The new blockchain finance sector — 3 companies that will find their niche


Laurie Dunn
The Dark Side
Published in
5 min readOct 24, 2018


Blockchain will be just way superior to traditional business models in just about every industry sector.

Ok, I say ‘will be’ because blockchain and cryptocurrency are still in their infancy and there is a little way to go before businesses start leaping onto the blockchain wholesale.

It has taken time for blockchain startups to get financed (ICOs) and to build their tech. Also, no one is sure just how regulation will play out so big Wall Street investment is still on the sidelines looking in.

One thing is for sure though, replacement of existing business models with blockchain will happen sooner rather than later.

One sector where things are really starting to happen is in Finance and this essay is written from the perspective of disruption of this sector and the companies that will flourish in three of the finance niches.

Lendingblock — Cross-chain crypto to crypto lending

“Lendingblock, a cross-chain professional trading exchange that specialises in crypto to crypto loans. They are focused on bringing the securities lending model to the digital asset economy.”



Laurie Dunn
The Dark Side

A crypto enthusiast who researches and writes about up and coming blockchain projects.