Accidental Tech Podcast live at AltConf!

Anna Crook
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2017

Monday June 5th is going to be an awesome day. Apple’s Keynote and State of the Union will be screening at AltConf. If you’re joining us, you’ll be watching along with hundreds of your peers, just down the corridor from the real thing going on at WWDC. And, if you’re anything like the AltConf team, you’ll also be super excited about the event we have planned for you all later that day —

We’ve teamed up the guys behind Accidental Tech Podcast (ATP) and are ecstatic to announce that they will be joining us at AltConf to bring you ATP Live! The team behind ATP, Marco Arment, Casey Liss and John Siracusa will be kicking off the live recording at 5pm, Monday June 5th, in the San Jose Marriott. If you’re already an avid fan of ATP, or you’re keen to become one, join them and us for the live podcast recording, the first event of this kind at AltConf.

Tickets for this event are $5.00, and we’re inviting all of the Community to attend— not just those who have an AltConf ticket. Hero Supporters, we’ll be giving you priority access if you purchase a ticket for this event. Sign up here to reserve your spot!


Where? AltConf 2017 (Level 2 Ballroom, San Jose Marriott, San Jose, CA)

When? Monday 5th June 2017, 5pm — 7pm (doors open from 4:30pm)

What? ATP Live! Podcast recording

Who? Everyone is welcome — you don’t have to be an AltConf attendee to be eligible to come.

Tickets: $5.00 & available here. Make sure you sign up for your spot now as spaces are limited.

Want to give back to your community by volunteering at AltConf? Volunteers who support for the equivalent of 2 full days get Hero Supporter access the rest of the week! You can sign up here.

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