The God Myth

How we’ve gotten it wrong all along

Brandie Whaley
Alternative Perspectives
2 min readApr 4, 2022


When I was young, every night I would pray to the big guy in the sky, asking for protection over myself, and my loved ones, and probably my dog or something, too. Cause that’s what we tell little kids they should do. In reality, though, I think God is so far removed from us, we’re nothing but dust in his rearview, most likely.

If there ever was a time that God regarded us from the big seats, looking down upon us from up high, I think the novelty probably wore off long ago. Because we’ve not lived up to expectations, have we?

When I was a child, I felt the presence of my Creator in my life. When I prayed, I felt the hand of God guiding me. Now maybe that is just a young girl who desperately needed protecting grasping at anything available that might get her through the day but I don’t think so.

I think we see the pretty, user-friendly, retail side of God before we see the whole picture…. Because God IS light and love and happiness. Yet God is also heartbreak, death, and insanity. And all the tragedy you see in the world too because God, by definition, is all things.

That’s what we’re taught, isn’t it? So this God who loves me like his own sits idly by watching from his perch as loved one after loved one dies in tragic avoidable ways…does nothing while my heart breaks over and over again? Leaves me alone in a world I no longer recognize?

There’s no love in that. There is also no free will in that, in case that’s what comes to mind while reading this. God doesn’t love you. Doesn’t care if you live or die. You are like a grain of sand on the shore…numerous and interchangeable.

You’ve been told lies that were designed to comfort you, to dull you, to numb you, to make you pliable and full of acquiescence and obedience.

The question is not whether or not God exists…the question is, do you?



Brandie Whaley
Alternative Perspectives

Writer, Poet, Advice Guru, (self appointed) feminist, left-handed, sagittarius. ENTJ