The Dark Side of Carbon Offsetting

Carbon offsetting is sadly not the get-out-of-eco-jail-free card that some people think it is.

Cee R.
Alternative Perspectives


Whether you’re a frequent flyer looking to make up for the environmental sins of your trips around the world, a heavy-polluting fossil-fuel-based corporation, or just someone who gets their Etsy packages delivered, you’ve probably heard of carbon offsetting.

‘The Dark Side of Carbon Offsetting’ with a woodland background
Image: author’s own, made with Canva

But, so that we’re all on the same page: what is carbon offsetting?

Well there’s no concrete definition — everyone has their own ideas of what ‘counts’ as carbon offsetting and what doesn’t — but I can give you the basics.

Carbon offsetting, as far as I understand it, is where someone — sometimes an individual, but more commonly a business or organisation — attempts to counteract their carbon footprint by supporting environmental projects.

This support often comes in the form of… (paying to make the problem go away) …investing.



Cee R.
Alternative Perspectives

Writer, poet, (book) blogger @ , Queer, weird, & a tad peculiar. Bookish rebel. Welsh as a tractor on the M4. Buy me a coffee @