Altcoin News: Bitcoin Tycoon LI Xiaolai Rails Against Wikipedia Co-Founder

August 26, 2019, by Marko Vidrih on ALTCOIN MAGAZINE

Marko Vidrih
Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2019


Last week, Wikipedia co-founder and director of information for the Everipedia blockchain project, Larry Sanger, expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the EOS network is actually controlled by Chinese investors. This, he said, prevents the creation of decentralized applications based on it.

Well-known Chinese Bitcoin tycoon and serial investor Li Xiaolai commented on Sanger’s comments, writes the local portal 8btc.

“Without me, how EOS can come into being?”, he wrote.

Xiaolai said that he invested in Block.One, an EOS-developing company, several years ago and funded the program four times. The investor also noted that he should not be confused with Norman Bethune, a Canadian surgeon who helped the Chinese Communists in the fight against Japan, and one of the most respected foreigners in China. Xiaolai claims that he expects to receive a salary for supporting the project and does not finance it out of altruistic motives, in connection with which he considers the comments about the domination of the “Chinese oligarchy” in the EOS system inappropriate.

“Whether Everipedia can be built successfully without such an entity?” Li satirized.

Sam Kazemian, president and co-founder of Everipedia, in turn, said that none of his team was going to leave the project. According to him, Sanger just wanted to emphasize a certain feature in the EOS management structure but did not try to offend any community, especially Chinese users who actively support the project. He also confirmed that Everipedia has no plans to abandon the EOS protocol.

Author: Marko Vidrih



Marko Vidrih
The Dark Side

Most writers waste tremendous words to say nothing. I’m not one of them.