The GOP’s wrecking crew

Setting the table for President Trump

Andrew S. Ross
2 min readJan 17, 2017


In an earlier post, I noted some of the initial assaults our extreme right-wing Congress has launched on federal regulations designed to protect the American public.

A full-fledged attack is now underway.

According to the Washington Post, the so-called Freedom Caucus in the House “has drawn up its own list of more than 200 executive orders or regulations” they are seeking to undo. In addition to environmental and financial regulations, they include school-lunch nutrition guidelines, renewable fuel standards, and anti-tobacco programs.

Doing the Republicans’ bidding:

Republican lawmakers are being encouraged by conservative activist groups — including the Club for Growth, Heritage Action for America and the Koch network — all of which are pressing lawmakers to make good on years of small-government promises while the GOP controls both houses of Congress and the White House.

Dozens are contained in a Koch-affiliated Freedom Partners Roadmap to Repeal document. At least 11 of them can be ended with a stroke of Trump’s pen on his first day in office, according to the document. They include lifting the moratorium on new federal coal leases, new federal overtime rules, the Paris Climate Accord, EPA programs linked to the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan and various Consumer Financial Protection Bureau rules.

Beyond the gimmes, under “Step 2” rules to rip to shreds include waterway protections, the entire, EPA Clean Power Plan, other Labor Department rules, the Obamacare health exchanges, “Net Neutrality” and, last but by no means least, “USDA Calorie Labeling for Vending Machines.”

As the Post points out, three regulation-killing bills have already passed the House with unanimous Republican support, with two others, aimed at the financial services industry, “opposed by only one Republican.” Clearly, marching orders are in effect. In the words of the Koch brothers document;

Freedom Partners will hold lawmakers who oppose regulatory relief accountable for their positions.

And, there are certain procedures that must be followed:

Floor Time: Congressional leaders should devote sufficient floor time to voting on finalized regulations and putting lawmakers on record on President Obama’s most harmful regulations.

Voter Education: Network organizations will educate voters about their elected representatives’ positions on regulations that impose barriers to opportunity for hardworking families.

Yes, sirs! Right away, sirs!



Andrew S. Ross

Distinguished Journalist in Residence, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, UC Berkeley.