How Homeopathy Can Treat Asthma

Alternative Healthcare Everyday
2 min readFeb 26, 2016

You surely have heard about Asthma, but do you know what causes this breathing trouble? When you have asthma, the bronchial tubes get squeezed or narrow making it more difficult to breathe. You might have symptoms such as tightness in chest, coughing, or wheezing and might feel breathless. This is because the body has to work harder when you are walking, climbing the stairs etc. Pollution or dust or animals like dog or cat hair can trigger an asthma attack too.

The allopathy and conventional medication offers control of symptoms. Bronchodilator inhalers enable the muscles of the airways to broaden a bit and let some air flow through. Just imagine your airways as tunnels, which have narrowed down due to asthma. These inhalers are helpers who widen the tunnel allowing greater flow of air. In some conditions, steroids are also given, and all of these have side effects. In contrast, one of the best ways to treat this ailment is with homoeopathy. The correct diagnosis and medication can prevent an acute condition and regular treatment can eliminate the ailment completely.

Natural Homeopathic medicines are prescribed as per the symptoms and psycho-physiological profile of a patient and not according to the condition. Breathing can be made easy by these medicines as they offer a breath of a fresh air (quite literally). Homeopathic medicines such as Arsenic Album, Natrum Sulph, Kali Carb and Bacillinum are few of the best remedies for asthma. These medicines work on your immune system and not just on your lungs.

You consult a homeopath doctor and you will be surprised at how much time he/she will spend on understanding your case, symptoms, etc. Besides recommending medicines for your symptoms, a homeopath will also try and find any allergic triggers and give you remedies for causes of allergic asthma. There are Homeopathic medicines of house dust mite, grass, pollen, etc.

As a matter of fact, this chronic illness affects over 300 million people throughout the world and sadly one in 10 of them are children. Though it might take longer, homeopathy can solve core or root causes and eliminate it permanently. These root causes can be rooted in emotional, genetic or some physiological trauma, but this treatment has a strong promise of resolving them. Not only does it cure the disease, it also has a positive and very harmonious effect on your body as it balances your entire system.

So if you suffer from this problem, don’t waste any more time. homeopathy can treat asthma so try homeopathy and breathe easy for the rest of your life. Go to Alternacare

