Think Your Life as a TV Show

Luca Tognon
Alternative Perspectives
2 min readDec 8, 2021

Life is not easy, that’s the only thing we know for sure. We struggle for any kind of failure like relationships, job opportunities missed physical or mental illness, fear of death, and so on. We are so creative when it’s time to create problems that most of the time they even don’t exists in reality, but just in our minds.

I’m saying this because I didn’t have a great time lately in my life. But these are the pros and cons to be human. We need to accept the bad times and keep going with our life. Sometimes It is after going through these tough times that you’ll have a clearer vision about where you are heading with your life, and why you are doing the things you do.

It’s normal to feel lost at some point on your journey. This means you are looking for something more meaningful and fulfilling.

That’s a good sign.

So why don’t you start thinking about your life as a Tv show?

My favorite Tv show is absolutely Mr. Robot and sometimes I feel fit in Elliot’s struggles, so why don’t you take a moment and think about what’s the things you love about your favorite character?

I bet the things you like the most are not their perfect and easy life, but instead their struggles and flaws that make them unique.

So why do you struggle for a perfect life?

A perfect life is made for extremely boring stories.

Why don’t you start living your life as the character you want to be and envision your future life as you would like it to be?

Take pen and paper and try to lie down all the things you would like to accomplish in the next 10–20 years and try to figure out the best solutions to achieve that vision of your future self. And when you will look back at this time, you will be very grateful for it.

Remember in the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, the decisions we didn’t make, and not the ones that didn’t work out.

Be grateful for what you have and start over and over again!

You are at a beginning of a new life.

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Luca Tognon
Alternative Perspectives

I write about how you can improve your life, be interested in new ideas and always look for something to learn. — From Italy