foundation Grant, General Partnership & Collaboration, and Creators or Service Providers; with the aim of bringing on communities, organizations, and builders that can add value directly to NUUM or NEER holders.


The latest addition to the Kusama Network Parachain, winning the 16th slot, is Subsocial. It is an open platform built with the Polkadot and IPFS tech stacks that offers decentralized censorship-resistant social networks and marketplaces. It is where social media meets DeFi, with the value-added premium of space governance.

Final Thoughts

Dotsama Ecosystem grows constantly with every addition of new parachains. The endless possibilities created brings Polkadot and Kusama closer to their goal of achieving cross-chain and cross-layer interoperability.

