ALPHR: The Journey So Far

Marketing Chela
Published in
5 min readAug 17, 2021

Alphr at a Glance

Alphr is an entirely new use-case for De-Fi that, if pulled off correctly, will be extremely valuable to the De-Fi community.

At its core Alphr ranks all the wallets in crypto and allows you to copy any wallet seamlessly. No one in the crypto industry has pioneered an app like this, and for good reason (it is a very difficult feat).

The IDO, or Initial Dex Offering, for Alphr was at the end of April (4/27/21) less than 4 months ago. Since then we have delivered an early Alphr version of our product and established the DAO.

This week with the majority of the bugs solved we will be entering the beta phase of development.

To date, we have made great progress towards building an industry changing product, but not without challenges along the way.

Challenges and Solutions Since Launch

One obstacle when building a platform that organizes all trades on blockchain into a functional index for users is gathering the proper sources of data and processing that data in a seamless fashion.

There is no single source of truth for the data we show on the front end.

For example, the swap history, currently held tokens, balances etc. that are shown on your Alphr page come from multiple different data pipelines. The data collected through these pipelines are then funnelled together and processed to create Alphr’s real use mirror trading capabilities and real time updated balances and swap history.

A challenge that the Alphr team realized early on was faulty data from third party sources. The team realized that the original Uniswap graph contained wrong price data. They filed a ticket for resolution which was unmet by Uniswap developers.

This ticket was never resolved so the team found another solution in a 3rd party graph that fixed those issues. The swap and price data pipeline is now caught up to the current block delivering accurate data on Alphr’s front end.

Up until now the major issue we have been met with has been faulty data. This issue has been corrected and we are now set to deliver accurate, real time performance statistics on every wallet in crypto.

As with any major project, Alphr has come up against many challenges. The team has successfully found solutions to these challenges and is building great momentum towards establishing ourselves as a De-Fi bluechip.

Updates coming to Alphr

In order to track current balances of tokens we have built a separate ingestion/data pipeline which still needs around 30 days to catch up to the current block.

You will be seeing ‘Coming Soon’ on the Balance and Currently Holding boxes on your Alphr profile during this period.

Whilst the data team were working on perfecting the swap ingestion pipeline to catch up to the current block, the rest of the development team built ETH farming rewards and protocol usage rewards which are ready to be shipped alongside this beta.

Alphr’s protocol rewards are given to those traders who manual mirror trade on our platform (these are separate from farming rewards).

Protocol rewards will be sent out daily to platform users with the first three month schedule as follows:

  • Month 1 daily rewards: 3,333.33 ALPHR
  • Month 2 daily rewards: 2,500 ALPHR
  • Month 3 daily rewards: 2,500 ALPHR

In addition to Alphr’s protocol rewards, ETH farming rewards incentivize users to provide liquidity through kickbacks in the form of the native Alphr token as well as in ETH.

Normally, across different platforms, farming rewards are provided only in the native token.

Alphr is paving the way towards fair distribution of funds by choosing to reward liquidity providers with ETH as well as our ALPHR token.

Both the farming and protocol usage rewards will be going live this week!

Stay tuned for when Alphr’s farming rewards and protocol usage rewards go live via our Twitter, Telegram, and Discord.

With our new developments, bug fixes and updates as a Alphr user you will be able to:

  • Connect your wallet
  • Manually mirror trade top performing wallets
  • Search for different tokens where you will find token pages that share data and insights
  • Swap any token held in your wallet for any token on our platform
  • Farm with Ethereum and Alphr to receive rewards in both Ethereum and Alphr
  • Receive new protocol rewards for any trades you make on our platform
  • View your trade history
  • Look up any wallet: see their trade history
  • Participate in the Alphr DAO where you can submit proposals and vote on submissions

You might still be asking,

‘Why would I use Alphr as a trader/token holder?’

Here’s a quick list of the benefits of trading and holding with Alphr:

  • Receive data insights on the best wallets to copy trade in crypto
  • Receive DAILY attractive rewards for staking your Alphr and Ethereum tokens on our platform
  • Get rewarded with Alphr protocol rewards every time you make a trade with Alphr
  • Participate as a first user of Alphr manual mirror trading as we build into automated mirror trading

A Message to our Token Holders

It has only been 4 months since our IDO.

While we realize this has not been our ideal launch, our team has been working hard to accomplish a technically challenging task. This comes with obstacles that are new to De-Fi, but that have the potential to add an entirely new service to the De-Fi space.

Our team is well equipped, competent, and motivated to build a seamless product that can onboard millions of people to De-Fi one step at a time. We are a team of innovative and pragmatic builders, that is why we focus on small wins and testing with you, our community, to provide feedback. We believe this is the best way to achieve product market fit and build a tool that will bring DeFi to everyone.

Alphr is starting a new marketing campaign. For the next few months you will see our active ambassadors growing in numbers, key opinion leaders discussing our breakthroughs, press covering our updates, daily video and article content being posted, as well as community competitions and giveaways.

We are also relying on you, our community and investors to help support and promote this project.

For more information on this vision and ways that you can get involved follow this link (Build With Us).

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