Dreams Quest — A Decentralized RPG and TCG Metaverse Using Dynamic NFTs

Alpine Capital Markets
Alpine Capital Markets
7 min readNov 2, 2021

Dreams Quest is developing a decentralized metaverse economy built on the blockchain. This economy is the backbone of their role-playing game (RPG) and trading card game (TCG) ecosystem where players can earn $DREAMS tokens through various types of in-game engagements. On its surface, Dreams Quest looks very similar to popular fantasy-based RPGs like Skyrim or World of Warcraft with a trading card aspect akin to Magic: The Gathering or Pokémon. It’s their “Play-to-Earn” cryptocurrency foundation that takes the tried and true format of those aforementioned games and brings Dreams Quest into the innovative and rapidly-expanding realm of game-based DeFi.

Using Dynamic NFTs to Create a Metaverse Economy

At this point, we’re all very familiar with the term NFT or non-fungible token. They’re basically tokenized versions of data that most commonly take the form of images, GIFs, videos, and other types of consumable media. A dynamic NFT takes that concept and turns it into an ever-evolving piece of data. For example, a basketball player can create a dynamic NFT that updates their stats during the course of a season. Or, to put it in TCG terms, a dynamic Pokémon card NFT could update based on the evolution of a specific type of Pokémon. The possibilities are practically endless.

Considering the implications of this, Dynamic NFTs are likely going to overtake the entire economy of traditional or static non-fungibles in the near future. Dreams Quest is using dynamic NFTs to create in-game trading cards that evolve based on a multitude of game-play factors. According to their site, these evolutions will primarily be based on the outcomes of the game (i.e. battles, quests, tournaments) as well as special scenarios that affect the NFT stats including weather events, temperature, and other environmental components.

Take this image of a Pikachu Pokémon card as an example. Normally, a Pikachu can use a “Thunder Jolt” attack to enact 30 points of damage to the other Pokémon's HP. Let’s imagine this is a dynamic NFT and all of a sudden there is a thunderstorm happening in the game. Now, the “Thunder Jolt” attack will be worth double or triple the number of points due to the heightened amount of electrical charge in the atmosphere.

The beauty of utilizing dynamic NFTs within the Dreams Quest metaverse is that players will be able to collect card decks that can grow in value as they interact with the game. Completing quests, winning battles or tournaments, and discovering various in-game elements will enable players to forge new cards and upgrade existing cards to become more powerful and economically valuable. They can then use their new and upgraded cards as tradable currency or to battle other players and teams.

Combining RPG and TCG Playing Experiences

Within the metaverse of Dreams Quest, players will navigate their environment in a similar way to most fantasy RPGs. They’ll start by creating their player (or “hero) and then proceed to go on quests, participate in events, and battle in tournaments or one-off competitions with other players. During those in-game engagements, players will begin to collect, upgrade, and forge their dynamic NFT card decks based on the challenges they’ve completed and rewards received. The dynamic NFTs will be used for the actual battles and as a fundamental aspect of the Dreams Quest economy.

The Quests

Quests will be ongoing additions to the RPG aspect of the Dreams Quest gameplay added in daily, weekly, seasonally, and yearly intervals. They plan to have various formats of quests including Story, Adventure, Exploration, Profession, Companions, and Guardians & Dragons. Each quest will vary in difficulty, length, style, and reward. The rewards can include anything from new dynamic NFT trading cards to XP points to $DREAMS tokens. Essentially, any type of reward can be used to trade for other resources or to purchase new cards or card upgrades. And, of course, $DREAMS tokens can be traded for other cryptocurrencies or used for various in-game purchases.

How to Earn $DREAMS in Dreams Quest

By describing their in-game ecosystem as the “first-ever metaverse-based economy”, Dreams Quest clearly plans to provide myriad ways in which players can earn, buy, sell, or utilize their $DREAMS tokens. During the quests, events, battles, and tournaments, players will have opportunities to find resources and actual $DREAMS tokens. As with most RPG games, those resources can then be traded, upgraded, or used to forge other valuables. The $DREAMS tokens can be stored, sold, or used to purchase other items within the game.

How to Purchase Dreams Quest Tokens [$DREAMS]?

The Dreams Quest Token, DREAMS is listed on Kucoin, a top five crypto exchange. Creating a Kucoin account takes just a few minutes. Once created, search for “DREAMS” to purchase and trade for the Dreams Quest Token.

The Marketplace

This brings us to the Dreams Quest Marketplace, a sort of decentralized hub for their entire in-game economy. Players will have the ability to become Merchants who specialize in specific industries like blacksmithing or alchemy. They’ll be able to sell resources that they’ve found or earned during gameplay in exchange for dynamic NFT cards, other in-game items, or actual $DREAMS tokens. Non-merchant players can also put up their items for auction and let the market decide what the value might be.

Battles & Tournaments

Dreams Quest players will also be able to earn $DREAMS through the TCG aspect of the game. Each battle and tournament will require an entry fee with a winner-takes-all betting paradigm. This is where the dynamic NFT situation makes things more fair and interesting. With the value and power of each card constantly shifting based on player engagement and in-game environmental factors, there is always a real possibility for the underdogs in a Dreams Quest tournament to win it all.

Dynamic NFT Card Rentals

Another innovative addition to the Dreams Quest metaverse economy is the concept of dynamic NFT card rentals. Basically, individual players can rent their cards or full decks to other players who are looking to purchase an advantageous hand. Utilizing smart contracts, the renters will only be in possession of the dynamic NFT cards for a set period of time. Any rewards allotted during the usage of those cards will be earned in part by the renter and also by the actual owner.

One might think that this feature would lead to a bunch of high-profile players leasing out their decks for a large cost to Dreams Quest newbies. While that is certainly a possibility, another scenario could occur where younger players actually pay professional “Dreams Questers” to utilize their own decks in battle in order to beef up their power and overall value. Either way, it’s easy to see how this aspect of gameplay will provide opportunities for excitement, community engagement, and monetary incentivization.

How to Join the Dreams Quest Metaverse

We’re extremely excited for the actual launch of the Dreams Quest gaming platform. Unfortunately, we’ll all have to wait until sometime next year before it’s actually available. In the meantime, you can get a head start on building your $DREAMS by trading the token on KuCoin starting November 2nd at 10:00 UTC. We imagine the value of this token will rise before the Dreams Quest game is released, so if you’re hoping to play and win within this dynamic NFT TCG and RPG combination, then why not take advantage of the lower prices early on? Your quest awaits you!

Click the links below to learn more about Dreams Quest:



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