The Newest Country in the World Is a Libertarian Utopia: Liberland

Do you want to become a citizen?

Alejandro Betancourt
Alternative Perspectives
4 min readMar 28, 2022


Liberland’s Official Flag. Screenshot by the author from liberland.org

“If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand.” — Milton Friedman

Libertarians have always been an interesting group. They are an ideological minority that sees the world in black and white. They believe that the government should not interfere with their life — and instead, they should be free to do as they please.

This ideology has been around for a long time, but it has never been popularized. Nowadays, however, libertarians are more vocal than ever before.

What is Liberland?

Liberland is a self-proclaimed independent, sovereign state. It was founded on April 13th, 2015, by Czech politician and activist Vít Jedlička. The country’s motto is “To live and let live.”

The country was established on a 7 square kilometer area of unclaimed territory between Serbia and Croatia on the west bank of the Danube River. The site was not claimed by either country and had no known inhabitants.

Jedlicka’s first thing when he founded Liberland was to declare it as a sovereign state, which no other nation has recognized. He then started recruiting people to become citizens of this new country.

Jedlička chose “Liberland” because he wanted it to represent a country based on libertarian principles. He has said that the government’s role in Liberland will be limited to protecting its citizens’ rights and property.

The goal of Liberland is to create a country with minimal government interference and taxes that promote entrepreneurship and freedom of speech.

Czech lawyer Jakub Janda drafted the country’s constitution. It is based on the Constitution of the Czech Republic but with some modifications to reflect libertarian principles. For example, there are no taxes in Liberland, and there is no Social Security system.

Citizens of Liberland are known as Liberlanders. As of December 2021, there were over 700,000 people who had registered on the Liberland website expressing interest in becoming citizens.

What is the political situation in Liberland?

Liberland is a libertarian utopia. The government’s role is limited to protecting citizens’ rights and property. There are no taxes, no Social Security system, and no trade or capital flows restrictions.

The country has been described as a “free-market paradise.” Jedlička has said that he wants Liberland to be a “laboratory for liberty.”

Liberland is the Ideal Country for Entrepreneurs and Tech Startups

Liberland is the newest country in the world. The founders of this country have made it possible for people from all over the world to become citizens of Liberland, which means that they can live, work, or do business in this new country without visas or work permits.

The reasons why Liberland has become the new startup haven are:

  • low taxes: Liberland has a flat income tax rate of 10%.
  • No red tape: Liberland has no minimum wage, no mandatory social security or health care contributions, and no mandatory retirement savings.
  • Economic freedom: Liberland’s constitution prohibits excessive financial regulations and bans monopolies.
  • Freedom of speech: Liberland’s constitution guarantees free speech, press, assembly, and the right to petition.
  • Entrepreneurial spirit: Liberland has a low cost of living, minimal business fees, and no corporate income tax

How do I become a citizen of Liberland?

Anyone can become a citizen of Liberland by registering on the country’s website. There is no residency requirement, and citizenship is granted to anyone over 18.

Citizens of Liberland are required to pledge allegiance to the country’s constitution. They must also agree to respect the property rights of others and not use force against anyone.

What are the benefits of being a citizen of Liberland?

As a citizen of Liberland, you will enjoy many benefits, including:

1) low taxes: The government of Liberland only taxes citizens on their income at a flat rate of 10%. There are no corporate income taxes or capital gains taxes.

2) Economic freedom: Liberland has a free market economy with little regulation and no trade or capital flow restrictions.

3) Freedom of speech: The constitution of Liberland guarantees freedom of speech, press, assembly, and the right to petition.

4) Entrepreneurial spirit: The low cost of living and minimal business fees make Liberland an attractive destination for entrepreneurs and tech startups.

Liberland is Paving the Way for a Better Society

The Liberland project is a social and economic experiment to show that a country can govern itself without the use of violence.

The founders of Liberland are inspired by the idea that if we create an environment with primary laws, people will be more inclined to follow them.

A society in which people are free to live, work, and trade without interference from others is a better society.

What do you think about Liberland? Do you believe that the political situation in Liberland is a good or bad thing? Let me know in the comments below!

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Alejandro Betancourt
Alternative Perspectives

Entrepreneur, Investor, Executive Coach & Author. Single Dad sharing insights on Mindset, Philosophy, and Self-Improvement.