Finding Your Calling

Kayla Hicks
Alternative Perspectives
2 min readDec 9, 2021


How many times has a person found their calling? Found the thing they want to do in life? I’ve actually wondered this often myself.

At such a young age, people are expected to figure out what they want to do for the rest of their lives when they have yet to fully experience life itself.

As I faced this decision years ago, I’d turned to the only thing I knew and aimed for the profession of someone I admired took on. To be a teacher, or more specifically, a teacher to early childcare children. However, to my dismay, as much as I loved that job, over time I came to find that it wasn’t what I was truly meant to do for the rest of my life.

When the pandemic hit, I had the chance to focus on my true passion — writing.

I’d given it a go in the time between being a mom and working a full-time job, but now was the time to give it my true focus. I had so much to learn but so many stories to tell. And you know what? Once I was truly able to focus on putting the words onto paper, it felt as if everything just clicked into place. Something I could see myself doing time and time again without becoming weary.

Life is too short to waste it following a dream that isn’t yours or things that cause you unhappiness. For so long, I tried to force myself to find joy in something that had lost its shine for reasons unknown. I’m only sorry that it took me so long to find what it was for me.

My point is — don’t be afraid to take a leap into the unknown. To chase something you dreamt to be impossible. Or, to take the time to search for the thing that will bring you joy to your everyday life.

My dad has this saying, and it wasn’t until I finally found my thing that it rang so loudly and clearly for me. He always said, once you find your dream job or you start doing what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.



Kayla Hicks
Alternative Perspectives

A published author on Amazon| Multi-Genre Author| Teaching about writing and publishing|