How did we get here?

Moronfolu Tosin
Published in
4 min readJan 29, 2021
Photo by Hello I'm Nik 🎞 on Unsplash

There are quite some things that have been on my mind for the past few weeks and the Holy Spirit has been dealing with me on these things and I just want to share from my heart how much we’ve strayed.

This generation is a very interesting one, we have subscribed to a lot of things that are against the desires of God and we’ve gotten so comfortable with them. We don’t even see it as wrong and the Father’s heart is yearning for us to come back to Him.

A generation that takes offence when being corrected, everyone wants to be pampered and petted. We can’t take hard truths, we prefer someone lies to us just because it doesn’t make us feel wrong. They would say you’re judging them, how can it be that someone who is showing you your wrong from the lenses of the scripture is judging you?

A generation that has taken the truth of God’s word and turned it to a lie and then they call It “my truth”. The other day someone was suggesting we take the scriptures out of its context while talking to “baby Christians” because it might be too hard for them to take. The scripture is what was and is on God’s heart for the world when taken out of context, it loses its power and it’s therefore null and void.

A while back, I was making excuses for watching Game of Thrones, saying:

“even though there is some immorality there, you get to learn a lot of things about life and relationships and kings from the movie, you’ll learn about government and also how to handle situations of life.”,

In other words, you would get wisdom from the movie. The Holy Spirit at that point told me to shut up and He said these words to me:

“you are learning from the same kingdom that I have sent you to tear down and overthrow, and then you take what you’ve learnt and come and apply it in the church and then you wonder why there isn’t any difference between the world and the church. What do you want to learn about life that can’t be gotten from the word of God? what wisdom do you seek that isn’t in scripture? Don’t you know that this world professes to be wise but they are actually fools? And yet these are the people you’re learning from”.

At that point, I had to start asking for mercy, unconsciously we have exalted the wisdom of the world above that of God. These movies constantly paint a picture that isn’t Godly to us and we have unconsciously taken it in. The writers of these movies are either atheists or agnostics, they don’t believe in God and they do thorough research and put in a lot of work to prove that God doesn’t exist and they have succeeded in selling it to us believers and we have bought it. The Holy Spirit was telling me about the most popular comedy series, which I won’t mention its name, and how it constantly posed that Jesus was a fraud but I made excuses that it was funny and relaxing, I said I know my God and I can’t believe that part. I said it is just to chill and I saw all 12 seasons of the movie, sigh!

Don't hear what I’m not saying (or read what I’m not writing I should say), I’m not saying all movies are bad, but as Christians, we know what movies we should and shouldn't watch. We know, let’s be truthful to ourselves

A generation that doesn’t see anything wrong with listening to secular music, they make an excuse of it being “art”, forgetting that this was the domain of the devil while he was in heaven. We have forgotten that the only thing God eats is praise and worship, we have blinded our eyes to how spiritually powerful music is. The music industry has painted a picture of idolatry, immorality, insecurity, amongst other terrible things and we have successfully taken it in, amazing.

I can go on and on about a lot of things my eyes have been open to lately and end up writing a book instead of an article. The issue of relationships and sex is there, the issue of purpose is there, and many more.

But seriously, lately, I’ve been asking myself, aren’t we the Joel 2 army? The same people great and mighty that have been sent to tear down the kingdom of darkness and establish the kingdom of God? The same kingdom of darkness that we’ve copied? How are we supposed to tear down what we have been a part of building? How do we save the lost when we are lost? How did get here? What do we do now? Where do we go from here?

The aim of this write-up is not to judge anyone, I am a culprit also, it is to open our eyes to the level of destruction that has befallen the church. We have to wake up, God is calling us back to Him, we have to answer, it’s an urgency, we’ve strayed too far, we have to turn back to our first love.

The question is, who’s side are you on? Who have you chosen to walk with for the rest of your life? Which kingdom do you belong to?



Moronfolu Tosin
Editor for

I write, I code, I read. always open to learning something new and improving myself