Top 10 GDPR Guides

Lauren Alweis
Published in
5 min readJan 8, 2018

Is GDPR compliance keeping you up at night? If so, you are not alone, and your fears are not entirely unfounded. But help is on the way: we have curated the Top 10 GDPR Guides. If you maintain or process data on European customers, these resources will be great frameworks and instructions to prepare your company for compliance.

Here are a few things about GDPR we are hearing:

“The regulation is the most far-reaching change to data protection in a generation.”

“Forrester predicts that 80 percent of firms affected by GDPR will not comply with the regulation by May 2018. Gartner estimates that less than half of companies that GDPR applies to will be in compliance by the end of 2018.”

“With 10 chapters, 99 articles, and 160 requirements the GDPR is a complex law, and implementing all this will be a challenge.”

“In many ways, GDPR in 2017 is what Y2K was in 1999 — not just in terms of urgency and scope, but also in the way everybody is claiming to be GDPR experts overnight, trying to sell technical solutions to what are actually strategic business issues. There’s a lot of scaremongering and FUD [fear, uncertainty and doubt].”

The top 10 GDPR guides will steer you on your path to compliance.

And if after reading these guides, you are still not getting sleep at night, we might also suggest giving the full text of the GDPR a light read before bed.

1. Official General Data Protection Regulation Webpage

The EU GDPR built this site to educate the public about the main elements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Find key articles of the GDPR, as well as information on its business impact.

What we found most helpful:

2. Amazon Web Services

In addition to details on their own compliance, AWS has gathered extensive services and resources to help their customers comply with GDPR requirements. New features are being launched regularly, and AWS has 500+ features and services focused on security and compliance.

What we found most helpful:

3. Microsoft

Microsoft is investing in extensive features and functionality to help organizations achieve their GDPR goals. Below find resources designed to make the process of GDPR compliance easier and documentation on how to use these tools.

What we found most helpful:

4. Bird & Bird

This international law firm created an approachable GDPR guide that broadly follows the chapters used by the Regulation. Each subchapter starts with a “speed read” summary, a list of action points and the degree of change in the GDPR. Signposts guide you to where you can find relevant source material within the Regulation itself.

What we found most helpful:

5. The UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office

This 12-step guide provides an easy way to get started with your GDPR compliance. It includes links to relevant sections of the GDPR itself, and other ICO guidance produced by the EU’s Article 29 Working Party.

What we found most helpful:

6. Jones Day

This guide provides a straightforward overview of the new rules imposed by this legislation and the key changes it will make, will help users prepare for the GDPR. The guide also includes a short glossary of terms used in the GDPR, and each section sets out a short to-do list for compliance.

What we found most helpful:

7. Infosecurity Europe

This guide lays out the many steps involved in the GDPR Accountability Life Cycle. Learn more about engaging stakeholders and implementing effective procedures that embed GDPR-compliant operational behaviors.

What we found most helpful:

8. Page Fair

Interesting examples of what consent dialogues could look like under GDPR.

What we found most helpful:

9. Segment

Quick explanation of the roles and responsibilities between the data processor and data controller and how you can prepare for compliance.

What we found most helpful:

10. Ad Profs

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the GDPR. It is generally based on the perspective of a US media company — but also provides great detail for companies wondering if they need to be concerned with compliance.

What we found most helpful:

Have we missed a guide that you found useful? Please let us know, we would love to add it to our Top 10 GDPR Guides!

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