Stop Saying It

Pat Romito LaPointe
Alternative Perspectives
1 min readFeb 16, 2022

I am what I consider to be a moderate news junkie. This has been especially true these last few years. I’m sure this is due in part to my not liking surprises.

My griping began slowly about two years ago. I began noticing how often one particular word was repeated several times on many news programs. Everything seemed to be described as “unprecedented”

Yes, there were many times when events occurred for the first time. But, after a while were they not to be expected during such changing times?

I had a few news programs streaming on my computer while I attended to some chores. The chores, being boring and routine allowed me to listen more intently on the news. I began counting the number of times something was called “unprecedented” In three hours of news the word was used twelve times. This brought my frustration level over the top.

Isn’t there another word they could use? I guess not. But maybe after so many months they could just say it’s a new normal? Because really isn’t it that?



Pat Romito LaPointe
Alternative Perspectives

A lover of life stories, often finding humor in them. Refuse to take life too seriously. Appreciate out of the ordinary tales and those that inform.