How to Stake your KSM to Altair PLO

Dylan Dedi
Altair Network
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2021

*** Note: Altair crowdloan is launching VERY soon 👀 here is some free alpha on how to start staking when the crowdloan opens***

We’re happy to see you here! Staking KSM to Altair will stake you to the Altair journey with Kusama for the next year. We’ve made a quick tutorial to help you along the process:

How to Participate

1) Unbond any locked KSM tokens. More on the PolkaWiki here.

2) Go to Polkadot.js or an exchange that is supporting the Altair PLO (OKex, Kraken).

3) Contribute to our crowdloan and earn our native AIR token as a reward.

Ways to Contribute

KSM holders have two ways to participate:

1) Contribute directly

KSM holders can contribute directly to the Altair crowdloan through the Kusama portal.

2) Contribute through an exchange

Altair has partnered with three leading exchanges: OKex and Kraken to allow their users to contribute directly to our crowdloan. If you plan to use a participating exchange, please refer to their websites for instructions on how to do so: OKex or Kraken.

Detailed tutorial for contributing to the Altair crowdloan

First, make sure your account is imported to the Polkadot.js extension with enough fees to pay the transaction (~0.00008 KSM) plus your desired KSM amount to stake.

  1. Go to the crowdloan contribution tab on polkadot.js: here.

2. Select contribute and input your desired amount of KSM.

3. Sign transaction

And you’re set! If you have any further questions, please head to the Centrifuge discord and find the Altair conversation.

