Hello world, we are Alphawave!

Diederik Hattingh
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2017

Welcome, everyone. We are Alphawave, a group of small technology companies, that produces world class products and services. Our area of expertise is in everything from mobile apps, to VR to sales mobility and IoT.

Culture of innovation

Our company was founded in 1994 by 2 PhD engineering graduates, that thought working for a bank sounded boring. So they started their own business doing electromagnetic engineering consulting work instead.

Whenever a new business opportunity presented itself since then, our fearless leaders have given the idea enough time and money to prove itself, gain traction, and if successful potentially spin off to become its own new company. Today we have 6 successful business that blossomed from these ideas.

This culture of innovation is still alive and well within the Alphawave group, in fact we have an incubator division dedicated to nurturing new ideas into successful startups. (Submit your idea today!)

How do we build world class products?

Quite simply: through producing high quality software and hardware.

Great software as you probably know has a few facets. First of all it must solve a real problem and add real value for its users. It is quite demoralising spending a lot of time and effort writing software that is never used. By getting frequent feedback from our end users, we are more successful at building the right solution to fit the customer’s actual problem.

The code itself must be easy to understand, and modify. It should be a joy to work with. When modifying it, we always think of the next developer that will work on the code.

Always write code for other people, because in six months time you will be a different person.
— Unknown


All our products are built with user experience professionals as part of the development life-cycle. This practice increases the usability and enjoyment of our products. This obviously has a direct effect on the user’s happiness. Getting good feedback on your creations as a developer helps with confidence when building the next great feature or application.

Why you should join Alphawave

We all work hard, but also know how to have fun: On the job perks include: free cooked lunch, best coffee in Technopark, free soft drinks (including Steri Stumpie!), beautiful views of the Stellenbosch mountains (if you choose to join us on-site).

Lunch! Yum!

We LAN PC games over lunch, do craft beer Fridays and have a Losie at Newlands.

Since all our managers have a technical background they have a good understanding of what it takes to make good hardware and software. They provide us with the best tools money can buy to help us solve the problems at hand in the best way possible. That sometimes means giving developers the time to take the longer, but better path to a solution.

We are not here to build software that gets thrown away after a few months. It must run, and keep running for years to come. Short term hacks are strongly discouraged.

Having a proven track record for starting new successful business over the last 20 odd years we believe joining us would be a wise course of action.

The technical problems that we solve for our clients are non-trivial, and therefore interesting, and we need the best minds in the industry to help solve them.

Drop us a line to start the interviewing process.


