Top 3 Reasons the Crypto Crash is Good News for the Industry


Norm Bond
The Dark Side
Published in
5 min readNov 26, 2018


Let’s take a break from licking our wounds and poortfolio returns.

These have been some rough weeks in the crypto trenches. And we
may not have found the true bottom yet but here are some things to consider.

Just take a look at Google Trends for the past (30) days versus the past (7) days for the terms cannabis and bitcoin.

For the past 3 months cannabis has been in the spotlight as a topic of peak interest. Whether the angle is medicinal use, better health or legalization
by states like Utah and Michigan or countries like Belize and Canada. The
consumer and B2B interest has been well — high.

Now take a look at Google Trends for the past (30) days versus the past (7) days for the terms “cannabis” and “bitcoin” in the United States.

bitcoin (blue) cannabis (red) 7 day search Google Trends U.S.



Norm Bond
The Dark Side

Digital Marketer | Consultant | Strategist | for Business Owners, Entrepreneurs & C-suite Executives |