ERC-5169: A New Application-level Standard for Ethereum and Web3

One More Step Towards a Fully Integrated Web Enabled by Smart Tokens and Smart Layer Network

Victor Zhang
Smart Token Labs
5 min readJun 7, 2023


Introduction to ERC-5169

Ethereum Improvement Proposal 5169 (ERC-5169) is a new standard that introduces the concept of executable scripts within Ethereum tokens. This development allows tokens to carry their own logic and behavior, transforming them from static digital assets into dynamic entities. More details about this EIP can be found on the official Ethereum GitHub.

The Potential of ERC-5169

ERC-5169 opens up a wide range of possibilities for dynamic and interactive tokens that can interact with both web2 and web3 environments. The inclusion of executable scripts within tokens can significantly enhance the functionality and utility of tokens. Here are some examples:

  • A ‘miniDapp’ tailored for a single token: This could be a simplified decentralized application (DApp) that is specifically designed to interact with a particular token. For instance, a miniDApp could be created for a game token, allowing users to buy in-game items, trade them with other players, or even level up their characters. The miniDApp would be designed to interact with the specific smart contract of the game token, enabling these functionalities.
  • A signed script that provides TIPS from a browser wallet: This could be a script that ensures Trust, Interoperability, Privacy, and Security (TIPS) for a token when it is used from a browser-based wallet. For example, it could ensure that the token transactions are secure, that the token can interact with different websites, and that the user’s privacy is maintained during these interactions.
  • A script that allows users to interact with contract functions not normally provided by a wallet, eg ‘mint’ function: Normally, wallet interfaces only provide basic functionalities like transfer or balance check. However, a TokenScript could be written to allow a wallet user to interact with more complex functions of a smart contract, like the ‘mint’ function, which creates new tokens.
  • An extension that is downloadable to the hardware wallet with an extension framework, such as Ledger: This could be a script that extends the functionality of a hardware wallet like Ledger. For instance, it could enable the wallet to interact with a specific DApp, or support a new type of token that was not previously supported.
  • A script to operate IOTs, after the owner receives an authorization token in their wallet: This could be a script that allows a user to control a smartlock using a token in their wallet. For instance, a user could receive a token that represents their right to access a certain property. The JavaScript instructions would interact with the smartlock, checking the presence and validity of the token in the user’s wallet and unlocking the door if the check is successful.

These examples illustrate the potential of ERC-5169. By allowing tokens to carry their own logic and behavior, they can interact with a wide range of services and applications, enhancing their utility and potential in the web3 ecosystem.

The Importance of ERC-5169 for Ethereum and Web3

ERC-5169 is a significant development for Ethereum and the broader web3 ecosystem. By enabling smart tokens, it expands the utility and functionality of Ethereum tokens, making them more than just a medium of value transfer.

This development has the potential to drive further adoption of Ethereum and blockchain technology, as it allows for more complex and meaningful interactions with tokens. It also paves the way for a more integrated and interactive web3, where tokens can seamlessly interact with various services and platforms.

Furthermore, by enabling tokens to carry their own logic, ERC-5169 also enhances the security and privacy of token interactions. Since the logicis embedded within the token itself, it reduces the need for external interfaces, which can be vulnerable to attacks. It also allows for more granular control over data privacy, as the token can decide what data to share with which service.

ERC-5169 and TokenScript

TokenScript is a framework for writing scripts that define the behavior of tokens. It allows developers to create a user interface and define actions for tokens, essentially bringing the tokens to life.

When used in conjunction with ERC-5169, TokenScript enables the creation of smart tokens. The scripts defined by TokenScript can be embedded into tokens as per the ERC-5169 standard, allowing these tokens to interact with various services and platforms in a dynamic way.

Play with TokenScript!

Smart Token Labs’ Vision

Smart Token Labs, the team behind ERC-5169 and TokenScript, envisions a future where tokens are the integration layer that delivers a more open and innovative internet for all. We believe in the transformative power of smart tokens and are committed to developing the necessary tools and standards to realize this vision.

Smart Token Labs is also developing the Smart Layer, a blockchain-based integration bus, making smart tokens’ functionalities available to web services. The Smart Layer essentially connects the blockchain world and web services. The Smart Layer is designed for high traffic, employs encryption and secure computation for privacy, and utilizes TokenScript to allow tokens to provide new APIs without service network redeployment.

In conclusion, ERC-5169 is a significant development for Ethereum and the broader web3 ecosystem. It enables the creation of smart, interactive tokens that can seamlessly integrate with various web2 and web3 services, driving further adoption of blockchain technology and paving the way for a more integrated and interactive web3.


TokenScript: TokenScript is a key technology for creating Smart Tokens. It enables an interface that manages token data and interaction, with its execution divided between a designated wallet environment and smart layers, both accessing blockchains. TokenScript enables tokens to become interactive, blockchain-backed Smart Tokens that serve as integration points of the next web.

Smart Tokens: Smart Tokens are programmable tokens enabling limitless integrations/interactions on the web. Unlike regular tokens used for payments or access, Smart Tokens are dynamic, programmed to interact intelligently with websites and represent diverse entities from user accounts to tangible assets. They are the integration points of the next web.

Smart Layer Network: This is a decentralized service network of nodes supporting the Smart Tokens. It is a blockchain-based integration bus, making Smart Tokens’ functionalities available to web services. It runs a part of TokenScript, facilitating Smart Tokens to be issued, tracked, and communicated with websites. The nodes process integrations, manage token transfers, and securely carry out web functionalities incentivized by the Smart Layer Network token.

AlphaWallet: AlphaWallet serves as the user’s interface for managing and interacting with Smart Tokens. It allows users to not only store and transfer their tokens but also to use them in a variety of ways, such as accessing services, exercising digital rights, participating in dApps, and more.

Overall, Smart Token Labs is working towards a future web where functionalities are interconnected seamlessly, creating a more enriched and user-centric digital experience. Our upcoming public token release for Smart Layer Network is a significant step towards achieving this vision.

