Selective memory

Al Moncada
Al’s OpEds
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2016

There are plenty of Republicans Members of Congress, who are in a highly contested race to get re-elected or have a large Hispanic constituency.

On Jun 23, 2016, Representatives Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-25), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL-27), Carlos Curbelo (FL-26), Fred Upton (MI-6), Mike Coffman (CO-6), Dan Newhouse (WA-4), David Valadao (CA-21), Jeff Denham (CA-10), and Bob Dold (IL-10) released statement after the United States Supreme Court ruled 4–4 in the United States vs. Texas case.

The Supreme Court has spoken, but today’s decision does not resolve the issue. The American people expect Congress to work together to secure our borders, adhere to the rule of law, offer a humane solution to those living in the shadows, modernize our visa system, and bolster the economy. We are committed to fixing our broken immigration system once and for all.”

Immigration fighter and powerhouse commended these Representatives for their latest and apparent stance pro-immigration. I call this, selective memory.

A few months ago I was contacted by to encourage me to write an OpEd against Donald Trump. I had attended their meeting in Silicon Valley about a year ago, and we kept in contact to ensure we could collaborate for an immigration forum at some time in the future. Fast forward, June 2, 2016, Tracy, California and the forum became a reality, see is a leader in the fight for comprehensive immigration reform. I admire its resilience and commitment to the cause. Its founders are the top leaders of almost every single high tech company in the Silicon Valley, so I appreciate all it does in helping all immigrants achieve the American Dream.

But with its latest admiration to these Members of Congress, it allowed selective memory to play a role in their strategy to find a common-sense solution to our broken immigration system. Perhaps because it is new in the arena of civil rights. Unlike MALDEF, Catholic Charities, NCLR, NILC, NCLU and many others pro-immigrants rights groups, is the toddler of them all, and as a toddler, it is all about baby steps.

No one will ever know what role, if any, Speaker Paul Ryan’s Amicus Brief played or how convincing GOP House of Representatives’ lawyer and former Solicitor General, Paul Clement was before the SCOTUS on United States vs. Texas case, but one thing remains undoubtedly factual:

Representatives Fred Upton, Mike Coffman, Dan Newhouse, David Valadao and Jeff Denham voted for Speaker Paul Ryan’s Amicus Brief, H RES 639

CNN reported that Speaker Ryan’s Amicus Brief allowed the GOP House of Representatives to take legal action for the first time, which was unprecedented. In their opposition to President Obama’s Executive Order on DACA/DAPA, Mr. Clement argued that the President’s Executive Orders were unconstitutional. On June 23, 2016, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) sided with House Republicans and kept over 4.3 million unauthorized immigrants in a darker shadow.

I do not have selective memory, especially when it relates to the lives of millions of working families. To me, arguing against the constitutionality of justice, fairness, and goodness of a segment of our people is not a memory, but a constant reminder that we must hold our elected officials accountable for their actions. The Republicans in Congress had made it a mission to deteriorate, control, damage and interfere with anything or activities that will improve the well-being of immigrants in our country. DACA/DAPA is as American as apple pie, the 49ers or the New York Yankees.

No, I cannot accept a handful of conveniently selected group of GOP Representatives’ statement on how sorry they are or how “faithfully” they intend to work towards comprehensive immigration reform in the 115th Congress, especially when they are hoping Donald Trump be their President. They had their chance in the 114th Congress and priors to make history, to begin closure of a dark chapter in our society like slavery because unauthorized immigrants are as much in the shadows as people of color were, or women before they had the right to vote.

I say enough, and I ask and others like them to stay firm, committed to the fight without circumventing the halls of politics because when it comes to those halls, there are too many memories reminding us that sometimes politics can be your worse enemy.




Al Moncada
Al’s OpEds

Former Adviser to GOP/DEMS Campaigns // Freelance Writer // Focused on immigration, education, unfair practices, and political corruption //