
A week long happiness retreat in Dream Valley.



Had you asked me what Alptitude was going to be in the weeks leading up to the trip, I may have mumbled something along the lines of:

“Oh, it’s just like a vacation with a group of entrepreneurs who, like, share similar thoughts and stuff.

For the most part, I suppose that was a pretty accurate literal description. But it was so much more than that.

I’ll most likely continue struggle to describe what the heck actually went on there without using phrases like “it was just so energizing” and dropping in buzzwords like passion, vision, and happiness. But heck, it was exactly that; an energizing week of happiness shared with an incredibly passionate group of people sharing their vision.

So, following Laurence’s lead and taking on his challenge, I’m going to share my favorite moments and top learnings from Alptitude along with some goals moving forward!

Memorable Moments

  1. Climbed a Mountain.
    This one can almost be a whole story in and of itself! After trekking around Ireland the week before and going on a long hike the previous day, my knees were already hurting before we started the climb. By the time we made it up top, there were little daggers stabbing me in the knees every step. Don’t even get me started on the way down (it only got worse). But gosh, it was worth every second for the conversations, views, and ham and cheese sandwiches we ate on the summit. Thanks for letting me conqueor L’Aouille de Criou with you Jack and Tom!
  2. All day group hike.
    The day we all went on a long, scenic hike was filled with great conversation, problem solving, and even a big group hug at the top. Someone may have started a group chant as well… (you know who you are!).
  3. Playing with LEGO.
    Wiro Kuipers gave a LEGO Serious Play workshop and while it’s definitely an interesting way to problem solve through visual storytelling, the end was brilliant and will stick with me the most. Wiro gave us a little LEGO duck made out of 6 pieces with the reminder that those 6 pieces can be arranged 89,000 different ways. There’s always a new way to look at a problem.
  4. Via Ferrata.
    Yes, more activities! Don’t get me wrong, the talks and “unconferences” were amazing, but having an opportunity to conquer mountains and rock climb with everyone really reinforced the friendships that were created at Alptitude. It was just on a completely different level than conferences.
  5. Clarity of Purpose
    This is a hard one to describe, but the week left me feeling like I had a renewed clarity of purpose. Being surrounded by like-minded individuals with such a passion for their visions and for making the world a better place was incredibly re-energizing. I came out knowing that there’s no room for compromise when chasing your dreams and I’m okay with that. Let’s do this.
L’Aouille de Criou. Yes, the mountain we climbed!

Lessons Learned

  1. Impact doesn’t just happen, you have to be intentional about it.
    It was truly inspiring how everyone was so purpose driven at Alptitude. I’m in the early stages of starting a company myself and many of the same questions and concerns about maintaining a happy culture cropped up as my co-founders and I discussed our new venture. But I’m not worried about it anymore, I know we just have to be intentional about it and we’ll be fine.
  2. Learning is an active experience, not passive.
    Between Alexandre Magno’s talk on emergent learning versus prescriptive learning and a week of deep conversations brought up organically throughout adventures, it became clear that there are better (and oh so much more fun!) ways to learn and make connections than going to conferences.
  3. A happy business model is about more than just business.
    Finding and creating happiness for you and your employees extends beyond the walls of your business. It’s not an approach to business, it’s an approach to life. Put happiness first!
  4. Authenticity breeds creativity.
    Organic conversations with people genuinely interested in helping you solve your problems leads to some really creative brain storming. Hearing everyone’s stories, experiences, and approaches to problem solving at all the little bust out sessions during the week was amazing.
  5. It’s okay to make mistakes and it’s okay to ask for help.
    It’s a weight off my shoulders now that I realize that mistakes will inevitably be made but as long as I surround myself with the right people and I’m not afraid to ask for help when I need it, I can make it through.

Moving Forward

Alptitude was an amazing experience that helped me grow both professionally and personally and inspired me to continue to do so. In line with my #1 lesson learned, I’m going to be much more intentional about creating a happy startup and I’m not going to compromise on my vision.

I’m also looking forward to any and all potential collaborations that may come out of all the wonderful friendships made at Alptitude.

Thanks for such an incredibly inspiring week everyone!




Weekend photographer, adventurer, entrepreneur, full stack web developer and designer. @owensbla