Learn How to Stake HNT on Binance

Alpine Capital Markets
Alpine Capital Markets
5 min readMar 1, 2022


Until now, the Helium Network token has been available to stake in two ways:

  • Full node — requiring 10,000 HNT and some technical no-how.
  • Partial stake — where you contribute a minimum amount or up to nearly as much as you want into a pool of HNT, staking as a group with the community benefiting from the shared effort. In this model you pay a percent and/or flat fee to the platform that manages the validator node.

Helium provides a robust list of Staking Providers with the caveat of :

Links to these Staking Providers are provided as is. Helium, Inc. is not directly associated with any of the following vendors and makes no endorsements about the quality of their offering. Additionally, any pricing details listed here are likely to be out of date. Please verify pricing details with the given staking provider.

The third option that is not listed is to stake your HNT with Binance. Binance was the first to list the Helium token and trades the most daily volume of HNT, making a lot of sense for why they were the first exchange to jump into the staking game with the Helium Network.

Something key to note; HNT staking is currently only available on Binance.com. It is NOT available as of February 28, 2022 for U.S. citizens on Binance U.S.

While I wait for HNT staking to come to Binance U.S. I use and am a fan of Helium-Staking. While they don’t have the cheapest fees, their user interface is intuitive and there is no required lock period to your staking of HNT. This give me some level of comfort in the case I want to exit the pool.

If you are a U.S. citizen and don’t have an off-shore Binance account with this link you can get a 10% discount on your staking fees with Helium-Staking.

How to Earn the Most HNT Staking on Binance:

In order to earn additional HNT tokens on Binance you must stake for 30, 60 or 90 day increments. See the chart below for the requirements and earnings potential. Offered Products (Locked Staking)

Here’s How to use HNT Locked Staking on Binance:

1. Log into Binance, click [Finance] — [Binance Earn].

Scroll to [Locked Staking] and click [View More].

You will see the list of Locked Staking products with the estimated annual percentage yield (Est. APY), duration days, and minimum locked amount.

2. Choose the HNT token, adjust the duration, then click [Stake Now].

See staking details about the HNT token:

  • Duration: You can click on the different duration to see their respective estimated annual percentage yield (Est. APY) to pick the best offer. Please note that the Est. APY is adjusted daily based on the on-chain staking rewards. During the staking period, your assets will be locked on-chain, so you won’t be able to withdraw or perform any transactions with the allocated assets.
  • Available amount: It shows the available balance in your Spot Wallet that you can use to stake on Locked Staking. There will be a minimum amount required for staking. If you don’t have the required amount, you won’t be able to stake.

Once you subscribe to the product, interests will be calculated from 00:00 (UTC) of the following day, and are distributed to your [Fiat and Spot Wallet] every day after 00:00 (UTC). When the process is complete, the staked HNT will be redeemed automatically and returned to your Spot Wallet.

After confirming the details, enter the locked amount you want to stake and click [Confirm purchase].

3. View your Locked Staking history by going to [Wallet] — [Earn] — [Locked Staking].

4. You can redeem your assets in advance by clicking [Redeem earlier].

Note: unlocking your staked assets requires a specific time based on the specifications of the chain you’re staking on. Locked Staking allows you to redeem assets the following day. It can however, take up to 48–72 hours to receive the tokens due to varying global time zone management.

Note: if you decide to redeem the Locked Staking products in advance, the interests generated will be deducted from the principal when you un-stake.

Looking to purchase Helium Tokens [HNT]?

The below listed exchanges trade the most daily volume of HNT today. Why is volume important? If an exchange does not have much trading volume, you may get stuck with your HNT when trying to sell it. Or, you may not get the price you desire when buying or selling HNT. The more volume in trading, means there are more people buying and selling happeing, creating high amounts of liquidity.

Get an HNT wallet and one of these top exchanges:

  • Binance U.S. — The worlds largest exchange with the highest daily trade volume of the HNT token.
  • Crypto.com — with a mobile first approach that trades hundreds of thousands of HNT daily.
  • Kucoin — Is the fifth largest exchange by volume and offers access to a robust set of DeFi options. We wouldn’t be surprised to see Kucoin offer Helium staking in the near future as the first exchange to follow in Binance’s footsteps.

