Tremors, Teetering and Staggering

Pat Romito LaPointe
Alternative Perspectives
2 min readMay 6, 2022
Photo by Molnár Bálint on Unsplash

I often meet online with a group of women. We share ways in which we can improve our lives and empower each other to be the best we can be.

One woman found the following exercise to support our journey:

Every so often we need to check in with ourselves. Are the long-held attitudes, self-statements, beliefs still relevant in your life? Is it time to question them? Reframe them? Remove them? To make positive changes in your life.

Complete the following statements. What still works for you?

I was excited by the interesting and creative responses from the group. They dug deep and made so many plans for changing their future lives. They wrote about changing careers, traveling, finding new friends. This was not surprising. Most of these women, many of which are my same age, are healthy and active. I knew my responses were going to reflect my PD. They we part of my “Parkinson’s “self”

I always…had a shower after waking up each day. Now it’s later in the day when someone else is home in case I have trouble. But at least I don’t need help with the shower.

I never…thought I’d need a walker or wheelchair at this age just to go anywhere. But I can still go out and engage with the world.

I can’t…totally accept my current condition. There are some days I’m getting better at accepting it.

I should…be more grateful things are not worse. I try to remind myself to feel the gratitude.

I suck at…understanding what I can and cannot do. The lack of understanding and acceptance can be very dangerous. I’m learning to think twice.

I wish…I could convey my gratitude for all those who have helped me more often and more clearly.

I want (as opposed to I am and I will) …a good night sleep and a day without pain.

I don’t have…my independence any longer. Need to remember that those who help me had nothing to do with my loss of independence. No reason to get so frustrated and angry.

One day…I have no answer here. The future is uncertain. A day at a time are words to live by.

I’m trying to…do my best to be as healthy that is possible for someone with Parkinson’s.

At least I have my writing. It brings me feelings of satisfaction and opens up a world of possibilities.



Pat Romito LaPointe
Alternative Perspectives

A lover of life stories, often finding humor in them. Refuse to take life too seriously. Appreciate out of the ordinary tales and those that inform.