The Cure for Hyperinflation Could be Regime Change or Cryptocurrency


Patrick Tan
The Dark Side
Published in
8 min readFeb 8, 2019


When I was a junior lawyer at a hedge fund that specialized in emerging markets, my boss, the general partner and general counsel at the fund had an interesting photograph framed on his wall — a black-and-white photo of a group of German boys making a kite out of Reichsmarks, the currency of Germany’s ultimately doomed Weimar Republic.

One day, I asked him about the photo and why he had it in his office, to which he replied,

“It’s a reminder to me, that even the worst cases of hyperinflation in poorly governed countries can be turned around.”

“Now let me ask you this, if you were an emerging markets investor in the 1920s, would you have bet on Germany?”

His words struck a chord with me and to this day, I think about what he said whenever I read about hyperinflation.

I readily admit that had I been an investor during the 1920s, I would not have bet on Germany’s success. Yet today, Germany is one of the most successful countries in the world and the economic powerhouse of the European Union.

And while Germany’s turnaround may have taken a generation, it is proof that hyperinflation is not irreversible and countries can and…



Patrick Tan
The Dark Side

General Counsel for ChainArgos, the blockchain intelligence firm made famous for breaking the story that BUSD was unbacked by US$1.4bn