Introducing Alphr.Finance

Mission: Democratizing crypto investing.

Swami AlphrAnanda
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2021


Alphr is a decentralized social trading platform.

We have seen many successful efforts to automate yield farming. You can deposit your funds into permissionless non custodial solutions that will find the best yield. What if you could do the same to find the best trades?


Alphr enables anyone to trade with the alpha of the most successful investors in crypto.

Buy when they buy, sell when they sell.

Alphr uses AMT (automated mirror trading) to mirror the trades of the most successful wallets based on historic returns.

Users can select from a plethora of the most successful crypto traders to mirror, based on their wallet DEX trade history. When a user selects a wallet to mirror, they then deposit funds into a smart contract pool and that routing smart contract will mirror all the trades of the selected investor wallet. Users can search any wallet and if a pool doesn’t exist a mirror pool can be created by the user.

Alphr can save users considerable gas fees by achieving economies of scale, due to funds being routed together a single transaction.

What problems does Alphr solve?

1) Gas fees — High fees have put DeFi and Dex trading out of the reach of many smaller investors. Gas fees are shared by the whole mirror pool.

2) Passive How many tokens and telegram groups can one person actually track? How many hours can one person actually stay awake? Alphr takes the work out of crypto trading.

3) Alpha — There’s always going to be someone with more alpha than you, why not just copy them with a portion of your portfolio?

4) Low barrier to entry — For many people the space is daunting and confusing, people don’t know which tokens to buy and the perceived risk of losing money keeps them from entering. Automated mirroring of the most successful traders, lowers the barrier to entry.


0.2% transaction fees
10% performance fee (profits only)

Alphr charges a 0.2% fee on all transactions, all fees are distributed to $Alphr holders via a burn mechanism.

A 10% performance fee is charged on all profits generated by the protocol. This performance fee is only charged upon withdrawal and only on the profit that has been generated for the user.

Alphr Governance Token

The Alphr token ($ALPHR) is the governance token of the Alphr protocol and captures all the value of fees generated by the protocol.

75% of the protocol fees will be utilized to remunerate Alphr users providing liquidity on Uniswap in exchange for the service they are providing to the protocol and Alphr ecosystem.

The other 25% are sent to the token holder controlled community development fund.

Holders will also be able to initiate and vote on governance proposals, in addition to voting on how to utilize the Alphr community fund. The Alphr community fund vesting will begin after a 2 month lock period to allow sufficient distribution of Alphr tokens amongst a wide holder-base.

Alphr Protocol User Rewards

30% of the total $Alphr supply will be allocated to protocol users and Mirrors. $Alphr will be allocated to protocol users proportionally based on the value of fees generated by each user. Wallets that are being mirrored will also receive a portion of the $Alphr mining pool to ensure fairness and goodwill in the crypto community towards mirror trading. In other words if your trades are being mirrored at least you’re getting some of the benefit.

Alphr staking

There will be a Uniswap V3 LP mining programme commencing in May.


Feb — Development commenced

Feb/Mar — Private sale

April — IDO + Uniswap listing

May — Early alpha launch


  • Trade with the alpha of the best performing wallets in crypto.
  • A new use case for smart contract pools and routing.
  • Community owned via governance token and LP mining programme.
  • Fair and incentivizing for wallets being mirrored.
  • Opens up crypto and DEX trading to a wider userbase.



Swami AlphrAnanda
Editor for

Founder of Alphr. Bestowing the bliss of alpha upon all those who seek it.