We have been deceived, it’s an illusion!

Moronfolu Tosin
Published in
6 min readJun 10, 2020

Disclaimer, this article contains ideologies that I consider as truth. I would advise that you have an open heart towards what you’re about to read and try to understand my point, and if after you don’t agree, well it’s fine. Just try to see my point, Thank you.

In the end, the truth will always prevail, whether it’s regarded or not.

Pandemic after Pandemic

See the world is in chaos at the moment, racism in the USA, rape in Nigeria, and the virus all around the world and it’s like the end is here and it just keeps getting worse. I mean, just the first day of June news came out that new Ebola virus cases were detected in some parts of Africa and we are like, will this get any better?.

Most people are tired already, this year started with deaths of prominent people, then WW3 scare, then wildfire in Australia, then corona, racism, rape, economic downfall, and everyone is at a loss for words or ideas, where do we go from here? and there is no guarantee that this will get any better any time soon. it’s like as we seem to be overcoming a particular thing, another arises from nowhere.

one of the memes on Twitter

This is just one of the memes that I saw on twitter, it seems funny, and it is funny but that’s just an illustration of the current situation in the world right now. It has never happened in history that the whole world would be on lockdown, that’s scary.

The Blindfold

Photo by Kirill Balobanov on Unsplash

But one thing I’ve come to realize is that we have been deceived and our focus has been shifted from the main thing. I am going to be centering on the issues of rape and racism because those seem to be what is taking the air space at the moment. people are protesting and not even minding social distancing again, nobody cares, all they want is justice. Enough is enough, these issues have lingered too long.

But in all of this, there is something we aren’t seeing, have we ever thought that maybe it is not what it is, because life sometimes expects you to look deeper than what the naked eyes are seeing.

There’s a depth to things that your naked eyes would never see, that’s why they are called depths, the same pattern has been reoccurring and same solution proferred, how do you expect the pattern to change?

Things sometimes are deeper than the naked eyes can see. Sometimes, it is not what it is. Experts often say that only a fool would keep doing the same thing and expect a change. By the way, foolishness isn’t an insult, it is a state of mind.

The Real Issue

See this, when sugar spills on the floor somewhere in your house all of a sudden you begin to see ants everywhere. Here’s the thing, if you keep killing the ants, the more ants you would have to kill but instead why not find what is making them increase even though you’re killing them. The sugar is what is causing the reappearance of the ants, once that is taken out of the way you won’t see them again.

The problem wasn’t the ants, the problem was the sugar and once that was taken out the ants disappeared. Things are deeper than the naked eyes can see, the major issue was the sugar and the minor issue were the ants. But yet we have been focusing on ants all this while, all along.

Racism isn’t about a particular race/color, rape isn’t about a particular gender, those are the ants that generation after generation have been focusing on and killing but it still resurfaces every time. There is a sugar that we aren’t seeing, that we are blind to. Haven’t you ever thought about it? why is racism still a big thing centuries after? why is rape still a big thing centuries after? is it about white people? is it about the male gender? what’s the main issue?

Human rights activists have been fighting these 2 issues for centuries now and yet it’s still a big thing, when are we going to wake up to reality and stop thinking that a particular race/color or gender is the problem. Racism and rape are ants, that’s why they keep reappearing, there is a sugar somewhere that is causing the reappearance

Rape and racism have been for centuries before anyone in this generation was born and this is centuries after and we are still in this same problem, what if what we’re fighting isn’t what we are supposed to be fighting.

The thing is there can be a thousand ways to do something, but there is only one right way to do it, there can be multiple lies but there can only be one truth. what I’m driving at is that we have tried multiple ways to deal with these issues with no positive result, there must be a right way to go about them that will bring lasting change and I’m sure that answer is not on the surface.

Hashtags won’t solve anything. that’s why they are called trends, they have a life span and fade away after a little while. For instance, in Nigeria, the issue of rape was trending for about 3 days on twitter and all of a sudden a scandal happened in one of the tv shows and everyone suddenly forgot about rape and the scandal overtook the trends and hashtags. In our minds, we’ve solved the issue of rape by putting up hashtags. Hashtags at best might provide solutions on a peripheral level by creating awareness and causing purposeful agitations but cannot upturn the system of wickedness and injustice.

Same in America, everyone is protesting and it’s good, the issue of racism has lingered but will that bring permanent change or temporary change?. I recently read a book titled power of habits and in that book, the author wrote about the 1955 civil rights protest that Martin Luther King Jr. the American preacher led and it seemed to have solved the issue of racism at that time, but this is 65 years later and the protests are still happening. What went wrong again?

If it’s about protests and hashtags, then these issues will be no more, but that’s not the case. There has got to be something the world is missing, something big, that if it isn’t found soon will cause these issues to linger. You can’t solve the issue of rape by using hashtags and designing fliers on social media and you can’t stop the issue of racism by sending one bad policeman to prison.

Final Thoughts

The world is being turned against itself. Companies are having internal problems because of racism, e.g Facebook. A female can’t stop looking at her boss terribly because she believes every man is a potential rapist. This is indicative of a certain ideology that the enemy is amongst us; Men are the enemies of women, Whites are the enemies of blacks, the rich are the enemies of the poor, but that’s not the case.

If the origin of all these forms of oppression predates us, then why do we keep thinking that we are the problem? If a system of injustice was already in operation before we were born, e.g racism, then why do we insist on solving the issues based on gender, color, etc.

Approaching the issue of rape by claiming ‘men are scum’ or the issue of racism by claiming ‘all whites are racist’ is as logical as intending to cut down a tree by plucking off its leaves.

If we can’t help ourselves, who then can help us? Watch out for the next post…



Moronfolu Tosin
Editor for

I write, I code, I read. always open to learning something new and improving myself