Altcoin News: CryptoPiknik 2019 in Slovenia

September 24, 2019, by Marko Vidrih on ALTCOIN MAGAZINE

Marko Vidrih
The Capital
Published in
3 min readSep 24, 2019


Traditional CryptoPiknik, the third in a row, on Saturday took place in a spacious space in Podpeč, where there was also plenty of sports opportunities for everyone involved — besides full table of chafing dishes. Crypto picnic was attended by about a hundred crypto-enthusiasts.

The picnic was organized by the Bitcoin Association Slovenia. The president of the Bitcoin Association Slovenia, Jure Pirc, told us more about the background of the picnic and the crypto scene in the country:

“Bitcoin Association Slovenia is the first non-profit association, an organization in Slovenia, founded to connect like-minded partners, individuals, and to inform the general public, little man, around Blockchain technology. We have been operating since 2013, and today we have 474 members of the Association. I can say that the activity of the society fluctuates with the fluctuations of the crypto market. Other than that, we manage a lot of social medias in the society, we also have the largest Facebook group [in Slovenia] in the crypto-sphere, with over 14,000 members. Surprisingly, as many as 27 percent of them are women!

As a association, we are available to individuals primarily for raising awareness in the field of cryptocurrencies, if they have any dilemmas, etc. Our support is availeble online 24/7 based on our capabilities. Our mission from day one, in accordance with our statutes, is to be the first line that people can turn to to help open a crypto-wallet, to register in exchanges, and especially to the dilemmas of whether the project is a scam or a real project.“

Joining the association is easy, on or association’s websites you can find the membership statement and further instructions on joining.

This year’s CrytpoPiknik provided an abundance of food and drink, the evening was catered by DJ and the highlight of the evening was the pre-premiere of the CryptoNation documentary.

“The idea for the movie dates back to 2017”, Pirc says. — “The end result of the film, unfortunately, came out quite differently than originally planned. When it was necessary to appear in front of the camera, when the directors and producers called for crypto entrepreneurs, those who are in the top of the crypto scene in Slovenia unfortunately showed their shy face and refused to appear in the film, moreover, some did not even fulfill their financial support to authors, so the authors put the matter a little differently and presented it in a somewhat tragicomic way.”

In doing so, they suggested that Slovenia is not yet ready to become a real crypto-nation, but this idea is still alive among the people.

This year, the event was supported by sponsors, namely, GoCrypto — a new rebrand from Eligma, and Viberate, which made the organization and implementation of the event much easier compared to previous years, Pirc concludes.

The much anticipated CryptoNation movie pre-premiere was set to begin at 9:21 pm. hours. Jure Kreft, the film’s producer, and Jure Dostal, the film’s director said they initially wanted to make a movie about Bitcoin and madness, which has been present in the crypto-world in the second half of 2017, but due to financial and other factors, the film was created in a different form. They also pointed out that this is a movie that raises more questions than answers.

It is a short unclassic documentary about cryptocurrencies and the situation in Slovenia, talking between the lines. The film has a wealth of tragicomic inputs, which is understood especially by those who are already native to the cryptocurrency field.

Author: Marko Vidrih



Marko Vidrih
The Capital

Most writers waste tremendous words to say nothing. I’m not one of them.