5 Email Types that Prove to Have Most Responses.

Alternative Digital Marketing
3 min readFeb 15, 2019


Despite the drastic development of social media channels and other ABM (Account Based Marketing) tactics, emailing is still super effective. According to the Radicati Email Statistics Report, there will be 319 billion sent and received emails in 2021.

Allen Finn from Wordstream has also stated that emails rank third amongst the most influential sources of information (after word-to-mouth recommendations and influencers!).

That is why we find it extremely relevant to share some types of emails that prove to be most effective.

  • Introductory Emails. We know that opportunity to sale something sounds extremely tempting, but resisting this temptation can allow you to build much stronger personal relations with the prospect.

    Take some time to introduce your company or yourself as a professional. It will definitely be more expensive in terms of time and can even seem like a waste of it. But if you do your client management right — you will an audience with much higher loyalty.
  • Social media Emails. One of the most sustainable digital marketing trends is omnichannel marketing. Basically, it means involving different channels not simultaneously (just spamming the same message using all possible channels), but successively (by differentiating messages and measuring the precise timing and channel).

    Social media emailing is a great example of omnichannel marketing, as you are raising awareness about other information channels your strategy involves. It will allow you to get closer with your audience, providing them with great visuals (using Instagram or Pinterest), quick updates (Twitter), useful information (blog or Medium), and interaction with other users (Facebook).

    According to our experience, this strategy is extremely effective in a long-term perspective.
  • Blog post emails. Focus on providing your prospects with useful information. They actually want you to do that. People are getting more and more immune for all the sales messages, so you need to prove you are contacting them not only to deliver some discount update or so on.

    According to HubSpot, “companies that published 16+ blog posts per month got almost 3.5X more traffic than companies that published between 0–4 monthly posts.”

    So why don’t you consider involving some extra traffic of users that are actually interested in what you do? This will give you much more chances to land a sale.
  • Name drop email. We are much more likely to pay attention to an email that mentions someone from our network. Moreover, we are more likely to trust the person we have a mutual connection with.

    B2B industry is still extremely dependent on word-to-mouth, so using namedropping strategy will quarantee you much higher interest and open rate, as a result.
  • Free help email. Doesn’t sound tempting when someone offers you their help for free? Especially when it is something you really need to be done. Introduce yourself as an expert in your field, prove it with some facts from your experience. Outline a problem and offer a solution. Then state it is totally free and voila, your prospect is intrigued.

    The only necessary thing: you really have to be an expert. You will fail without understanding the struggle and having a solution. You can’t fake it till you make it.
  • One more thing. You should never neglect the subject line when writing. There is nothing that will ruin your expert image more than a bad-organized email. It does not matter how talented and experienced in your niche you are if you are not capable to write a relevant subject line.

There are even more email types and great examples in Neil Patel’s blog, but you should remember that we have recommended you only those that have proven to be effective according to our own experience.

Be sure to check our blog to find more useful (and tested) information.



Alternative Digital Marketing

We provide Marketing Solutions for selected individuals and companies within the B2B sector.