Ubex Decentralized Advertising Based on Blockchain

Ahmad Fauzi
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2018

Artificial Intelligence is a branch of software engineering that means to make astute machines. It has turned into a basic piece of the innovation business.

Research related with Artificial Intelligence (AI) is exceptionally specialized and concentrated. The center issues of AI incorporate programming PCs for specific characteristics such as:Knowledge, Reasoning, Problem explaining, Perception, Learning, and Planning.

Capacity to control and move objects. Information building is a center piece of AI examine. Machines can frequently act and respond like people just in the event that they have bottomless data identifying with the world. AI must approach objects, classes, properties and relations between every one of them to execute information designing. Starting presence of mind, thinking and critical thinking power in machines is a troublesome and repetitive assignment.

Blockchain basically works as a circulated record. Also, it has two basic highlights. To start with, once information is put away in the record, it is commonly confounded (more so than with different advancements that are utilized today) to alter or erase. Each record on a blockchain is changeless and will keep going as long as the duplicate of the whole blockchain exists. Second, the record is disseminated among every one of the members on the blockchain, and every client keeps up a total duplicate of the blockchain.


Ubex is a worldwide decentralized advertising trade wherein organizations can promote in a powerful way. In the meantime, utilizing the Ubex’s administrations, the distributers can tokenize the various types of commercial spaces productive on the particular assets. The utilization of the Blockchain innovation will enable Ubex to act as per the Blockchain-confirmed undertakings in a compelling way. Additionally, it will give the sponsors an entire control over the separate publicizing efforts through beneficial information investigation and age or reports and data diagrams.

This is why companies like Ubex are developing artificial intelligence solutions that make it possible to provide a more personal and direct advertising messages to users. The Ubex platform aims to enable AI with a capacity to leverage website and user information that was captured by blockchain technology in order to serve the most appealing and relevant ads at all times.(https://www.business.com/articles/artificial-intelligence-advertising-trends/).


  1. Self-learning neural networks, which leads to substantially better targeting and absence of necessity to spend on ad tests.

2. Transition to the Pay-Per-Result model of ad purchases.

3. Elimination of intermediaries between publishers and advertisers, which leads to lower commission rates.

4. Track each target action and store the results in a database transparent for all participants.

5. Create trusted reputation ratings used by the neural core for advertisers and publishers.

6. Create mechanisms for guaranteeing mutual settlements (ESCROW, crypto factoring).

7. Tokenize ad spaces for publishers and pay in advance in UBEX Tokens.

8. Realize distributed data mining for consumer-related information used by the neural core.

Blockchain innovation is as of now being used in the computerized publicizing space, and here are a few cases of the tasks and activities. It ought to likewise be noticed that numerous enterprises are as of now well in progress even at this generally beginning time of advancement.

Join and Participate in UBEX ICO visit ;

Website : https://www.ubex.com

Telegram : https://t.me/UbexAI

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3393244

Twitter : https://twitter.com/ubex_ai/

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/UbexAl/



Ahmad Fauzi

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