3 Life Lessons I Learned From My Dad

My dad was a remarkable man and, in this article, I reflect on three of the lessons he left me with while I was growing up.

Andy McAleese
6 min readDec 4, 2021
my dad painting with three children at work at the day nursery
Photo of my dad at work at the day nursery

I lost my dad, Robert, to cancer almost 20 years ago. There have been many times since where I’ve wanted his advice, guidance, or support, particularly once I became a parent myself. However, I know that there are already many ideas and principles that he had left me with while I was growing up.

Three lessons that stand out for me are

  • the power of questions and imagination;
  • following your path and taking a risk; and
  • do what you love.

The Power of Questions and Imagination

When I was a kid, there was a time when I went to our local shops to buy some sweets with my newly-given pocket money.

When I returned home, my dad asked where my sweets were. I’d eaten them all on the journey back. He followed up by asking where the wrappers were, to which I replied that I had dropped them as I walked.

He looked disappointed. He didn’t get angry or tell me off but asked me what I thought the world would be like if everyone dropped their litter wherever they wanted.



Andy McAleese

I’m passionate about helping to break down mental health stigma by sharing my lived experience and sharing what I’m learning about looking after my well-being.