Altcoin News: China Has Published the Eleventh Rating of Cryptocurrency

March 22, 2019, by Marko Vidrih on ALTCOIN MAGAZINE

Marko Vidrih
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2019


The Center for Information Technology Development in China (CCID) has released the eleventh rating of cryptocurrency: Tron topped the list for the first time, while Bitcoin has been downgraded slightly.

This month, as in the previous month, 35 projects were evaluated. Tron debuted last month, replacing Ethereum in the second position. EOS tops the list since June 2018. BTC ranks 15th, down two places from the previous rating. BCH also worsened its result — from the 27th position, it went down to the 31st.

“The results show that the world’s three major Dapp platforms — EOS, Tron, [and] Ethereum — still rank in the top three, [and] the scores are 155.7, 146.7 and 142.8, respectively,” the center wrote.

All 35 cryptocurrency projects were evaluated on the basis of three subcategories: “basic technology”, “applicability” and “creativity”.

Basic Technology, which accounts for 64% of the total index, mainly examines the level of technical implementation of the blockchain, including functions, performance, security, and decentralization.

“Since the Constantinople upgrade, the efficiency of the Ethereum network has improved, and the Ethereum basic technology index has also risen from the 9th [place] to the 6th,” the CCID pointed out.

However, the average value of the core technology index declined slightly compared with the previous period.

“Applicability”, which makes up 20% of the total index, basically assesses the comprehensive level of support for public chains for practical applications. The five best projects in this area are Ethereum, NEO, Nebulas, Tron, and Ontology. In contrast to the category of “basic technology”, the average value of the index of “applicability” has increased compared with the previous period.

Creativity, which accounts for 16% of the total index, has collected the top five projects — BTC, Ethereum, EOS, Litecoin, and Lisk.

This category focuses on “continuous innovation in the public chain,” the CCID explained, adding that “The innovation sub-indices of Litecoin, Bytecoin, EOS, Nebulas and Hcash have increased significantly from the previous period.”

However, the center came to the conclusion that, on the whole, the average value of the “innovation” subindex decreased as compared with the previous period, which indicates a decrease in the activity of global technological innovations.

Author: Marko Vidrih

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Marko Vidrih

Most writers waste tremendous words to say nothing. I’m not one of them.