Brewing Up Ideas for Fiction Stories

Looking for Feedback

Jasmine Dudley
Alternative Perspectives
3 min readDec 24, 2021


Photo by Nong V on Unsplash

So for the past few years, I have had two big ideas for fiction stories. And I've had a hard time deciding which one I wanted to devote my time to first, and I wanted to get your opinions on them and which one I should shoot for first.

Here's the first:

In the olden days of marauding pirates, the king and queen of a famously ruthless pirate fleet are captured after being tipped off about a raid by a trusted crew member, which turned out to be a trap. They and the rest of their crew are sentenced to life in prison. While imprisoned, the Pirate Queen gives birth to the couple's first child, who is taken from them and raised by the monarch of the main kingdom. The Pirate King and queen swore revenge on not just the monarchs but on the crew member who betrayed them.

The child grows into a beautiful, long-haired maiden. But she isn't the damsel in distress type. She is highly intelligent, has mastered various forms of combat (hand-in-hand and armed), and is exceptionally skilled in sailing ships. But her life is turned upside down on her 25th birthday. On her father's deathbed, she is told about her birth parents and their crimes against the kingdom. At the same time, her birth parents have escaped the prison, returned to their fleet, and have declared war on the main kingdom.

The maiden is torn. Should she stay and fight for the only home she'd ever known, or should she join forces with her real family and take her place as the heir of the fleet?

The second idea:

An alien race has surveilled Earth for decades and is ready to take it over in the not too distant future. But first, they send one of their best spies to do on-the-ground surveillance to get an insider look at their future hostages. They supply the spy with a human disguise, which is the form of a young black man. However, the spy expressed the desire for a female disguise. The request is rejected, and the spy is sent down to Earth with his disguise and orders.

While on Earth, the spy laments about the body he has been given, still wishing to have a female form. Then, he learns about the LGBTQ community. Upon researching the concepts of gender identity, the spy realizes that his gender identity differs from the one his superiors had given him. In other words, he started to identify as a woman instead of a man. Now going by she/her, the spy buys brand new clothes that reflect her new identity.

After being on Earth for a while, befriending another transgender black woman, and falling in love with a wealthy bisexual Japanese woman, the spy turns against her alien superiors and vows to protect her new home.

So yeah, that's what I got so far. Let me know what you guys think!

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Jasmine Dudley
Alternative Perspectives

32 year old from Maryland. She/her. Any randomness that lurks in my noggin, I plan to put out on this blog. Please buy me a coffee