AlchemyNFT Raises $6 million for Remix Platform to Autograph NFTs

Victor Zhang
Smart Token Labs
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2021

Singapore, July 29

— AlchemyNFT, a platform that enables new utilities for non-fungible tokens, announced today it has raised $6 million to build out its remix NFT platform from investors including Capital, Digital Renaissance Fund, Fenbushi Capital, Framework Ventures, Free Company, Hash Global, HashKey, Huobi Ventures, LongHash Ventures, Mask Network, Mechanism Capital, OKEx Blockdream Ventures, Puzzle Ventures, SevenX Ventures, and billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban.

AlchemyNFT also launched its first product on the platform,, which enables the signing of unique digital assets with social network IDs. It allows payment to celebrities and artists to autograph NFTs and donate all or a portion of the proceeds to charities such as Save the Children. uses EVM smart contracts and the innovative TokenScript technology, a framework that adds unlimited utility to NFTs by bringing context, security, and cross-platform functionality (iOS, Android and Web) to tokens.

“I’m excited about the features of TokenScript. There is so much that can and should happen in a user wallet and TokenScript will lead the way,” Cuban said.

The TokenScript technology, which was developed by the team behind AlphaWallet that went on to found AlchemyNFT, has been used as far back as 2018 for NFT ticketing at such events as FIFA’s World Cup.

“I see a compelling version of the future in the TokenScript framework. It extends the usefulness of NFTs with context, security, and functionality with a single file of middleware. AlchemyNFT will be a great use case of this in the wild” Framework Ventures Co-Founder Vance Spencer said.

AlchemyNFT project founder Victor Zhang said: “We are excited about the future technology-enabled free markets, where tokenized rights can be traded on the market and integrated across systems, forming a frictionless market and allowing limitless integration. TokenScript is the key enabler for this upcoming tokenized internet and tokenized economy. We decided to package TokenScript into the AlchemyNFT project to push the adoption of TokenScript, and to make the AlchemyNFT powerful enough to enable different kinds of NFT-related applications.”

“Remix NFTs are a game-changer and AlchemyNFT is proud to provide the platform to empower NFT users and developers to do whatever they can imagine — whether it is owners adding music or autographs to their NFTs or marketplaces where musicians reward supporters with redeemable rights. It brings in a new layer of Liquidity and Utility.” Zhang added “With the new financing, we can grow and expand our AlchemyNFT platform and grow our team. I look forward to more talents joining our startup journey.”

“The AlchemyNFT team saw the value of NFTs years ago and has a track record of creating real-world products with their innovative technology.” Mechanism Capital Managing Partner Andrew Kang said. “NFTs have captured the public’s imagination in recent months but the ecosystem around them lacks both liquidity and utility. Through TokenScript and AutographNFT, AlchemyNFT creates new possibilities for NFTs.”

Other investors in this fundraising round included: Daidai@DODO, discusfish@f2pool, Jordan and Kain@SNX, Piers Kicks@Delphi, Saxon advisors and SECBIT Labs.

