You can now monetize your gameplay

Smart Token Labs
2 min readMay 31, 2024


Web3 gaming just got a lot more rewarding: using Account Tokens, your playtime and in-game achievements can be stored within a tradable token that can be bought and sold on on-chain exchanges and marketplaces.

It’s a new meta for Web3 gaming. As a player, you can now create value through play in different ways and benefit from every unique experience and achievement you conquer.

Gaming should be about fun, and this puts the focus back in play, not just pay-to-win mechanics. Smart Layer is providing the technology to enable this in Web3 gaming.

How It Works

Account Tokens use ERC-5169 and TokenScript technology to track and store user action and data, both on-chain and off-chain.

Your Account Token “levels up” with achievements, badges, and XP as you play, increasing its value. Achievements and playtime are token-bound, meaning they carry over when traded or transferred.

You can then trade these tokens in NFT marketplaces in decentralized exchanges (when ST404 is enabled).

Use Cases

Smart Cats

Smart Cats allowed players to level up their Cat xNFTs through actions like cleaning, feeding, and play dates. Holding the NFT gave better access to airdrop and trade value. This initiative attracted over 270,000+ players and saw over 20 million transactions.

Redbrick Land

Redbrick Land launched 10,000 Brc:ID NFTs using Account Tokens, with all player achievements being token-bound and tradable. Players in the ecosystem can accumulate points, XP, in-game achievements, associate land, and much more with it.

Seven Dragons Collection

The upcoming Seven Dragons Collection by Knightfury404 and Klaytn Official will feature playable tokens that users can level up to access rewards on the South Korean-based Kaia blockchain.

The Future of Web3 Gaming

The tokenization of accounts and achievements allows players to benefit from their gameplay, participation, and skills in new and exciting ways.

This mechanic benefits platforms, games, and more. Ecosystem play can unlock new gaming opportunities; gameplay can unlock more control of balancing direction and items. Even outside of gaming… for example, if used with DeFi, unlock tradable benefits when creating larger LPs or trading higher volumes.

Any action can be gamified and tradable to the full benefit of the participant. Web3 Gaming and the Ethereum Summer are just around the corner. Are you excited yet?

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