Javascript charts comparator

Koku Ulrich GBLOKPO
2 min readDec 2, 2021

As nowadays applications resolve more and more on displaying numeric data, the need for charts libraries is growing accordingly. In the Javascript ecosystem, there are few libraries which each have their own subtleties, sometimes style wise, sometimes features wise.

Javascript charts comparator is a Storybook implementation, that presents the most used libraries in the field, so developers can see the representation of the same chart type over various libraries and thus be able to choose the right library for their functional need.

Interact and compare

We focused on four libraries which are among the most used open source charts libraries in javascript : Apexcharts, Chart.js, Ui.Toast and Chartist.

We propose two level of information, first through an interactive Storybook that holds chart examples under few categories : Area charts, Bar charts, Box charts, Donut & Pie…

Second, we built a small comparison table for the libraries through their features.

Open source javascript chart libraries offer customization, animations and responsiveness out of the box.

Get the code

Project is available over Github :

Follow the readme to launch the app and make your comparison !

