Identity (What happens now?)

Moronfolu Tosin
Published in
6 min readMay 27, 2020

So, amazingly this is the follow-up article of my previous article, if you didn’t read that, you should check it out. There I laid some foundation as regards the subject of identity which is very crucial to the life of a person on this earth.

I’ll begin this article with this, “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. — John 8:32 (NLT)”. If you read that particular verse of scripture again carefully, you would see that it is the knowledge of the truth that sets one free, so that means you can’t reap the benefits of something you don’t know about. There is something my pastor, Deborah Elijah says often, “God knows who you are, the devil also knows who you are, but the devil is counting on you not to know who you are”, this is so profound because the moment you come into the knowledge of who you are everything changes from then on.

I mean let’s take for instance when Tarly told Jon that he was a Targaryen and he was the heir to the throne of the seven kingdoms, the 6th of his name, everything changed for Jon at that moment. He had been called a bastard all his life, fighting to be accepted and reckoned with, but all this while he was the king of every single person that had called him a bastard and had treated him bad. The truth was always there that he was the heir to the throne, but he couldn’t claim the throne, why? Because he didn’t know the truth about himself. In the end, it was the knowledge of who he was that saved him from years of misery and pain and the bondage of being called a bastard, he now had a claim to the throne that commanded the 7 kingdoms.

The Intro

So, I just used that, as an illustration, to help you see that being ignorant of your identity keeps you bound. You now know that you are a citizen of heaven as I earlier stated, and now how do we know and access our rights and privileges as a citizen of heaven.

As a citizen of your country, how do you know and access our rights and privileges? Well, through the constitution. The constitution of the country clearly states all that you need to know and it’s the same thing in the kingdom of heaven, you want to know all your rights? Look into the bible, the perfect law of liberty as it was stated in James 1:25, in it is all you need to know who you are, what you have access to, and what your purpose is.

Identity — purpose — location

Photo by David Iskander on Unsplash

The word purpose is synonymous with the word mission and can be defined as a person’s task, the reason for someone’s existence or someone’s responsibility. All these stated are valid definitions of purpose, but how does this apply to your identity.

Interestingly, your name is just a part of your identity. Your identity is who you are, the way you think about yourself, the way you are viewed by the world, and the characteristics that define you.

For instance, I am Tosin Moronfolu studying physics at the University of Lagos. That information; my name, my course of study and my school, all come together to form my identity as a student. I’m not the only Tosin in UNILAG, also not the only Moronfolu, and I’m certainly not the only one studying physics in UNILAG, but a combination of these pieces of information make up my identity as a student.

On the flip side, I can also say, I’m the son of God living on the earth to tell people about Him and bring them to his kingdom. Do you see it? let me show you more clearly…

See it now? of course, you do.

Nothing happens by mistake, there is a reason you’re born in Nigeria or whichever country you were born in. Some people say God made a mistake of putting them in the family they are currently in instead of say, Bill Gates’s family. But wait a minute, this same God made human beings and everyone has a unique fingerprint and a unique iris pattern. We are currently about 7.8 billion people in the world, which means there are 7.8 billion different fingerprints and iris patterns.

With that level of complexity that He (God) has, and you’re telling me, He made a mistake putting you in the Adekunle Family, in Lagos, Nigeria? That’s not even possible, the reason you’re saying that is because you don’t understand your identity and purpose and how it corresponds to your location.

Connecting the dots…

Connecting these things is easier than you think. Let’s look at this illustration, Samsung made Galaxy s10 which runs on an operating system called Android which allows external applications on the phone to make it do the purpose of which you bought it. It’s the same thing with humanity, see this scripture “and he has identified us as his own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment that guarantees everything he has promised us. — 2 Corinthians 1:22(NLT)”, can you relate them? do you see it? well, let me show you more clearly…

Do you see it now? well, of course, you do. How do you learn to use the Samsung s10 phone with an Android 10 OS? By reading the manual that comes with the phone, right? yea.

Also on the flip side, how do you identify yourself and potentials and abilities and things embedded in you which run on the Holy Spirit? by looking into the Bible, right? yea.

Android is the operating system that runs a Samsung phone, the HolySpirit is the operating system that runs you (man/woman).

Do note that the man/woman that is being talked about here is one who has been regenerated. This means that this person has accepted Jesus into their lives as their personal Lord and Savior, just as I mentioned in the previous article. Because the Holy Spirit is a gift from God to the regenerated man.

The Outro

Using my life as an example, I was someone with a lot of uncertainly and anxiety, I was always concerned about who I was and what my life was going to be and all that. But then I got closer to God and started to study the bible and with the help of the Holy Spirit, all of a sudden things began to become clearer to me. I started to see who I was and how the direction of my life was designed, and uncertainty and anxiety left.

The Holy Spirit is not just a seal of promise but an ever-present guide to discovering who you are and navigating your purpose in the kingdom. Get close to God, read the Word and let the Holy Spirit guide you and trust me in no time your purpose and true identity will be revealed to you.



Moronfolu Tosin
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I write, I code, I read. always open to learning something new and improving myself