Blacklist Dangerous Applications With Alpin

Lauren Alweis
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2017

If you are running G Suite, you’ve likely noticed how incredibly easy it is for your users to allow access to sensitive information. We have seen notable cases like this and this where seemingly innocuous permissions have resulted in significant data breaches.

Why does this happen?

Google and third party apps have prioritized user adoption and ease of use. This has led to the unintended consequence of easily allowing users to provide access to their data — and at work, that may mean sensitive company data.

Users are accustomed to allowing control from their personal accounts. They have become jaded by the frequent appearance of “allow access?” dialog boxes, and don’t bother to read even that small amount of “fine print.” So they blithely allow access, ignoring the security risks, even on their professional accounts.

You may also have noticed that it is difficult to identify which applications have these privileges, much less revoke those privileges. With users introducing new apps every day, you are playing a high stakes game of whack-a-mole!

Alpin is the solution.

Alpin gives you control. With Alpin, you can:

  • See a list of all third party applications in use.
  • Sort and filter those applications by type of permission, to find the most dangerous applications in terms of data sharing vulnerabilities.
  • See who is using those applications.
  • Instantly do a one-time de-provisioning of a dangerous application from a single user.
  • Instantly blacklist dangerous applications, across all users, so they can no longer be installed by users.

The one-time de-provisioning of a single app for a single user is like using a laser scalpel.

Blacklisting lets you actually win the carnival game of whack-a-mole, by wielding a giant hammer that crushes everything at once! To make it even easier, Alpin notifies you of the most dangerous permissions, so you are never caught by surprise. You are in control, not those pesky moles.

And Alpin does more than security. It helps you cut SaaS costs by up to 30%, manage renewals, ensure license compliance, monitor and archive activity, get notified about important events, and more. Govern all your SaaS applications in one dashboard.

If you are ready to get started blacklisting dangerous applications, try Alpin in just 2 clicks!

