How Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Can Help Established Companies Achieve Specific Targets

By Yahya Mohamed Mao on ALTCOIN MAGAZINE

Yahya Mohamed Mao
Published in
7 min readOct 15, 2018


Presenting the success stories of the ICO of a proven cloud business case expanding across the globe.


The case of the n’ ICO shows that the trend may go towards ICOs of established companies aiming to raise funds for the realization of specific goals rather than ICOs to help fund new companies.

With the rise of blockchain technology and digital currency the traditional understanding of monetary and payment system has been inevitably turned on its head. Blockchain transformed the well-known notion “crowdfunding” into ICO or Initial Coin Offering. The latter knew an outstanding rise in 2017 reaching its peak in January 2018 where a total number of 82 projects collected more than 1.6bn dollars. According to Forbes contributor Jeffrey Stucker, “the ICO illustrated the hope that anyone could be involved in both soliciting and investing in enterprise while bypassing the hugely regulated, bureaucratized, and impenetrable apparatus of traditional financial markets, including rarified venture capital funding.”

“A market with virtually no barriers to entry for upstarts is going to attract…well, just about anyone.”

Nonetheless, probably related to the difficulties of cryptocurrencies notably Bitcoin or the fact that many ICOs failed to achieve funding target and goals set, experts tend to predict the end of the ICO boom. Interestingly, Stucker points out that “a market with virtually no barriers to entry for upstarts is going to attract…well, just about anyone.” In addition, a report by, to whom Tucker refers, showed that 15% of the ICO projects were launched by operational and established companies. So is the case of the n’ ICO, known as the ICO of a proven cloud business case expanding across the globe.

The n’ cloud platform is running successfully in Switzerland in one of the most secure data centers in the world. Customers from various countries are already using one or more of the offerings in IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. The main motivation behind launching an ICO was the vision and aspiration to achieve accelerated growth through international expansion in over 60 countries by replicating the existing cloud platform and operational model. In fact, the capital raised helped the company to make significant progress towards achieving their goal of global expansion. Currently, many exciting projects/prospects in Switzerland and key growth countries in Asia are being worked on. Here is an overview of different milestones that have been reached so far:

1) Brand development — n’ positioned as a global brand

  • n’ is establishing more and more as a true global brand with attention from across the globe. Alexa has elevated the website into the top 85K websites in the world. Since the launch of n’ as a brand in March this year, roughly 500’000 users from 160 countries across the globe visited Meanwhile, it is enough to look for “Swiss Cloud” or even for CDaaS, with whom the company won the Innovation Award in Germany. This is how n’ appears among the top search results on Google, Bing, Yahoo or Baidu.
Establishing n’ as a world-renowned brand with leading brands like Microsoft, Google, Samsung and Amazon
  • For two months now, the company has also been running a blog called n’world publications where the goal is to create an international community of free knowledge sharing and creation. It has already received 5300 views and users have spent 3700 minutes cumulatively reading the articles which has rated the blog as “one of the trendiest”.
n’world publications

2) Country development — n’ in other markets

  • Besides the branding goals, some country development goals have been set and mentioned in the ICO Whitepaper. As a result, sales have been initiated in France, India and Pakistan with local marketing and sales staff. Additionally, a small blockchain team in Pune, India has also been initiated.
  • The first n’ country organization will be built in Pakistan. The preliminary foundation work for establishment of n’ Pakistan Ltd. is in progress.
  • n’ is also recruiting resellers in numerous countries and huge efforts are made in setting up a strong network of resellers in 30–40 countries in the next couple of months.

3) Partnering news — n’ is making headways in international markets

Successful branding is one milestone but not the only one. Several partnerships to launch innovative cloud projects in various fields have been agreed. Here are some examples:

  • The world’s first e-voting platform on blockchain is running on n’ and has been successfully tested by the City of Zug, Switzerland. The project is a co-operation with Luxoft AG, a company based in Zug and listed on NYSE. The e-voting application is opening doors around the world for local and national governments even since.
  • Ryax Technologies from France is developing Edge Computing projects on n’ (e.g. pollution detection on public transport by sensors).
  • Traxco AG will help in the course of a strategic partnership to position n’ as the “cloud alternative” to the major global cloud providers in the South East Asian markets.
  • n’ AG and Pofco Solution Consultancy and Services Pvt. Ltd., based in Kolkata, West Bengal, India, will explore common projects in the field of on-prem (private) and n’ public cloud projects throughout the Indian market.
  • n’ is developing a Machine Learning application for a more accurate and faster diagnostic in radiology with the University of Bern and Inselspital.
  • n’ has launched a new tax declaration application called “Agrivalor” for Swiss farmers with Agriexpert. The application has recently been accepted in four states in Switzerland with many more to come.
  • Further projects in the area of Blockchain for Fintechs, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and IoT are in development with partners and customers in various countries.

4) “Innovation is in our DNA and we aspire to be leading innovators” — André Matter, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors

n’ aspires to be at the forefront of innovation and successfully runs Blockchain applications based on Hyperledger and Ethereum. “We are now offering workshops for the development of Blockchain use cases and selection of the appropriate architecture, as well as training for project managers and technical specialists. In this regard, we have successfully certified our quality management and information security management system (IMS) to ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 27001: 2013 standards”, explains André Matter, Founder and Chairman of n’ AG.


“All these success stories and milestones achieved have been made possible with the ICO. We are grateful for all investors who have trusted us from the first day on. These projects are just a glimpse of what is in the pipeline and I am looking forward to the future with n’ AG”, emphasizes Pascal Dossenbach, the company’s Chief Marketing Officer.

Investments in ICOs are considered extremely risky. For this reason, experts advise to be cautious and make a maximum amount of research before investing in any project. The number of scams, the lack of regulation and the ups and downs of bitcoin and other digital currencies have left significant scratches on the reputation of ICOs. Investors need certainty and calculability that only established companies with real customers and profit can make possible. A project “in progress” is therefore more of a risky investment leaving investors in the blur concerning the realization or not of the project. The trends goes towards ICOs of established companies with the opportunity of acquiring digital assets and benefitting from the company’s success and hence profit sharing.

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The purpose of ALTCOIN MAGAZINE is to educate the world on crypto and to bring it to the hands and the minds of the masses. This article was written and composed by Yahya Mohamed Mao on ALTCOIN MAGAZINE.



Yahya Mohamed Mao

Marketing Strategist, Author, Mentor & Speaker. Head Business Development & Marketing @ Swiss GRC